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All Classes and Interfaces|All Packages|Constant Field Values|Serialized Form


XPathExpressionHelper - Class in com.onwbp.adaptation
Builds and manipulates table record XPath expressions.
XPathExpressionHelper() - Constructor for class com.onwbp.adaptation.XPathExpressionHelper
XPathFilter - Class in com.onwbp.adaptation
Defines an XPath predicate.
XS_ANY_URI - Static variable in interface com.orchestranetworks.schema.SchemaTypeName
Built-in XML Schema data type xs:anyURI.
XS_BOOLEAN - Static variable in interface com.orchestranetworks.schema.SchemaTypeName
Built-in XML Schema data type xs:boolean.
XS_DATE - Static variable in interface com.orchestranetworks.schema.SchemaTypeName
Built-in XML Schema data type xs:date.
XS_DATETIME - Static variable in interface com.orchestranetworks.schema.SchemaTypeName
Built-in XML Schema data type xs:dateTime.
XS_DECIMAL - Static variable in interface com.orchestranetworks.schema.SchemaTypeName
Built-in XML Schema data type xs:decimal.
XS_INT - Static variable in interface com.orchestranetworks.schema.SchemaTypeName
Built-in XML Schema data type xs:int.
XS_INTEGER - Static variable in interface com.orchestranetworks.schema.SchemaTypeName
Built-in XML Schema data type xs:integer.
XS_NAME - Static variable in interface com.orchestranetworks.schema.SchemaTypeName
Built-in XML Schema data type xs:Name.
XS_NMTOKEN - Static variable in interface com.orchestranetworks.schema.SchemaTypeName
Built-in data type xs:NMTOKEN.
XS_NMTOKENS - Static variable in interface com.orchestranetworks.schema.SchemaTypeName
Built-in XML Schema data type xs:NMTOKENS.
XS_STRING - Static variable in interface com.orchestranetworks.schema.SchemaTypeName
Built-in XML Schema data type xs:string.
XS_TIME - Static variable in interface com.orchestranetworks.schema.SchemaTypeName
Built-in XML Schema data type xs:time.
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All Classes and Interfaces|All Packages|Constant Field Values|Serialized Form