Error Codes
The following table lists error codes, detailed explanation of each error, where applicable, and ways to solve different errors.
Error Code and Error Message | Role | Category | Description | Solution |
errorRole | BW-Plug-in | Occurs when a parameter is not specified while running activity. Message will also contain parameter name. | Provide required parameter. |
errorRole | BW-Plug-in | Occurs when special character is used for group ID. | Remove special character from group ID. |
IOException occurred while retrieving XML Output for activity [{0}]. |
errorRole | BW-Plug-in | Occurs when an activity retrieves an XML output. | None. |
Exception occurred while invoking execute method for activity [{0}]. |
errorRole | BW-Plug-in | Occurs when an activity invokes an execute method. | None. |
Exception occurred while create producer.{0} |
errorRole | BW-Plug-in | Occurs when producer creation fails. | Check if Kafka configuration is correct and it is running. |
Exception occurred while send message to broker. {0}. |
errorRole | BW-Plug-in | Occurs when sending message to broker fails. | Check if broker is running. |
Exception occurred while create consumer.{0} |
errorRole | BW-Plug-in | Occurs when Consumer creation fails. | Check if Kafka configuration is correct and it is running. |
Exception occurred while receive message from broker. {0}. |
errorRole | BW-Plug-in | Occurs when receiving message from broker fails. | Check if broker is running. |
Exception occurred while establishing the Kafka connection.Please verify the Kafka connection configuration [{0}]. |
errorRole | BW-Plug-in | Occurs when kafka topic metadata is incorrect. | Check Kafka connection configuration for metadata. |
Exception occurred while sending message to broker because message is larger than the total memory buffer you have configured with the buffer.memory configuration. |
errorRole | BW-Plug-in | Occurs when memory buffer configuration is incorrect. | Change buffer memory settings. |
Exception occurred because topic name is illegal, contains a character other than ASCII alphanumerics, '.', '_' and '-'. |
errorRole | BW-Plug-in | Occurs when topic name contains special character other than ., -, _. | Update topic name in BW. |
Exception occurred because provided customer partition does not exist on Kafka broker. {0}. |
errorRole | BW-Plug-in | Occurs when specified partition does not exist. | Check partition for the broker. |
Exception occurred because given partition does not exist on Kafka broker. {0}. |
errorRole | BW-Plug-in | Occurs when specified partition does not exist. | Check partition for the broker. |
Exception occurred because message is too large. {0}. |
errorRole | BW-Plug-in | Occurs when message is larger than allowed size. | Archive message or increase allowed size in server settings. |