About the Apache Tomcat Enabler
A Silver Fabric Enabler allows an external application or application platform, such as an application server, to run in a TIBCO Silver® Fabric software environment. The TIBCO Silver Fabric enabler for Apache Tomcat provides integration between Silver Fabric and the Tomcat Servlet/JSP Server.
The enabler automatically provisions, orchestrates, controls and manages a Tomcat standalone or clustered environment. Tomcat server instances are distributed and run on Silver Fabric engines, either as standalone servers or as servers belonging to a Tomcat partition (cluster). The management of the Tomcat environment through Silver Fabric is dynamic, centralized, and largely automated. This centralized management adapts the structure of the Tomcat environment, and manages the life cycle process state of server instances, as specified in Silver Fabric by Policies that are directed by business objectives associated with the target applications.
The Silver Fabric engine manages a Tomcat standalone or clustered server instance. The Silver Fabric broker and the Silver Fabric engine instance collaborate to perform the following actions:
- Automatically provision all Tomcat-related and Java JDK software to machines with Silver Fabric engines. This software is encapsulated within archive libraries (.zip files) and distributed to computers running Silver Fabric engines.
- Automatically start and stop Tomcat servers on a node, as required by policies specified within Silver Fabric.
- Monitor the health of the Tomcat Server and retrieve statistics.