Send Push Notification

You can use this activity to create notification and push this notification to the Mi Service.


The General tab has the following fields.

Field Description
Name The name to be displayed as the label for the activity in the process.


Provide a short description for the activity.


This activity has the following input.

Input Item Description
alertText The text used as an alert message.
sound Name of the sound file to be played, when the notification is delivered on the device.
badge Signifies number of waiting notifications on the server.

This value is used only for fireAndForget type of notifications. For managed notifications the badge number is:

  • dynamically stamped by TIBCO ActiveMatrix BusinessWorks Plug-in for Mobile Integration, and
  • the value is equal to the number of unacknowledged notifications for the specified device token at the time of dispatch.
businessId An optional custom id to be associated with a set of notifications to be used by the business users.
collapseKey Collapse key is added to the outgoing message.

When multiple messages are queued up in the Mi Service for the same user and collapseKey is set, only the last one with any specified collapse key is delivered.

For details, refer to Collapse Key.

devices High level group to hold platform specific device identifiers. Currently, iOS and Android devices are supported.
fireAndForget Optional. If set to true, the TIBCO ActiveMatrix BusinessWorks Plug-in for Mobile Integration neither tracks the notification delivery, nor awaits the acknowledgement from the device. Fire and Forget notifications are not managed by this plug-in. The delivery of such notifications is governed by the Quality of Service (QoS) of the respective platform notification service.

The default value is set to false.

retryCount Specify for the number of times the server can retry to send the notification, if the device does not respond by sending an acknowledgement within a stipulated time.

Actual retry is limited by the timeToLive value.

Important: Retry works only for live notifications.
Note: Default value is set to 0. The negative values if specified, gets converted to 0. Specify only a +ve value, that is, 1 or greater.
retryInterval Specify to set the time interval (in milliseconds) between the retry process of the notifications.
Note: Default value is set to 0. The negative values if specified, get converted to 0. Specify only a +ve value, that is, 1 or greater.
timeToLive Specify to set the time limit (in minutes) for the notification to be retained by the Mi Service.
Note: The default time is set to "5" minutes.


The following is the output for the activity

Output Item Description
notificationId The unique ID of the notification generated by the Mi Service.