Interface ConstraintEnumeration<T>

All Superinterfaces:
Constraint<T>, JavaBeanVersion

public interface ConstraintEnumeration<T> extends Constraint<T>
Specifies an enumeration constraint that can be contextual and dynamic. This interface provides a programmatic extension of the xs:enumeration facet.

Definition in the data model

The constraint must be declared under the element xs:annotation/xs:appinfo/osd:otherFacets:

 <osd:constraintEnumeration class="" />
where is the fully qualified name of the class implementing this interface. It is also possible to set additional JavaBean properties:
 <osd:constraintEnumeration class="">
where param1 and param2 are JavaBean properties of the class specified.

For more information, see the JavaBean specification.

Life cycle

See Constraint life cycle.

See Also:
  • Method Details

    • getValues

      List<T> getValues(ValueContext aContext) throws InvalidSchemaException
      Returns all values of the underlying enumeration of this constraint. All elements of the returned list must comply with the associated XML Schema type.
      InvalidSchemaException - if a dynamic condition in the data model prevents the execution of this method.
    • displayOccurrence

      String displayOccurrence(T aValue, ValueContext aContext, Locale aLocale) throws InvalidSchemaException
      Returns a string representation of the value specified for the end-user (a label).

      The specified value should be compatible with the type of the current node. Specifically, it should be one of the values returned by getValues(ValueContext). However, if this enumeration has changed, it is possible for the value to no longer be in the current enumeration. Therefore, such cases must be handled properly by the implementation of this method, independent of true validation errors.

      aValue - The value to display
      aContext - The current context
      aLocale - The current user locale
      InvalidSchemaException - if a dynamic condition in the data model prevents the execution of this method.
      See Also: