Developing a Mobile Integration Process

The project in this tutorial focuses on how to use TIBCO ActiveMatrix BusinessWorks Plug-in for Mobile Integration with TIBCO ActiveMatrix BusinessWorks Enterprise. After completing the tutorial, you will be able to apply this methodology to your own projects.

Creating a BWMI Notification Process

This section guides walks you through creating and testing a process in TIBCO Business Studio. The process is named as bwmiNotification.



  • TIBCO ActiveMatrix BusinessWorks Enterprise
  • TIBCO ActiveMatrix BusinessWorks Plug-in for Mobile Integration


  1. Start $TIBCO_HOME\studio\3.6\eclipse\TIBCOBusinessStudio.exe.
  2. To create a new project, select File > New > Project > BusinessWorks > BusinessWorks Application Module.
  3. Specify bwmiNotification for the project name and click Finish.
  4. In the Process Editor window, select and drop a Timer activity from the General Activities palette. To add an activity on to the Process Editor, click on the activity and drop it on the Process Editor. Do not drag-and-drop the activity.
  5. Select the SendPushNotifications activity from the MI palette and drop next to the Timer activity.
  6. Create a link from the Timer activity to the SendPushNotifications activity using the icon.

    You will find this image icon on the right of the Process Editor under the Palettes.
  7. Select the Timer activity and in the Properties tab, select the General tab.
  8. Select the Run Once check box, if you want the notification to be sent once. The Run Once check box when cleared, shows the Time Interval and Time Unit fields.
  9. In the Time Interval field, specify the time (30 seconds). Default is 1. The recommended time interval is 30.
  10. Select the Interval Unit as Second from the drop-down list. You can select the interval unit as per your requirement. By default it is seconds.
    Note: Before creating this process, ensure that your device is registered and connected to the internet.
  11. Select SendPushNotifications in the Process Editor and in the Input tab, add the device token and map it to the iOS or Android.

  12. Select alertText in the Data Source and map it to the alertText in the XPath Expression editor.

  13. In the sound field, add “default” to enable the notification alert sound.
  14. Click the Debug icon to test the project.


Your mobile application receives the notification and an acknowledgement is delivered to the TIBCO ActiveMatrix BusinessWorks Mobile Integration service.