Interface ConstraintNomenclature

All Superinterfaces:
Constraint, JavaBeanVersion

@Deprecated public interface ConstraintNomenclature extends Constraint
Since enumeration constraint is more appropriate than this interface when there are many values in the enumeration or when display must be localized.
This interface specifies a nomenclature constraint that can be contextual and dynamic.

Definition in the data model

The constraint must be declared under the element xs:annotation/xs:appinfo/osd:otherFacets:

 <osd:constraintNomenclature class="" />
where is the fully qualified name of the class implementing this interface. It is also possible to set additional JavaBean properties:
 <osd:constraintNomenclature class="">
where param1 and param2 are JavaBean properties of the class specified.

For more information, see the JavaBean specification.

Life cycle

See Constraint life cycle.

See Also:
  • Method Details

    • getNomenclature

      Nomenclature getNomenclature(ValueContext aContext) throws InvalidSchemaException
      Returns a sequence of value-label pairs, where the values correspond to the underlying enumeration of this constraint.
      InvalidSchemaException - if a dynamic condition in the data model prevents the execution of this method.