Installing the Tomcat enabler

The following procedure describes how to install the Tomcat enabler:


  • This guide presumes a strong familiarity with your particular version of Tomcat. If you are uncertain of how to achieve a particular task, consult your version specific Tomcat documentation.
  • This guide assumes a Silver Fabric broker is running with at least one engine installed, and that you have the broker’s host name, a user name, and password for the Silver Fabric Administration Tool. If this is not true, see the Silver Fabric Installation Guide, or contact your administrator.
  • Refer the included Silver Fabric Readme for the latest prerequisites required for this enabler.


  1. Get the required grid libraries for the installation.
    The Tomcat enabler consists of an enabler runtime grid library and a distribution grid library. The enabler runtime contains information specific to a Silver Fabric version that is used to integrate the enabler, and the distribution contains the application server or program used for the enabler.
    Enabler runtime grid libraries are downloaded from the TIBCO download site. Distribution grid libraries are created by referring the directions in Creating distribution Grid Libraries. Note that Distribution Grid Libraries are not provided by TIBCO.
    The following required grid libraries for each version of the Tomcat enabler are listed:
    Tomcat Version Required Grid Libraries


  2. If you are upgrading enabler, stop any active components that is currently using the Tomcat enabler.
  3. Copy the desired Tomcat enabler version grid library files to the SF_HOME/webapps/livecluster/deploy/resources/gridlib directory in the following order:
    • Distribution
    • Enabler
    Note: Copying the grid libraries files to this directory also extracts them to the deployed directory SF_HOME/webapps/livecluster/deploy/expanded/. This overwrites any changes to the existing grid library in the staging directory. TIBCO Silver® Fabric installs into a directory within TIBCO_HOME. This directory is referenced in documentation as SF_HOME. The default value of SF_HOME depends on the operating system. For example on Windows systems, the default value is C:\tibco\fabric. TIBCO_HOME refers to a common location where TIBCO products are installed.
  4. Verify successful installation by selecting Stacks > Enablers in the Silver Fabric Administration tool and ensuring that the enabler is displayed in the list.