The following topics describe the tabs and panels that are available when you are developing reports in the Report canvas.
You use the Report tab to modify report properties, change the style of rows and columns on your report, or create filters. The Report tab contains the following groups: Filter, Report, Traffic Lights, Style, and Links. The Report tab is located at the top of the trademark and rebranding WebFOCUS App Studio interface and is available only when you are creating or working with a report. The Report tab is shown in the following image.
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You use the Filter group to define filter fields when creating a report. The Filter group is shown in the following image.
The commands are:
Filters fields using Where, If, Where Total, and Limits screening options. You can access the Expression Builder by selecting Where, If, or Where Total from the Filter drop-down menu.
Using the Expression Builder, you can create expressions quickly by selecting fields, relations, operators, and values from lists. You can base selection criteria on a specified value, a variable value, or a field value. For more information, see Creating Expressions Using the Expression Builder.
If you select Limits, the Retrieval Limits dialog box opens, where you can set the record limit and read limit values. This enables you to set how much data is displayed or previewed.
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The Expression Builder enables you to create expressions quickly by selecting fields, relations, operators, and values from lists. You can base selection criteria on a specified value, a variable value, or a field value.
You can access the Expression Builder by clicking Where, If, or Where Total from the Filter drop-down menu. The Expression Builder dialog box displays.
The Expression Builder is divided into four sections. The Data section is located in the upper-left of the Expression Builder. The Criteria section is located to the lower-left of the Expression Builder. The Expression Grid is located to the upper-right of the Expression Builder. The Advanced section is located in the lower-right of the Expression Builder.
The Data section displays a list of all fields in the data source. Double-click or drag the field into the Expression Grid to build an expression using the options provided. You can also drag fields to the Criteria section and the Advanced section, once it is enabled.
The Criteria section displays which expression you are working on, as well as which expressions, of the same type, you have already created. If you double-click a field and it is added to the Expression Grid, the field will be shown in the Criteria section. Alternatively, you can drag a field into the Criteria section to begin working on a new expression. Dragging more than one field into the Criteria section allows you to create multiple of whatever type of statement you selected (Where, If, or Where Total). For example, if you clicked Where to open the Expression Builder, dragging more than one field into the Criteria section will create multiple Where expressions. Selecting an expression in the Criteria section will show you the details of that expression in the Expression Grid and/or the Advanced section.
Note: The type of expression you are creating is shown next to the Criteria section.
The Advanced section is where, instead of creating an expression using the Expression Grid, you are creating the expression using syntax. The Advanced check box is only available to be selected once a field is in the Criteria or Expression Grid. Once the Advanced check box is selected, the Advanced section, the Function button, and the Variable button are available for use.
The Expression Grid is where you build an expression using the drop-down options available. You can add more fields to the Expression Grid to make a more complex expression by using OR and AND.
Note: If you close the Expression Builder dialog box using the close icon (X), you are prompted to save changes, if changes were made.
The Expression Builder dialog box has the following sections:
Displays a list of all of the fields in the data source. Double-click or drag a field to add it to the Expression Grid.
If the selected field has a title attribute defined in the Master File, the title will be used in the prompt text for the variable. If the selected field does not have a title attribute, the name of the field will be used in the prompt text for the variable.
Create an expression by using the drop-down menus in correlation with a field.
You can delete expressions from the Expression Grid using the Delete key or right-click Delete option when either the And/Or or Column to filter columns are selected. If you use the Delete key or right-click Delete option on any other column, it will only delete that column option. You can only delete entire expressions, using the Expression Grid, when there are multiple expressions present. If you want to delete a single expression, you must do it from the Criteria section.
Displays the keyword used in the expression listed in the Expression list box. You must select more than one field for the expression to activate this option.
Allows you to add one, two, or three parentheses before and after an expression.
The field you clicked or dragged from the Data section. This field can be changed after being added by clicking the drop-down list and selecting a different field.
Displays a list of possible relations between the selected data source field and the value, parameter, or other field that WebFOCUS will compare it to. Select a relation to activate the Compare Type column.
The following relations are available from the drop-down list:
Note: The is and is not relations are only available for an IF statement. The matches the pattern, does not match the pattern, is like, is not like, is in literal list, is not in literal list, is in external file of literals, and is not in external file of literals relations are only available for a WHERE statement.
Indicates the nature of the comparison you wish to make to the field selected in the field section.
The following is a list of the available Compare Types and a brief description of what each is:
Note: The external file should be a text file with new line delimiters.
If using a literal value, it must be enclosed in single quotes. Please use "Compare Type" "Value" instead for quotes to be added automatically.
Specifies the literal value, parameter, or other field to which the selected field is compared.
The choices available here are dependent on the selection you make in the Compare Type column.
The Criteria section shows the different expressions you created. Selecting an expression in the Criteria section will show you details of the expression in the Expression Grid and/or the Advanced section.
This option can only be checked if there is an expression in the Criteria or Expression Grid section. This option will enable you to use the Advanced section, the Function button, and the Variable button.
In this section, you can type an expression using syntax, instead of using the Expression Grid.
Only available when Advanced is checked. Opens the Function Arguments dialog box to assist in the creation of an expression that is being made with the Advanced section.
Only available when Advanced is checked. Opens the Variable Editor dialog box to assist in the creation of an expression that is being made with the Advanced section.
Deletes an expression.
Moves an expression up one.
Moves an expression down one.
In the Expression Builder dialog box:
The field is added to the Expression Grid.
Note: Repeat this process to add other values to the list.
The values are shown in the Compare Value column.
In the Expression Builder dialog box:
The field is added to the Expression Grid.
This creates a Single Select parameter. If you want to create a Multiselect parameter, double-click the Compare Value column to open the Variable Editor and change the Variable Type to Multiselect.
In the Expression Builder dialog box:
The field is added to the Compare Value column.
In the Expression Builder dialog box:
The field is added to the Expression Grid.
The Multiple Value Builder opens.
Note: A Single or Multiple Value Builder dialog box opens, based on your Logical Relation selection. In the Multiple Value Builder dialog box, you may select more than one value. In the Single Value Builder dialog box, only one value may be selected.
Note: The external file should be a text file with new line delimiters.
The imported values are loaded into the Data Source area of the Multiple Value Builder dialog box.
The imported values are added to the Compare Value area.
In the Expression Builder dialog box, you can select multiple values or fields to be used for record selection criteria by selecting options in the And/Or column. The And/Or column is only available if you have more than one Column to filter.
Note: For every Column to filter after the topmost one, And is already selected for you.
To start a new expression that will be combined with the previous expression by the keyword AND.
To start a new expression that will be combined with the previous expression by the keyword OR.
When the keyword And is used, WebFOCUS only selects data that meet both conditions. When the keyword Or is used, WebFOCUS selects data that meet either condition.
You can use the Variable Editor dialog box to specify attributes for parameter filters, such as the name, prompt, type, and list of values.
To access the Variable Editor dialog box from the Expression Builder, point to Parameter in the Compare Type column and click Editor, right click the compare value for a parameter filter and click Edit, or select the Advanced check box and then click Variable.
The Variable Editor dialog box includes the following options:
If you select Static list, you can add new values by clicking the New button and clicking Add New Item to type them in, or you can double-click field names or values from the Data Context area.
If you select Dynamic list, you can select a data source and then select a field from that source containing the return and display values for the parameter.
If you select Accept list from file, you can select a data source and a field in that data source from which to accept values. Fields that include an ACCEPT list in the Master File are listed in red. Values in the ACCEPT list will be available for use in the parameter. If there is no ACCEPT list for the selected field, only All Values will be available for selection.
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Filters that you define in the Report canvas appear at run time in the autoprompt page. The autoprompt page appears before the report is run and allows users to select the filter values that they want to see in the report.
In the example shown in the following image, there is one filter for Product Category, appearing in the Filter Values area. Using the drop-down arrow in the Product Category field, select the product category that you want to see. Accessories is the selected value in the following image.
If there were multiple filters, the user would see multiple fields in the Filter Values area.
Using the autoprompt page button bar, you can click:
Additionally, you can toggle the hamburger control on the top of the report to reveal or hide the filter panel.
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Chaining lets you link two or more input controls when they call the same dimension hierarchy. For example, if you had chained input controls for State and City, the available list of cities would automatically be limited to those in the specified state. This saves users from scrolling through a list of invalid options when specifying a parameter value.
The Report canvas in WebFOCUS App Studio allows for cascading or chaining input controls in the autoprompt page. Chaining is also available in the HTML canvas. For more information, see Chaining in the HTML Canvas.
When you create a report with a dynamic WHERE filter, an input control prompt displays at run time asking the user to select a value. When you have multiple WHERE filters that reference the same dimension hierarchy, the input controls can be chained together, as detailed in the following procedure.
In the example below, we use the Category, Subcategory, and Model fields from the Product dimension of the WF_RETAIL database.
