Class ContentHolder

Direct Known Subclasses:
ContentHolderForInput, ContentHolderForOutput

public abstract class ContentHolder extends Object
Provides a facade to a table record in EBX®.

A ContentHolder should be placed in a Data Transfer Object (DTO) like the following:

   public class CityDTO {
       dataModel = "urn:ebx:module:cities-module:/WEB-INF/ebx/schemas/person.xsd",
       tablePath = "/root/Person")
     public ContentHolder person;

This same DTO is usable as an argument of REST operations or as a response object. When used as an argument, the ContentHolder will be automatically created (an ContentHolderForInput instance) and supplied with the appropriate part of information coming from the HTTP request. When used as a response, a ContentHolder must be created through the ContentHolderForOutput.createForRecord(com.onwbp.adaptation.Adaptation) method, providing the wished table record, and returned.

A JSON format, for a given ContentHolder, can be described by using the ExtendedOutput annotation.
Two formats are available:

See Also:
  • Method Details

    • isForInput

      public abstract boolean isForInput()
      Returns true if this content holder is for input, false otherwise.
    • asContentHolderForInput

      public abstract ContentHolderForInput asContentHolderForInput()
      Unwraps this ContentHolder to get a ContentHolderForInput if it has been instantiated as so.
      the unwrapped ContentHolderForInput.
      IllegalStateException - if this ContentHolder has not been instantiated for input.
    • get

      public abstract Object get(Path aPath) throws PathAccessException
      Returns the value of the specified path.

      The resolution of the value is done according to the following rules:

      1. If the specified node is a function, always returns the evaluation of the function.
      2. If the target node specifies a specific osd:inheritance inheritance property, returns the locally defined value if a local value is defined (or "overwritten"/null); if no local value is defined, looks up the first locally defined value, according to the osd:inheritance properties.
      3. Otherwise, the default inheritance mechanism is used: if the value is locally defined, it is returned (it can be null); otherwise, looks up the first locally defined value according to the built-in child-to-parent relationship of datasets; if no locally defined value is found, the data model default value is returned (null is returned if the data model does not define a default value).

      Access and mapping rules:

      The access and mapping rules between XML Schema and Java are described in the chapter Mapping to Java.

      PathAccessException - if aPath does not refer to an existing node in the underlying type tree structure, or the specified node is above a terminal node.
      See Also:
    • get

      public final Object get(SchemaNode aNode)
      Returns the value of the local absolute path of specified node.
      IllegalArgumentException -
      • if the specified node does not belong to the data model of the current content.
      • if the current content is a table record and the specified node is not in the same table as the one of the current record.
      • if the current content is a dataset and the specified node is a table record node.
      See Also:
    • getString

      public final String getString(Path aPath) throws PathAccessException
      Returns the String value of the specified path or null if no value is defined.
      PathAccessException - if aPath does not refer to an existing node in the underlying type tree structure.
      ClassCastException - if the value of the node is not a String, that is, the underlying type node is not an XML Schema string type.
      See Also:
    • getInt

      public final int getInt(Path aPath) throws PathAccessException
      Returns the int value of the specified path, or 0 if no value is defined.
      PathAccessException - if aPath does not refer to an existing node in the underlying type tree structure.
      ClassCastException - if the value of the node is not an int, that is, the underlying type node is not an XML Schema integer type.
      See Also:
    • getBoolean

      public final boolean getBoolean(Path aPath) throws PathAccessException
      Returns the boolean value of the path specified, or false if no value is defined.
      PathAccessException - if aPath does not refer to an existing node in the underlying type tree structure.
      ClassCastException - if the value of the node is not a boolean, that is, the underlying type node is not an XML Schema boolean type.
      See Also:
    • getDate

      public final Date getDate(Path aPath) throws PathAccessException
      Returns the Date value of the path specified, or null if no value is defined.

      The mapping rules of the types xs:date and xs:time have some particularities that are described in Mapping to Java.

      PathAccessException - if aPath does not refer to an existing node in the underlying type tree structure.
      ClassCastException - if the value of the node is not a Date, that is, the underlying type node is not an XML Schema date type.
      See Also:
    • getList

      public final <T> List<T> getList(Path aPath) throws PathAccessException
      Returns the List value of the specified path, or an empty ArrayList if no value is defined.

      A node contains a List when, in the XML Schema, the corresponding node has been declared with maxOccurs > 1. The complete access and mapping rules between XML Schema and Java are described in the chapter Mapping to Java.

      PathAccessException - if aPath does not refer to an existing node in the underlying type tree structure.
      ClassCastException - if the value of the node is not a List, that is, the underlying type node does not have maxOccurs > 1 in XML Schema.
      See Also: