Configuring LDAPS
If you are using an SSL connection, you can configure Spotfire Statistics Services to use LDAPS.
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If you are using an SSL connection, you can configure Spotfire Statistics Services to use LDAPS.
certutil -ca.cert ca.cer
keytool -import -alias dc -keystore C:\(keystore_dir)\keystore.jks -file C:\(path_to)\ca.cer -trustcacerts keytool -import -alias dc -keystore C:\(keystore_dir)\cacerts.jks -file C:\(path_to)\ca.cer -trustcacerts
These two commands generate the files keystore.jks and cacerts.jks. When you issue the commands, specify passwords for the files. Make a note of the passwords you use, because you will need them in the step next step.
On Windows, do this by opening SPSERVER_HOME\tomcat\bin\<service_name>w.exe, selecting the Java tab, and then adding the following properties under Java Options.\some\directory\keystore.jks\(keystore_dir)\cacerts.jks
On UNIX/Linux, add these properties to the appropriate location in the startup script.
ldap.protocol=ldaps ldap.port=636