The Expression Builder dialog box is opened.
The Column to filter field in the main area of the Expression Builder is automatically populated with the field you selected. In the example below, we selected Category. Complete the main area as follows:
The first WHERE filter is complete.
In the example below, a second filter for Subcategory and a third filter for Model are created.
Note: To support chaining, the WHERE filters must be created individually, as detailed above, in the correct order. A single WHERE filter that references multiple fields will not support chaining.
The following image shows three WHERE filters that will support chaining for the Product dimension.
The Autoprompt Filter Values window is displayed.
A report like the following sample is displayed.
Note the chain icon in the upper right corner of the Filter Values box. This indicates that the input controls are chained.
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The Report canvas in WebFOCUS App Studio allows for calendar input controls in the autoprompt page, when you filter on full date fields. The calendar control appears as shown in the following image.
The default date will display in the calendar control in the language that the user used at sign in. The following image shows the filter pane with the default value in French and the calendar control with the month expanded to show the month values are French.
Calendar input controls are also available in the HTML canvas. For more information, see How to Set Calendar Properties.
The Expression Builder dialog box is opened.
Drag the selected field down to the Criteria (WHERE) window.
The Column to filter field in the main area of the Expression Builder is automatically populated with the field you selected.
The WHERE filter is complete. The calendar is enabled by the (|FORMAT=YYMD) syntax which is automatically inserted in this, and all other expressions.
Note: To support the calendar control, the WHERE filter must be created individually, as detailed above. A single WHERE filter that references multiple fields will not support the calendar control.
The Autoprompt Filter Values window is displayed with the calendar control.
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You use the options on the Report tab, in the Report group, to customize your reports. For example, you can add a header and footer to your report and include column and row totals. You can also sort the data on your report. The Report group is shown in the following image.
The commands are:
Adds a header, footer, or both to your report. You can define a Report Header, Page Header, Page Footer, or Report Footer. For more information, see Adding a Header and Footer.
Displays a menu of options for column totals:
For more information, see Adding Totals to a Report.
Displays totals to the right of each numeric row.
Row and Column Titles
The default title for columns and rows appears in the reporting canvas as {TOTAL}. At run time, this is automatically translated into the language that you have selected for WebFOCUS App Studio. For example, if you have selected Italian, the title appears as TOTALE. For more information on setting a language, see General Tab.
To specify a different title:
The Title dialog opens.
At run time, the title appears as entered. Manual titles are not translated into the language that you have selected for WebFOCUS App Studio.
For more information, see Adding Totals to a Report.
Converts your report to a precision report. For more information, see Accessing the Precision Reports Canvas.
Converts your report to a Compound document. The original report remains unchanged while a copy of that report is placed on the Document canvas.
Retrieves data from unlike data sources in a single request. Opens the Universal Concatenation dialog box, where you can add the additional data sources to concatenate. For more information, see How to Concatenate Data Sources.
Assumes that the data is already sorted in the database. If the data you are accessing is already in the correct sort order, you can prevent WebFOCUS from resorting it. This feature provides a fast method of retrieving data if it is already stored in the order required for display, and no further sorting is required.
Allows sort fields to be moved from their default location.
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The Header & Footer option in the Report group enables you to add a header or footer to your report, as well as to the page. The following options are available from the Header & Footer drop-down list:
When you select one of the header or footer options, a text box displays in the appropriate location on the Report canvas. Type your text or right-click inside the Header or Footer text box to select one of the following options in the shortcut menu:
Footing Bottom. Available only in the Page Footer and Report Footer options, it adds a blank line to the bottom of the page or report, as specified.
Page Break. Available only in the Report Header and Report Footer options, it adds a page break either before or after the report, as specified.
Insert Date. Enables you to select the date format.
Insert Spotmarker. Enables you to refine the positioning of a header or footer.
Alignment Grid. Inserts grid lines so you can align text with one or more columns in the report.
The following steps provide details on adding headers and footers to a report.
Note: You may add ad many of the header and footer types as you like to your report or page.
The following image shows the Report canvas with content added to all four header options.
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To help interpret detailed information in a report, you can summarize the information using column and row totals, grand totals, and subtotals. You can use these summary lines in a report to clarify or highlight information. You can produce totals for columns or rows of numbers in a report.
On the Report tab, in the Report group, click Column Total. Click the down arrow next to Column Total to launch a menu with the No Totals, Column Totals, and Summarize (for calculated values in your row or column totals) options.
For more information, see How to Create a Report with a Column Total and How to Create a Report with a Column Total on Selected Fields.
On the Report tab, in the Report group, click Row Total.
For more information, see How to Create a Report with a Row Total.
You can use column totals and row totals in matrix reports (created by using a BY sort field and an ACROSS sort field in your report request), rename column and row total titles, and include calculated values in your column or row totals. You can also create row totals using ACROSS-TOTAL.
The Report Wizard opens.
The Report canvas opens.
A grand total row is added at the bottom of the report that sums numeric data in each column.
The Report Wizard opens.
The Report canvas opens.
, or Recompute from the drop-down menu.
A grand total row is added at the bottom of the report that sums numeric data in each column.
The General dialog box opens.
The Rept Wizard opens.
The Rept canvas opens.
A grand total column that sums numeric data in each row is added at the far right of the report.
Universal concatenation specifies how to combine data from sources with dissimilar Master Files.
This contains all the formatting for the resulting report and names the first file to be concatenated. It also contains all printing and sorting information. The fields printed and the sort fields must exist as real or DEFINE fields in each file.
The Universal Concatenation dialog box opens.
The Open File dialog box appears.
If there are temporary HOLD files associated with the procedure, HOLD files are available from the Open dialog box.
The selected data source is added, showing the Report Field Resolutions and Filters. Additionally, the Define Tool is activated.
Note: If the field names for the selected data source are not the same names and formats as the fields being printed and sorted in the main request, the Universal Concatenation dialog box indicates that you need to define these fields with status icons.
The Define Tool opens.
Note: The Define Tool opens automatically if the Create all needed fields for a data source when launching the Define tool option is selected. This creates the missing defines for the data source. A message appears before the Define Tool opens, stating which DEFINEs will be created and require expressions, followed by a list of the created DEFINE fields. This option is off by default.
The DEFINE expression is written in the procedure ahead of the TABLE request.
You may create a filter through a WHERE clause.
You use the Traffic Lights group to set styling conditions. The Traffic Lights group is shown in the following image.
Sets the current condition for styling and hyperlinks. Options include:
The styling you add to a condition appears as a preview in the Report canvas when you select the condition in the Traffic Lights drop-down list box.
For a sample procedure, see How to Use the Traffic Lighting Feature to Set Conditional Styling.
You use the tools in the Style group to apply stylistic changes to a report, including data, title, and all other components of the report. The Style group is shown in the following image.
This section details the Style group of the Reports tab, which you can use to apply report-level styles. The Style group also appears on the Appearance tab (excluding the Theme commands) which you use to apply field-level styles. For more information, see Styling Data, Titles, and Text Using the Style Group.
The commands are:
Changes the theme of the report from a list of available style sheets.
References or embeds an external StyleSheet or applies no styling to your report. The WebFOCUS StyleSheet is applied by default. When you click this button, the StyleSheet Selection dialog box opens.
Saves your current theme options.
Indicates the scope to which your changes will apply. For example, if you choose Report, your style changes will be applied to the whole report. If you choose Footing, your changes will be applied to the footer only. You can use the Scope function to apply styling to different areas of your report. The Scope options available from the Report tab are:
Note: The (Selected Item) scope is only available when you select a text or field item. The type of item selected will come before (Selected Item). For example, if you have text selected in the Page Footer, the Scope would display Page Footer (Selected Item).
Applies bold font formatting to the highlighted text or text within a selected object.
Applies italic font formatting to the highlighted text or text within a selected object.
Underlines the highlighted text or text within a selected object.
Does not display underlines, even for drilldowns.
Aligns the highlighted text or text within a selected object to the left.
Aligns the highlighted text or text within a selected object to the center.
Aligns the highlighted text or text within a selected object to the right.
Aligns the highlighted text or text within a selected object to the default alignment option. This aligns numbers to the right and text to the left.
Sets report width options.
Copies the current style settings, enabling the Paste Style button.
Pastes the copied style settings.
Changes the font of the highlighted text or text within a selected object. Fonts are listed in alphabetical order.
Changes the font size of the highlighted text or text within a selected object. Font sizes range from 8 to 72 (whole numbers only).
Changes the font color of the highlighted text or text within a selected object. Applies the color change to the selected Scope. Opens the Color dialog box, where you can select the font color.
Changes the background color of the highlighted text or text within a selected object. Applies the color change to the selected Scope. Opens the Color dialog box, where you can select the background color.
Resets the style settings of the highlighted text or text within a selected object to the default (original) style.
