Interface SchemaFacetEnumeration

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public interface SchemaFacetEnumeration extends SchemaFacet
This interface represents enumeration facets associated with a node. The general definition of an enumeration facet is that it constrains the possible values to a specified set of values. It can be:
  • a foreign key constraint (osd:tableRef);
  • a static enumeration defined by the standard XML Schema facet xs:enumeration;
  • a dynamic enumeration defined by the extended facet osd:enumeration;
  • an enumeration constraint defined in a Java class;
  • a static nomenclature defined by the extended facet osd:nomenclature (deprecated);
  • a dynamic nomenclature defined by the extended facet osd:nomenclature osd:path="pathToNomenclature" (deprecated);
  • a nomenclature constraint defined in a Java class (deprecated);
  • a osd:FacetOResource constraint.
See Also:
  • Method Details

    • isEnumerationStatic

      boolean isEnumerationStatic()
      Returns true if this enumeration is static (declared using the element xs:enumeration).
    • isConstraintEnumeration

      boolean isConstraintEnumeration()
      Returns true if this enumeration is programmatic (declared using the element osd:constraintEnumeration).
      See Also:
    • getValues

      <T> List<T> getValues()
      Returns the values of this enumeration if it is statically defined in the data model. Returns null if this enumeration is dynamic or is a SchemaFacetTableRef.
    • getPathToValues

      Path getPathToValues()
      Returns the path defined in the data model, if this facet is dynamic. Returns null if this enumeration:
      • is static,
      • is a foreign key constraint,
      • defines a java class.
    • getEnumerationNode

      SchemaNode getEnumerationNode()
      If this facet is dynamic, returns the node whose value is a List that contains the enumeration. Returns null if this enumeration:
      • is static,
      • is a foreign key constraint,
      • defines a Java class.
    • getNomenclature

      <T> Nomenclature<T> getNomenclature()
      Returns the nomenclature defined in the data model. Returns null if this enumeration is dynamic or is not a nomenclature.
      See Also:
    • getPathToNomenclature

      Path getPathToNomenclature()
      If this facet is dynamic, returns the path defined in the data model. Returns null if this enumeration:
      • is not a nomenclature,
      • is a static nomenclature,
      • defines a Java class.
    • containsValue

      boolean containsValue(Object aValue, ValueContext aValueContext)
      Returns true if the current enumeration or nomenclature contains the given value.