Turns on or disables borders and grid lines. You can apply borders and gridlines to HTML, Excel, and PDF reports. For all other report types, this option is disabled.
Enables you to set User Format Style Blocks, if available.
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The StyleSheet Selection dialog box enables you to reference or embed an external style sheet, use the default WebFOCUS StyleSheet, or apply no styling to your report. You may also save and include multiple style sheets. The StyleSheet Selection dialog box is accessible from the Style group on the Report canvas ribbon.
The StyleSheet Selection dialog box provides the following capabilities:
To open the StyleSheet Selection dialog box, on the Report tab, in the Style Group, click Manage Theme.
Note: The StyleSheet Selection dialog box opens to the Include StyleSheet File section, since every procedure has existing embedded styling, by default. You may click Change Options and choose to embed or reference an external StyleSheet, use the WebFOCUS default StyleSheet, or turn off all report styling, as described in the following procedures.
Since every procedure has existing styling, the Include StyleSheet File section opens, by default.
When a StyleSheet is included, part of the styling is embedded in the report. You may include StyleSheets up to an INCLUDE depth of three in your report, with the last selected StyleSheet having precedence.
The StyleSheet Selection dialog box opens.
The Open File dialog box opens.
Note: The last selected StyleSheet has precedence in the report. You may use the arrows to reorder the arrangement of StyleSheets.
The following syntax will be added to the procedure for the included StyleSheets.
ON TABLE SET STYLE * INCLUDE = citrus, $ INCLUDE = teal, $ INCLUDE = olive, $ . . .
In addition to applying StyleSheets to your report, you may apply an external cascading style sheet to your report. An external cascading style sheet (CSS) is an extension to HTML that enables you to specify formatting for an HTML document. To link the CSS to the report, use the External Cascading Style Sheet URL field in the StyleSheet Selection dialog box.
Note: An external cascading style sheet is only applicable when using the HTML report output format.
The Stylesheet Selection dialog box opens.
Note: The external CSS (cascading style sheet) file should be saved in an alias on the web server.
Note: A CSS file is separate from a StyleSheet file and can exist on its own.
Embedding a StyleSheet stores your style information within the report, from which you can read an existing file as a starting point, start with an empty style, or leave the current StyleSheet contents without any modifications.
The StyleSheet Selection dialog box opens.
Note: Preserve referenced StyleSheets so any “INCLUDE=name” will not be deleted is selected, by default. When a StyleSheet is included, a reference of the StyleSheet is added to the report syntax as INCLUDE=name. This reference is added to the existing style information already in the TABLE request.
The StyleSheet File Selection dialog box appears.
The selected StyleSheet file is shown as the origin embedded StyleSheet file. Optionally, you may include additional StyleSheets or add an External cascading style sheet (CSS).
The selected StyleSheet code is imported into the procedure and overwrites any existing styling in the report.
Note: Preserve referenced StyleSheets so any “INCLUDE=name” will not be deleted is selected, by default. When a StyleSheet is included, a reference of the StyleSheet is added to the report syntax as INCLUDE=name. This reference is added to the existing style information already in the TABLE request.
The Include StyleSheet File section opens indicating that the origin of the embedded StyleSheet file is unknown.
Tip: You may select StyleSheet files to embed to your currently empty style.
Starting with an empty style clears any styling from the report and initializes a procedure with the WebFOCUS default style code (basic styling that is used when styling is not specified).
Note: Preserve referenced StyleSheets so any “INCLUDE=name” will not be deleted is selected, by default. When a StyleSheet is included, a reference of the StyleSheet is added to the report syntax as INCLUDE=name. This reference is added to the existing style information already in the TABLE request.
The Include StyleSheet File section opens indicating that the origin of the embedded StyleSheet file is unknown.
Tip: You may include StyleSheets to be added to the report.
The WebFOCUS Default Styling section applies the default StyleSheet to your report, with no styling visible in the procedure.
Note: The default WebFOCUS StyleSheet disables any styling options in the report. No further styling options of any kind can be applied to the report.
The StyleSheet Selection dialog box opens.
Tip: To remove the default WebFOCUS StyleSheet and enable styling, click the Style File Selection button to open the StyleSheet Selection dialog box and select the Normal Embedded Styling option.
To reset the default the Report canvas styling in the StyleSheet Selection dialog box:
The StyleSheet Selection dialog box opens.
After including StyleSheets and applying styling options from the Report canvas, you may save the StyleSheet as a new StyleSheet file (.sty).
The Save As dialog box opens.
The .sty file is saved in the working directory. You may browse to select a different location.
Tip: The saved StyleSheet can be included in other reports from the StyleSheet File Selection dialog box.
The following apply when using the StyleSheet Selection dialog box in the Report canvas:
If the StyleSheet already exists in the current application, it does not get overwritten.
To refresh an existing StyleSheet, you must copy the new StyleSheet to the working directory or remove the StyleSheet from the procedure, delete it from the working directory, and then add it back to the procedure.
Note: If you go back and select to embed or reference a StyleSheet, or use the WebFOCUS default option, the StyleSheet that was in the report will get overwritten.
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The Color dialog box lets you choose a color by selecting it from the color palette or entering a hexadecimal value.
The Color dialog box displays.
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You use the Borders dialog box to add borders to your report.
You can add borders to an entire report, a column, or another object area, such as a heading or footing.
Note: You must remove grids from the report, column, or object area before you can apply borders.
You can set borders to a report globally, so that they will apply to all objects you subsequently add to the report.
Note: Ensure that HTML, Excel, or PDF is selected as the report output format on the Format tab.
To set global borders:
The Borders dialog box opens.
Note: By default, the Make all borders the same option is selected.
After you select your border width, style, and color selections, you can see them in the Border Preview window in the Borders dialog box.
Note: You can restore the original default borders by clicking the Default button.
To apply a border to a column:
The Borders dialog box opens.
After you select your border width, style, and color selections, you can see them in the Border Preview window in the Borders dialog box.
Note: If the OFF option is selected in the Width drop-down list, no borders will be shown.
To apply a border to cells in a header, footer, subheader, or subfooter:
You can divide a header or footer into cells, which you can align to columns in the report. In PDF, PowerPoint PPTX, and DHTML formats, you can add borders to all header, footer, subheader, or subfooter cells at once.
The Insert Alignment Grid dialog box opens.
The Borders dialog box opens.
After you select your border width, style, and color selections, you can see them in the Border Preview window in the Borders dialog box.
Note: If the OFF option is selected in the Width drop-down list, no borders will be shown.
To apply a border to another object area:
The Borders dialog box opens.
OFF to turn borders off. (This is the default.)
LIGHT to apply thin border lines.
MEDIUM to apply medium border lines.
HEAVY to apply thick border lines.
After you select your border width, style, and color selections, you can see them in the Border Preview window in the Borders dialog box.
Note: If the OFF option is selected in the Width drop-down list, no borders will be shown.
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The Width Options dialog box allows you to set how values will be handled if they extend the report cell. You can also enter a value to specify a limit for how large or small a value can be before these options take effect.
The Width Options dialog box displays.
Note: This only applies to Truncate and Wrap.
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If the output format for a report is set to user selection, the User Format menu becomes available. You can specify different styling for each available format by expanding the User Format menu, pointing to Create new empty styling block or Copy active styling to, and selecting an output format, as shown in the following image.
Once an output format is selected, styling changes that you make are applied only when that format is selected at run-time. Styling for the General output selection is applied to all output formats for which styling is not explicitly applied.
Selecting a format from the Create new empty style block submenu clears all styling for that for the selected format, including the StyleSheet. You can then style the report for the selected format.
If you point to Copy active styling to and then click an output format, you can copy the styling defined for another output format or for general output. Click the User Format menu, point to Activate style block, and select an output format to make additional changes specific to the selected format.
If you have multiple output format styles defined, you can point to Copy styling from and select an output format to apply the styling from that format to the active output format.
To reset the styling changes made for the active output format, open the User Format menu and click Clear current style block. To remove the specified styling for an output format entirely and instead use the styling specified for the General output type, click Delete current style block.
The User Format Selection dialog box opens.
On the Report tab, in the Style group, the User Format menu becomes available. It is initially set to General, allowing you to style the report for any output formats that do not have their own styling explicitly specified.
Note: Styling characteristics are copied to the selected output format, but that output format is not active for editing. To activate the selected output format, click the User Format menu, point to Activate style block, and select the output format that you want to edit.
When you run the report with an output format for which you have defined unique styling, that styling is applied. When you run the report with an output format that you did not style separately, the styling characteristics defined for general output are used.
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You can use the Drill Down command in the Links group to create hyperlinks in your report. These hyperlinks allow you to see more detail in the ad-hoc reports that are automatically created when you click a link. The Drill Down command is shown in the following image.
The Drill Down command appears in both the Report and the Appearance tabs. The resulting hyperlinks differ, depending on the tab you invoke the command from.
The Drill Down dialog box displays.
The Drill Down fields are enabled.
Note: The Refresh BI Portal drill-down type will be displayed only when you are working with a report that was created in the Content development area.
Select the procedure to drill to and click OK.
The Parameters dialog box opens.
The Parameter fields are enabled.
The Parameters dialog box closes and you return to the Drill Down dialog box.
The Drill Down dialog box closes.
The Drill Down dialog box opens.
The Drill Down fields are enabled. The Drill Menu Items field is automatically populated with a default drill-down name. You may rename it as needed, or delete the name if you are using only one drill down.
The Guided DrillDown dialog box opens.
The Open File dialog box opens.
To select multiple procedures, hold down the Ctrl key and click the procedures.
You are returned to the Guided DrillDown dialog box, with the selected procedures displayed in the procedures list box.
The Drill Down Parameter dialog box opens.
You are returned to the Guided DrillDown dialog box.
You are returned to the Drill Down dialog box.
The Drill Down dialog box closes.
A common technique in business reporting is to create two related reports:
Drill Through provides a way to easily relate the data in these two types of reports. For example, a user scanning a summary report account may see an unusual figure in one of the accounts, requiring examination of the specific data behind that figure.
Drill Through Compound Layout Reports use document syntax declarations to create the compound procedure and define which reports will be related through hyperlinks.
Using Drill Down, you can construct a summary report in which clicking a hyperlink displays detail data. A Drill Down is implemented dynamically. Clicking a hyperlink causes a new report to run. The detail report typically displays only the detail data for a selected field on the summary report.
In contrast, Drill Through reports are static. Drill Through creates a PDF document that contains the summary report plus the detail report, with the detail report containing all the detail data for designated fields in the summary report. Clicking a Drill Through hyperlink navigates internally in the PDF file. No additional reports are run. You can save the PDF file to disk or distribute it using ReportCaster. When opened with Adobe Reader, it retains its full Drill Through functionality.
Drill Through provides flexibility in the appearance of reports and location of hyperlinks:
You can use Drill Through with other WebFOCUS features:
To create a Drill Through in a PDF Compound Layout report:
To create a Drill Through in a PDF Compound Report:
The following procedure generates a sample summary report.
The Output Format Options dialog box opens.
The output is:
The following procedure generates a sample detail report.
The Output Format Options dialog box opens.
The output is:
The following procedures describe how to use the Drill Through feature to create a compound report with a summary and detail report and navigate between them.
The example illustrates the following:
When you place a Drill Through hyperlink on a sort-break element, ensure the sort-break is at least at the level of the last sort field participating in the Drill Through. For example, in the second report, the Drill Through hyperlink is on the subfooting associated with PRODUCT rather than the heading (with a sort break) associated with CATEGORY.
Although the code can infer a value of PRODUCT for the CATEGORY heading (you can verify this by embedding the field <PRODUCT> in the heading), it is always the value of the first PRODUCT within that CATEGORY. Typically you want a Drill Through hyperlink for each value of PRODUCT within each CATEGORY.
You do not need to place the hyperlink on an embedded item. You can just as effectively place it on a text item. Any item in the subfooting is associated with the same values of CATEGORY and PRODUCT. Similarly, you can place a hyperlink on any field in a DATA line, and the values of the associated link fields will be identical. Conventional Drill Down hyperlinks also work this way.
The summary report:
The Drill Down dialog box displays.
The Drill Down fields are enabled.
The Parameters dialog box opens.
The Parameter fields are enabled.
The Parameters dialog box closes and you return to the Drill Down dialog box.
The Drill Down dialog box closes.
The detail report:
The Drill Down dialog box displays.
The Drill Down fields are enabled.
The Parameters dialog box opens.
The Parameter fields are enabled.
The Parameters dialog box closes and you return to the Drill Down dialog box.
The Drill Down dialog box closes.
Perform this version of Step 4 if you are creating a Compound Layout report.
To create the Compound Layout report:
The HTML/Document Wizard opens.
Note: If you used the shortcut menu in the Environments Tree panel to create your document, a location is already selected.
The Document Properties dialog box opens.
The Document canvas and Properties panel open.
When you run the drill down report, the first page of output has the summary report with the hyperlinks to the individual products in blue and underlined, as shown in the following image.
Click the Croissant hyperlink for the Food category. You jump to the detail information. In the detail report, the hyperlink back to the summary report is underlined, as shown in the following image.
Click the Return to Summary hyperlink to return to the first page (summary report).
The following guidelines apply:
Reports linked with Drill Through must follow certain rules to ensure that the hyperlinks between them work correctly. The following are key concepts:
Source and target terminology refer to each pair of linked reports. For example, if there are three reports linked with Drill Through, the second report is generally the target report of the first report, and also the source report of the third report.
To process a report as a Drill Through, you must identify the link fields in the source report that relate to the target report:
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You use the Format tab to change the output type of the report, control the navigational settings of a report, and access the special features of a report. Accordingly, this tab contains the Output Types, Navigation, and Features groups. The Format tab is located at the top of the WebFOCUS App Studio interface and is available only when you are creating a report. The Format tab is shown in the following image.
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The Output Types group enables you to choose the type of report (for example, PDF, Excel, or Analytic Document) that you would like to produce. You can also set the output format and the destination of the report using the elements in this group. The Output types group is shown in the following image.
The report type options are:
Changes the report output type to HTML. This is the default value. For more information, see Output Format Options Dialog Box for an HTML Report.
Changes the report output type to HTML Analytic Document (AHTML).
Changes the report output type to PDF. For more information, see Output Format Options Dialog Box for a PDF Report.
Changes the report output type to PDF Analytic Document, which creates a PDF report for Adobe Flash Player.
Changes the report output type to Excel. You can select the following types of Excel Reports: Excel XLSX, Excel XLS, Excel XLSX Formula, Excel XLS Formula, or the Excel XLS PivotTable. For more information, see Output Format Options for Excel Reports.
Changes the report output type to PowerPoint. You can select PowerPoint PPTX or PowerPoint PPT. For more information, see Output Format Options for PowerPoint Reports.
Changes the output format of a report. The options that are available to you change depending on which output format you select. Formats are grouped into the following categories: Styled report formats, Unstyled formats, and Database formats.
The following output formats are available:
Opens the Output Format Options dialog box where you can set a report title, turn on cascading style sheets, set how to expand report rows and turn on line suppression.
Opens the Output Destination dialog box, where you can set the destination of your output to Web Browser, Temporary File, or Save File. If you select Temporary File or Save File, you can set the name and location of that file using the Name text box and directory selection icon. For more information, see How to Set the Output Destination.
The Output Destination dialog box displays.
Note: If you select Temporary File or Save File, the Name field is activated.
The File name and location dialog box displays.
Note: The file name that you specified on the Output Destination dialog box is carried over to the Filename field in the File name and Location dialog box.
The following options are available for an HTML report:
You can type a report title into the text box.
You can select whether or not to include cascading style sheets in your report. You can select On or Off. On is selected by default.
You cans select how you would like rows to be expanded. Only show top level is the default.
Note: If you want to set your report rows to expand to a specific number, you must type an integer into the text box rather than selecting one of the options.
You can select whether to suppress blank lines or not.
Off. The suppression of blank lines will not occur.
Only within report body. The suppression of blank lines will only occur within the body of the report.
The following options are available for a PDF report:
Enables the display of By fields in the left portion of each panel of a multi-panel report.
Repeats headings/footings on each panel page when the columns presented on PDF reports cannot be displayed on a single page.
Sends the page settings to a PostScript printer when printing in PS format.
Displays a grid in the report output, which enables you to evaluate the correct placement of data and objects during your report design.
Aligns the borders in a subheading or subfooting with the data in the report output.
The following options are available for an Excel report:
Adds the highest-level sort field and its values as a TOC in the report. This option deactivates all other options on the Format tab.
You can type a report title into the text box.
This indicates where the overflow rows of data break in the Excel worksheet. The default is 65,000 rows of data before an overflow sheet is generated.
Note: When you change formats from XLSX to EXL2K and ROWLIMIT exceeds 65,000, you will receive a message asking you if you want to proceed. If you decide to continue, ROWLIMIT will be set to 65,000. If you decide not to continue, the format will revert to XSLX, with no change to ROWLIMIT.
Specifies the number of rows per sheet. This option is set to max and unable to be edited when Generate overflow sheets is turned off.
Assigns a named range to a group of cells in Excel. There is a 256 character limit for named ranges.
You can set which template to use in your Excel report.
Sets the number of items to populate.
The following options are available for a PowerPoint report:
You can set which template to use in your PowerPoint report. Type the name of the template including the file extension. The template must be accessible in your environment. For example, it can be saved in an application folder.
Only available if you have selected a template. Allows you to select which slide of the template the report should start on.
You can use the User Format Selection dialog box to choose which formats and options are available, at run time, when you select the User output format from the Styled report formats, from the Output Formats command. You can select which formats a user can choose from, and customize the options specific to each format.
The options are:
Provides a list of check boxes that indicate whether or not an output format is available to the user. All formats are selected by default. You can click the check box for a format to clear it.
Displays a list of available output formats.
Provides a brief description of the output format which is displayed to the user, at runtime. You can edit the description by double-clicking the description text box.
Indicates which output formats have options you can customize. You can click the double-arrow to open the Output Format Options dialog box, which displays the options available for that format. For example, if you click the double-arrow for the HTML output format, the Output Format Options dialog box opens, displaying the options for the HTML output format.
You can type what the user sees when prompted to select an output format, at run time.
Accepts the changes and closes the dialog box.
Discards the changes and closes the dialog box.
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The navigation group contains the functionality for setting navigational options for your report (for example, adding a Table of Contents or freezing an area of the report). You can also create drilldowns with the Auto Drill command. The Navigation group is shown in the following image.
The commands are:
Displays every value of the highest-level sort field as a hyperlink, and then toggles between a display of the entire report and a designated section. It also applies a dynamic table of contents to the first By field in an HTML report. You can select Report, Heading, or None.
Note: You create a Table of Contents on a BY field.
For more information, see How to Add a TOC or Disable the TOC Feature.
Freezes the scrolling area of a report so that Headings or Footings display with the full report in a narrow browser window. You can select Off, On, Top, Bottom, or Custom. For more information, see How to Freeze the Scrolling Area for HTML Report Output.
Note: The Top, Bottom, and Custom freeze options are not available for HTML Analytic Documents.
Displays one page of an HTML report at a time. You use controls on your browser to display the next or previous page, all pages, or to navigate to a specific page. You can select On or Off (default). For more information, see Navigating with On-Demand Paging.
Creates an automatic drill down. This changes the Enable Auto Drill property value to Yes. You can use the Auto Drill with the HTML or HTML Analytic Document output types only. For more information, see Link to Ad Hoc Reports, Charts, and Visualizations Using Auto Drill.
Opens the Auto Drill & Analysis dialog box. You can select options related to OLAP and automatic drill downs. For more information, see Working With Auto Drill & Analysis Functionality.
Note: This option only appears if you select the Enable OLAP check box in the Reporting tab of the App Studio Options dialog box.
Tip: Click the Properties tab in the Object Inspector to verify that the Table of Contents is turned on.
You can freeze page headings/footings, report headings/footings, column titles, and totals for your report output. The freeze option is available from the Navigation group of the Format tab.
The options are:
Note: The Top, Bottom, and Custom freeze options are not available for HTML Analytic Documents.
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On-Demand Paging is a feature that minimizes load time by opening requested pages only when you run a report. This is particularly useful when running large reports that can otherwise take a long time to load.
When On-Demand Paging is enabled, your browser consists of the following two sections:
The following image provides an example of a report with On-Demand Paging.
On-demand paging delivers the first page of the report output to the browser and holds the remaining pages on the server disk. A page of report output is determined by the Margins, Report Page, and Page Type selections on the Page Setup group of the Layout tab.
The On-Demand Paging Toolbar offers you several ways to view pages in your report or search for a string of text.
Your browser displays the entire report without the On-Demand Paging toolbar. You can return to viewing a single page of your report by clicking the Back button on your browser toolbar.
This section describes the functionality for Auto Drill & Analysis.
Automatic Drill Down controls access to automatic drill downs in a report:
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Options in the Features group enable to you control the appearance of pop-up descriptions, whether a report is an Accordion Report, whether to repeat a sorted value, whether to use special In-Document Analytic options, and if accessibility options are on. The Features group is shown in the following image.
The commands are:
Enables the display of pop-up field descriptions for columns in your report. You can select On or Off. The default is <not set>. For more information, see Displaying Pop-up Field Descriptions for Column Titles.
Changes a report to an Accordion Report. Use the Accordion dialog box to customize the accordion report. Accordion reports provide a way to control the amount of sorted data that appears on an HTML report page. You can produce reports with expandable views of data for each vertical sort field. When an Accordion Report first appears, only data values of the first (highest-level) vertical sort field are shown, unless an Expand option is selected. All other data is hidden. You can manually expand your view to expose data values of lower-level sort fields. For more information, see Controlling the Display of Sorted Data With Accordion Reports.
Displays all repeated sort values instead of blanks in the output after the first instance of a new sort value, which is the default behavior. You can select On or Off. The default is <not set>. For more information, see How to Use the Repeat Sort Value Option.
Determines how many lines are displayed on each report page. Options are 10, 20, 30, 40, 50, and Show All. The default is 57. For more information, see How to Use the Lines per Page Option.
Offers options that help users with disabilities to interact with the report.
Opens the Mailing Label Options dialog box, which allows you customize the layout, dimensions, spacing, and print order of your mailing label. This option is only available for PDF and PostScript reports.
For more information, see Customizing Mailing Labels Using the Mailing Labels Options Dialog Box.
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You can have pop-up field descriptions display in an HTML report when the mouse pointer is positioned over column titles. Field description text displays in a pop-up box near the column title using the default font for the report.
Note: Pop-up Field Descriptions are available for HTML Web Document (HTML), HTML Table (HTMTABLE), Default, and User styled report formats.
The pop-up text displayed for a column title is defined by the Description attribute in the Master File for the corresponding field. If a column title has no Description entry in the Master File, then no pop-up box is generated when your mouse is positioned over the title.
The following procedure provides information on displaying pop-up descriptions in an HTML report.
The selection menu displays.
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Accordion Reports provide a way to control the amount of sorted data that appears on an HTML report page. You can produce reports with expandable views of data for each vertical sort field. When an Accordion Report first appears, only data values of the first (highest-level) vertical sort field are shown. All other data is hidden. You can manually expand your view to expose data values of lower-level sort fields.
Note: Two vertical (BY) sort fields are required. If your report does not contain two vertical sort fields, then the Accordion Reports option is ignored and a standard HTML report is created.
The use of horizontal (ACROSS) sort fields is supported with Accordion Reports. The horizontal sort headings that appear above vertical sort headings in a standard HTML report are not displayed in an Accordion Report until at least one sorted data value has been manually expanded in each expandable sort column.
PDF and Excel formats are not supported with Accordion Reports.
To create an accordion report, create a report that has multiple sort or BY fields and, on the Format tab, in the Features group, click Accordion Report.
In the Accordion dialog box, you can specify the type of accordion functionality, and control additional settings depending on the type.
The following requirements must be taken into consideration when creating Accordion Reports:
Note: Accordion Reports are available for HTML Web Document (HTML), HTML Table (HTMTABLE), Default, and User styled report formats.
The Repeat Sort Value option enables you to choose to display all repeated sort values in the output after the first instance of a new sort value.
Note: The default value is <not set> and is the same as selecting No.
The Lines per Page option allows you to adjust the number of lines displayed on a single page.
Note: The default value is 57.
You can use the Mailing Labels Options dialog box to customize the settings for your mailing label. You can customize the layout, dimensions, spacing, and print order of your label.
Sets the number of rows and columns for the labels.
Determines the height and width of each label.
Determines the amount of horizontal and vertical spacing between each label (in the current units of measure).
Determines whether the data output flows down a column or across a row.
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You use the options on the Data tab to manipulate mathematical data in a report.
This tab contains the Calculation, Forecast, and Guided Reports groups. The Data tab is located at the top of the WebFOCUS App Studio interface. It is only available when you are creating a report. The Data tab is shown in the following image.
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You can use the options in the Calculation group to include temporary calculated values or computations in your report. A temporary calculation field is a computed field whose value is not stored in the data source, but is calculated from the data that is there, or assigned an absolute value. A temporary field takes up no storage space in the data source, and is created only when needed.
When you create a temporary field, you determine its value by writing an expression. You can combine fields, constants, and operators in an expression to produce a single value. For example, if your data contains salary and deduction amounts, you can calculate the ratio of deductions to salaries using the following expression: deduction/salary.
You can specify the expression yourself, or you can use one of the many supplied functions that perform specific calculations or manipulations. In addition, you can use expressions and functions as building blocks for more complex expressions, as well as use one temporary field to evaluate another.
Choose a calculated value when you want to:
The Calculation group is shown in the following image.
The commands are:
A calculated value (COMPUTE) is evaluated after all of the data that meets the selection criteria is retrieved, sorted, and summed. Therefore, the calculation is performed using the aggregated values of the fields. Calculated values are available only for the specified report request. You specify the COMPUTE command in the body of the report request, following the display command and optionally, introduced by AND. You can compute more than one field with a single COMPUTE command.
The Computed Field Creator (COMPUTE) dialog box allows you to create a computed field, type a name for the field, and enter a format. The Field List provides similar functionality, including options to display data source fields in a Logical, List, or Structured view. You can also view a complete set of functions, instead of data source fields, by clicking the Functions button. Using the Options button allows you to specify how missing values are handled. For details, see How to Create Computed Fields.
Opens the Across Compute dialog box, where you can create a calculated value to be used in a report. You can open the Field List which provides similar functionality, including options to display data source fields in a Logical, List, or Structured view. You can also view a complete set of functions, instead of data source fields, by clicking the Functions button. For details, see How to Use the Across Compute Option.
Note: An Across Compute can only be applied to an Across field. For example, if Sort Across is indicated on the Field tab, you can then apply an Across Compute to that field.
The Computed Field Creator dialog box opens.
The Format dialog box opens.
The entry in the Format field reflects any changes you made.
The Override Missing Values Handling check box allows you to determine how missing values are displayed.
Field descriptions and the appropriate fields are displayed for each function.
The Across Compute dialog box opens.
The Format dialog box opens.
The entry in the Format field reflects any changes you made.
Field descriptions and the appropriate fields are displayed for each function.
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You can calculate trends in numeric data and predict values beyond the range of those stored in the data source by using the Forecast feature. The Forecast group is shown in the following image.
For more information on Forecasting, see Overview of Forecasting.
The command is:
Opens the Forecast dialog box, where you can calculate trends in numeric data and predict values beyond the range of values stored in the data source. You can also add a Forecast column to the report. For more information, see How to Calculate a Simple Moving Average.
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You can calculate trends in numeric data and predict values beyond the range of those stored in the data source by using the Forecast feature.
The calculations you can make to identify trends and forecast values are:
When predicting values in addition to calculating trends, Forecast continues the same calculations beyond the data points by using the generated trend values as new data points. For the linear regression technique, the calculated regression equation is used to derive trend and predicted values.
Forecast performs the calculations based on the data provided, but decisions about their use and reliability are the responsibility of the user. Therefore, Forecast predictions are not always reliable, and many factors determine how accurate a prediction will be.
Conditional Formatting
You can create conditional formatting and data visualizations for forecast data. This makes it easy to distinguish between actual and forecast values in a column. For more information, see How to Set Conditional Styling for Forecast Data or How to Set Data Visualizations for Forecast Data.
The Forecast dialog box opens.
If you select the same field as the By or Across field, this field will not appear in the output even if it is included in a display command.
This procedure shows how you can use the Traffic Lights feature to set styling in your report for forecast data.
The Field and Appearance tabs open.
The Color dialog box opens.
This means that forecast data will appear in red and actual data will appear in the default black.
Apply other style attributes from the Style group as needed to visually distinguish your forecast data.
Note: In cases where you have multiple forecasts in a report, all forecasts will appear with the same styling that you specify in this procedure.
This procedure shows how you can use the Traffic Lights and Data Bars features to set data visualizations in your report for forecast data.
The Appearance tab opens.
The Data Visualization dialog box opens.
The Conditional Styling button becomes active.
The Data Visualization Conditional Styling dialog box opens.
You are returned to the Data Visualization dialog box.
Note: The Data Visualization Conditional Styling dialog box allows you to remove a Forecast data visualization after it has been saved. However, if you click Remove, it will also remove any conditional styling that you applied to the forecast. In this case, you would need to reset the conditional styling after the data visualization has been removed.
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A Guided Report is a highly parameterized report that allows you to select fields and options that participate in a report at run time. Fields and options that have been added to the Guided Report are displayed in controls and are available for selection. Selecting fields from controls and running the report will display the data that correlates to the field values. For more information, see Overview of Guided Reports.
You use the options in the Guided Reports group to generate and delete parameter groups. The Guided Reports group is shown in the following image.
The commands are:
Generates a parameter group from the selected column or columns. It opens a drop-down menu that has the One variable for each selected column and One variable for all selected columns options. One variable for each selected column creates one control for every selected column with all the selected field names as values. One variable for all selected columns creates one control for all selected columns with all the selected field names as values. For more information, see How to Generate a Parameter Group for One or More Columns.
Removes a column or columns from the parameter group. This command is available only when the selected columns are part of a parameter group. For more information, see How to Remove One or More Columns from a Parameter Group.
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A Guided Report is a highly parameterized report that allows you to select fields and options that participate in a report at run time.
Fields and options that have been added to the Guided Report are displayed in controls and are available for selection. Selecting fields from controls and running the report will display the data that correlates to the field values.
The advantage of using a Guided Report is that you can create one streamlined, highly parameterized report, and from that one report, you can generate thousands of different report outputs at run time. It requires no knowledge of code to customize the final report with the data you want displayed.
You use this procedure to assign one or more columns to a Parameter Group with either a unique or common variable.
Note: To reverse a parameter group assignment, you can press Ctrl-Z, provided that this is immediately following the assignment and no other action has taken place on the canvas.
You use this procedure to remove one or more columns from a Parameter Group assignment.
Note: Parameter Group assignments are indicated by an ampersand (&) in the top-left to signify that it is a member of a parameter group. If multiple variables were indicated, each column icon will have a different color scheme. For example, COLUMN1 may have a blue background with a yellow ampersand (&) and COLUMN2 may have a blue background with a white ampersand (&). The color scheme varies depending on how the Parameter Groups were assigned (one variable for each selected column or one variable for all selected columns).
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You can control the page properties of a report using the functionality available on the Layout tab. You can change the margin size, page layout, type of material the report will be printed on, the unit of measurement the report uses, page numbering, cell padding, and whether to autofit columns. The Layout tab is located at the top of the WebFOCUS App Studio interface. It is available only when you are creating a report. The Layout tab is shown in the following image.
You can change the margins, orientation, paper type, unit of measurement, and page numbering of a report. The Page Setup group is shown in the following image.
The commands are:
Changes the margin dimensions. You can change the margin dimensions using the Custom option or use one of the other four preset margin types, Normal, Narrow, Moderate, or Wide. Selecting Custom opens the Margins dialog box, where you can set each margin value.
Changes the orientation of the report page. You can select Landscape or accept the default, Portrait.
Displays a list of paper types and media outlets for the report output.
Displays the unit of measurement in inches, centimeters, or points.
Adds page numbering or removes lead space. You can select On, Off, or OFF without lead space. Select On to turn page numbering on. Select Off to turn page numbering off. Select OFF without lead space to turn off page numbering and the two leading blank lines on each page.
You can change the way that columns are shown. The Report group is shown in the following image.
The commands are:
Edits the space between the gap values in the cascading style sheet. The cell padding displays values that indicate the top, left, bottom, and right margins. The values increment by 1/100 of an inch. For more information, see How to Access the Cell Padding Dialog Box.
The Cell Padding dialog box displays.
Note: Values increment by 1/100 of an inch.
You use the View tab to change the way that you view your data or fields. The View tab is shown in the following image.
You can change the way that you view your data or fields. When a command is used on the Object Inspector group, that same option is respected on the Object Inspector shortcut menu. The Object Inspector group is shown in the following image.
The command types are:
Enables you to view the hierarchical structure of the data if there is a dimension view defined in the Master File. Options include No Extended Information, Alias, Title, and Description. The default is No Extended Information.
Enables you to view fields in a list. You can select one or more field categories to view, including Sort Field List, Name, Alias, Title, Description, Format, and Type. Name and Description are selected by default.
Enables you to view fields by type in a tree showing the relationship between the segments. Options include No Extended Information, Alias, Title, and Description. The default selection is No Extended Information.
Enables you to display any list of field names as qualified field names, which includes data sources and table names.
Enables you to display the field details section in the Object Inspector.
Allows you to display boundaries, test data, tooltips, invisible fields, and the ruler. The General group is shown in the following image.
Enables you to show or hide the boundaries for report objects, such as headings and footings.
Enables you to display test data in design mode.
Enables you to display tooltips.
Enables you to display hidden fields.
Enables you to display the standard ruler at the top of the Report canvas.
Allows you to edit the amount of data displayed by a field. The Field Length group is shown in the following image.
Enables you to limit the length of data displayed by a field at design time.
Enables you to set the maximum length of a field in your report. This option is only available when Limit Field Lengths is selected.
Allows you to edit the amount of data displayed by a field. The Repetitions group is shown in the following image.
Enables you to specify the number of test data instances that appear for a field. The default value is 2. You can select 1, 2, or 3.
Allows you to edit the amount of data displayed by a field. The Zoom group is shown in the following image.
Enables you to specify the size (magnification/scale) of the Report canvas. For example, 100%, 75%, 50%, or 25%. The default value is 100%.
Allows you to view the SQL code your report generates. The SQL group is shown in the following image.
Allows you to view the SQL code generated by your report in a separate viewer. This command in only available if you are creating a report using an RDBMS data source.
The Virtual Screen size group lets you set how much space the report will occupy when displayed in an HTML page. The Virtual Screen Size group is shown in the following image.
Sets the width your report will occupy when displayed in an HTML page.
Sets the height your report will occupy when displayed in an HTML page.
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You use the Images tab to add images to your report or edit images that are already inserted into your report. The Images tab is shown in the following image.
Allows you to insert a new image into your report. The New Image group is shown in the following image.
Enables you to select an image file to insert into your report.
When you add an image to your report from the Data Servers area, the image is saved to the domains folder where the report was created. If the same image is already present in that folder, you are prompted to save a new copy of the image, use the existing image, or overwrite the existing image file.
Inserts a new image into your report by using a field that specifies the image file name. This option is enabled if the image is placed in an alpha-numeric field in a header or footer. The app path must contain an image that has the same name as a value in the field. That image will be available to be selected when the Field button is clicked.
Allows you to select a specific image, delete an image, make an image a drill down, change the location of the selected image, and add a pop-up description to the selected image. This group is unavailable if there is no image in your report. The Current Image group is shown in the following image.
Displays the name of the selected image. You can change the selected image by clicking the arrow and selecting the image name.
Deletes the selected image.
Opens the Drill Down dialog box, where you can make your image a drill-down procedure or a hyperlink to a URL.
Displays where the image is located. You can click the arrow to change the image location to either the page or the background.
Displays the pop-up description for an image.
Allows you to change the horizontal and vertical position of the selected image. The Position group is shown in the following image.
Displays the horizontal position of the selected image.
Displays the vertical position of the selected image.
Allows you specify whether the selected image will have a set size or custom size. The Size group is shown in the following image.
Allows you to select whether the image will have a set size or a custom size. When selected, you can enter values into the Width and Height fields.
Specifies the width of the selected image. This field is unavailable when Custom Size is not selected.
Specifies the height of the selected image. This field is unavailable when Custom Size is not selected.
Allows you to set various options pertaining to the selected image. The Options group is shown in the following image.
Adds a line break after the selected image, when selected.
Includes the current image as a reference, when selected.
The Include As Reference check box is available on the Images tab, in the Options group, and becomes active when you specify a local file as the image location. To specify a local file, type the location into the source syntax.
Keeps the aspect ratio of the selected image.
Shows images when in Design view. This option is selected, by default.
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You use the Field tab to change the field type, filter specific fields, sort data in fields, and style the titles and data of a field. The Field tab is located at the top of the WebFOCUS App Studio interface. It is accessible only when a field is selected on the Report canvas. The Field tab is shown in the following image.
You can change the field type of a selected field. The Column Type group is shown in the following image.
The command types are:
Changes the field type of the selected field to Detail.
Changes the field type of the selected field to Aggregate.
Changes the field type of the selected field to Sort Down.
Changes the field type of the selected field to Sort Across.
Changes the field type of the selected field to For Row.
Deletes the selected field or column.
The Report canvas uses smart context functionality to determine what column type a field should be, given the metadata of the field and/or the position of the field on the canvas.
If smart context is on, and the metadata indicates that a field should be a measure or dimension, when you add that field to the canvas, it will automatically be added as an aggregate or sort down field type, respectively.
If smart context is on, but the metadata does not indicate whether a field is a measure or dimension, then alphanumeric fields and date fields are added as BY fields, while numeric fields are added as SUM fields.
If smart context is off, all fields are added as DETAIL fields.
If smart context is on, and you try to add a numeric field between two alphanumeric fields, a message will appear, prompting you to either add the field as a sort or an aggregate. If you try to add an alphanumeric field between two numeric fields, a message will also appear, prompting you to either add the field as a COUNT or as an aggregate.
You can filter fields when creating a report. The Filter group is shown in the following image.
The commands are:
Filters fields using Where, If, Where Total, and Limits screening options. You can access the Expression Builder by selecting Where, If, or Where Total from the Filter drop-down list.
Using the Expression Builder, you can create expressions quickly by selecting fields, relations, operators, and values from lists. You can base selection criteria on a specified value, a variable value, or a field value. For more information, see Creating Expressions Using the Expression Builder.
If you select Limits, the Retrieval Limits dialog box opens where you can set the Record Limit and Read Limit values. This enables you to set how much data is shown or previewed.
You can sort data, rank data, or limit the amount of data shown. These options are enabled only when Sort Down is selected in the Column Type group. If Sort Across is selected, the options for Up and Down are available. The Sort group is shown in the following image.
The commands are:
Sorts column data from lowest to highest value. If the values were alphabetical, this option would place the columns in alphabetical order.
Sorts column data from highest to lowest value. If the values were alphabetical, this option would place the columns in reverse alphabetical order.
Enables the user to select the sort order at run time.
Allows you to enable or disable numeric ranking for the selected column. This is particularly useful when sorting a report vertically.
Sorts and formats a hierarchy, showing the parent and child relationships.
Note: This option is only available when using a multidimensional data source.
Limits the number of sort values shown. The options are 5, 10, 15, None, and Variable. When you use Limit with Up, the chosen number of lowest values is shown. When you use Limit with Down, the chosen number of highest values is shown. Limit is available only when the selected field is a By field.
You can add a page break, line break, subheading or subfooting, and subtotal columns. You can also recompute calculated values and recap calculated values. The Break group is shown in the following image.
The commands are:
Starts a new report page when the value of a selected sort field changes. Options include On, Off, Variable, or Restart Page Numbering. The default value is Off.
Breaks sort fields logically and regenerates the field heading on the next page or screen. Options include On, Off, or Variable. The default value is Off.
Inserts a line break at a specified point in the report. The options are On, Off, or Variable. The default value is Off.
Causes columns to be placed on a separate line when the value of the sort field changes. This feature is not supported for HTML styled report formats. Click Variable to make the option a parameter whose value is prompted for at run time. Click the ampersand (&) to change the parameter name suffix, display text, order of values, and display or return values.
Skips a line on a report when the value of the selected sort field changes. To apply this action in HTML styled report formats, ensure that a cascading style sheet is selected. Click Variable to make the option a parameter whose value is prompted for at run time. Click the ampersand (&) to change the parameter name suffix, display text, order of values, and display or return values.
Adds a subtotal for the selected column or on all outer sort fields. The options are Apply to selected column or Apply to all outer sort fields. The Layout tab appears, where you can modify the Page Setup.
Inserts a subheader for the selected column into the report. The Layout tab appears, where you can modify the Page Setup.
Adds a subfooter for the selected column into the report. The Layout tab appears, where you can modify the Page Setup.
Recalculates totals for the selected column or on all outer sort fields. Recalculates only at the specified sort break, similar to Subtotal.
Creates subtotal values in a calculation for the selected column.
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The General and Field Properties dialog box contain options that pertain to the selected field. You can access the General and Field Properties dialog box by using the shortcut menu of a field, on the Report canvas, and clicking Options. You can also access the General and Field Properties dialog box by double-clicking a field on the Report canvas.
Select a Sort By field on the Report canvas and click Options from the shortcut menu to open the Field Properties dialog box at the Sort tab.
Reflects the sort conditions that are in effect.
Limits the number of sort values to display.
If a sort limit is applied, subtotals the extra values.
The title of the subtotal.
These options allow you to simultaneously sort by and aggregate numeric columns.
The Sort Sequence button opens the Sort Sequence Builder, which allows you to pull in data from a field and customize sorting priorities.
The Grouping tab is only available when you sort a report using a numeric sort field.
Reflects the sort conditions that are in effect.
No grouping option will be in effect. This is the default option.
Groups sort field values in specified increments.
Defines the range by which sort field values are grouped.
Variable makes the option a parameter whose value is prompted for at run time. Click the ampersand (&) button to open the Guided Variable Definition dialog box, which enables you to change the parameter name suffix, display text, order of values, and display or return values.
Allows for a range of number tiles to be present with the grouping.
If specified, this value limits the number of groups of the specified interval to be retrieved.
In order to use the Highest Value option, Limit must be set to On or Variable. This option enables you set the highest value for the limit.
Select this option to group numeric data into any number of tiles (percentiles, deciles, quartiles, and so on). A new column, labeled TILE by default, is added to the report output and displays the tile number assigned to each instance of the tile field.
You may type in a unique title name.
You can combine these selections with the list of defined Actions.
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You use the Appearance tab while creating or editing a report to filter specific fields, sort data in a field, and style the titles and data of a field. The Appearance tab is located at the top of the WebFOCUS App Studio interface. It is only accessible when a field is selected on the Report canvas. The Appearance tab is shown in the following image.
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You can style data, titles, and text of a selected field. The Style group is shown in the following image.
This section details the Style group of the Appearance tab, which you can use to apply field-level styles. The Style group also appears on the Reports tab, which you can use to apply report-level styles. For more information, see Applying a Theme and Style to a Report Using the Style Group.
The commands are:
Indicates whether style options apply to the data, title, or both.
Applies bold font formatting to the text or selected object.
Applies italic font formatting to the text or selected object.
Underlines the text or selected object.
Does not display underlines, even for drilldowns.
Aligns the text or selected object to the left.
Aligns the text or selected object to the center.
Aligns the text or selected object to the right.
Applies the default alignment options. In this case, numerals are aligned to the left and text is aligned to the right.
Sets column width options.
Copies the style of the selected object, enabling the Paste Style command.
Pastes your copied style settings to the selected field.
Copies the specific style settings from one column to another.
Changes typed or highlighted text to the selected font.
Changes typed text or a selected object to the selected size.
Changes typed text or a selected object to the selected color.
Changes the background color. Opens the Color dialog box, where you can select the background color.
Resets the typed text or a selected object to the default style settings.
Turns borders and gridlines on or off.
By default, the Styling toolbar appears above the shortcut menu when you right-click in the Report canvas. If you right-click the canvas area or when the cursor appears as an insert pointer, the Styling toolbar allows you to style the entire report. If you right-click a section of the report, the Styling toolbar can be used to style that section, as shown in the following image.
You can use the Styling toolbar to quickly apply styling changes to the selected element. For reports and the Data Matrix layer of precision reports, you can select the data and/or title areas for one or more columns in the report.
The Styling toolbar contains the following options:
Applies bold font formatting to the text or selected object.
Applies italic font formatting to the text or selected object.
Underlines the text or selected object.
Do not display underlines, even for drilldowns.
Aligns the text or selected object to the left.
Aligns the text or selected object to the center.
Aligns the text or selected object to the right.
Applies the default alignment options. In this case, numerals are aligned to the left and text is aligned to the right.
Changes typed or highlighted text to the selected font.
Changes typed text or a selected object to the selected size.
Changes typed text or a selected object to the selected color.
Changes the background color. Opens the Color dialog box, where you can select the background color.
Resets the typed text or a selected object to the default style settings.
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Use the tools in the Format group to change the formatting of numeric fields. For example, you can add percentage signs to data and indicate currency (with or without symbols). This group is unavailable when the format option or edit option for the selected field are eight characters in length or attempt to go over eight characters in length.
Note: If you select For Row, the options in the Format group will be unavailable.
The Format group is shown in the following image.
The commands are:
Adds a currency symbol in front of the field data. Enables the selection of a currency, for example Floating Dollar or Fixed Euro. The symbol used is that of the currency selected. If a Fixed currency is selected, no symbol appears. If a Floating currency is selected, the currency symbol appears.
Adds a percentage symbol after the field data.
Enables the display of commas in the field data.
Increases the number of decimal positions shown.
Decreases the number of decimal positions shown.
Use the Format dialog box to modify the format of fields in your report.
To access the Format dialog box, right-click a field in the report and click Format.
The following format types and formatting options are available:
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You can add a data visualization column to a report, display numeric data differently, and add conditional styling. The Display group is shown in the following image.
The commands are:
Enable the Data Visualization dialog box, through which you can add a data visualization column to the right of a selected numeric field. The column displays values in each row using horizontal bars that extend from left to right in varying lengths, depending on the corresponding data values. For more information, see Data Visualization Dialog Box.
Displays numeric data using a variety of aggregation types. Different aggregation types are available depending on the field and the column type for that field. These aggregation types are:
Note: You can also access these options from the Report canvas shortcut menu by right-clicking a field in your report and pointing to Aggregation.
You use the Traffic Lights functionality to set styling and hyperlinks conditions. Adds conditional styling or modifies existing conditional styling by applying colors to a field in the output when the field meets specified criteria. Options include None, Forecast, or Add/Edit Conditions. If you select Add/Edit Conditions, the selection option changes to Sorted Data.
To style a specific condition, select a condition and then use the Style group. This will only style the condition you selected.
The styling you add to a condition appears as a preview in the Report canvas when you select the condition in the Traffic Lights drop-down list box.
You can hide or show a selected field in the output. Fields added to a report or chart are visible in the output by default. Options include On, Off, or Variable. The default value is Off. When a data field is invisible, it appears on the Report canvas (dimmed) and is not visible in the report output.
Note: An invisible column or field may be used in the report as part of a calculation, even though it is set to invisible and will not display in the output.
You use the Data Visualization dialog box to define the data visualization bar graphs that appear in your report. You can access the Data Visualization dialog box by selecting a numeric field, and, on the Appearance tab, in the Display group, clicking Data Bars, or by right-clicking the canvas area and clicking Visualization Defaults.
If you are setting conditions to control the display of bar graphs, you use the Data Visualization Conditional Styling dialog box instead of this one.
The Data Visualization dialog box contains the following fields or options:
Initiates the Data Visualization feature.
Specifies the color of the bar graphs. Select a color from the drop-down list. Black is used as the default color.
The color option is the default for HTML, PDF, and PS formats.
Specifies the shading patterns for bar graphs. Select a shading pattern from the drop-down list.
This option is only available for PDF and PS formats to make graphs in black and white reports more readable. If the report format is HTML, the Pattern option button is inactive because the shading option is only available for PDF and PS formats.
Specifies how the graph looks. Select a look from the drop-down list.
Note: Graphlook Gauge or Quality do not support negative values. Use Bar Graphs instead.
Specifies the relative bar graph scaling for multiple report columns under a common Across sort field to which you have applied data visualization.
Note: This option only appears when applied to the entire report.
Choose one of the following options from the Scale drop-down list:
Specifies that each vertical bar graph be scaled based on the minimum and maximum values of the entire set of values compiled from each Across column to which you have applied data visualization bar graphs.
Specifies that each vertical bar graph be scaled based on the distinct minimum and maximum values for each Across column to which you have applied data visualization bar graphs.
Specifies the length of the longest bar graph.
Default. The default length of 60 pixels is used for a vertical bar graph and 80 pixels for a horizontal bar graph.
Custom. Sets the value for displaying the vertical or horizontal bar graph for the maximum data value in the associated report column. This value must be a positive number.
This value is initially expressed in the current windows measurement units (inches, centimeters), then converted into the corresponding number of pixels.
Specifies the width of the bar graphs in a report.
Default. This value is preset based on the current font size.
Custom. Sets the value for displaying the width of the bar graphs in a report. This value must be a positive number.
This value is initially expressed in the current windows measurement units (inches, centimeters), then converted into the corresponding number of pixels.
Resets all defaults.
Opens the Data Visualization Conditional Styling dialog box where you can define conditions and colors for bar graphs.
You can add a hyperlink or drill-down procedure to a selected field in a report.
Note: The Links group also appears in the Report tab. For more information, see Creating a Drill-Down Procedure Using the Links Group.
You can choose to show or hide columns in an In-Document Analytic report, as shown in the following image.
You can select which columns are hidden from view, in the report output, when using the HTML Analytic Document output format.
You can change the options that apply to an Analytic Document. The Analytic Document Options tab is located at the top of the WebFOCUS App Studio interface and is accessible only when you have selected an Analytic Document output. The Analytic Document Options tab is shown in the following image.
You can change the paging of a report and the number of rows retrieved. The group is shown in the following image.
The commands are:
When on-demand paging is enabled, the viewer displays one page of report output and navigational controls. You use the navigational controls to change the report page that appears in the viewer.
Your browser consists of two frames, the Report Frame and the Viewer Control Panel frame. The Report Frame is the larger frame and contains one page of report output. When you first run a report, the Report Frame contains the first page of report output.
The Viewer Control Panel frame contains the controls you use to navigate through the report and to search for a string. The navigational controls allow you to display the next or previous page, the first or last page, or to display a specific page. You use the searching function to locate a page of the report that contains the search string you specify.
Sets the number of rows displayed in the output. The default value is 100.
You can set a password to access an Analytic Document, and set an expiration date so that an Analytic Document is no longer viewable past that date. The Viewing Restrictions group is shown in the following image.
The commands are:
Sets a password that must be entered to view the Analytic Document output.
It is a character string up to 32 characters in length. Only standard alphanumeric English characters are allowed in the password for an Analytic Document in AHTML format. National Language Support (NLS) characters are not allowed in the password. Any NLS character in the password for an AHTML report makes the password invalid.
The date when an Analytic Document expires and the report output can no longer be viewed (displayed).
Enter the expiration date in year, month, day (yymmdd) format or in day format (1-999 DAYS) where the value indicates the number of days from the current date that the report expires. Valid values are 1 to 999 days. Note that you must enter the number and the word DAYS as part of the value.
You can set the color, position, and options available for calculations. The Calculations group is shown in the following image.
The commands are:
Enables you to turn on calculations for fields in the report. All visible fields in the report appear in the Column list in the order they appear in the report. Hidden fields do not appear in the Column list.
You can select a calculation for each field in the Column list from the Calculations dialog box. Calculation options are determined by the field type. If the field is in an alphanumeric format, the drop-down list contains Count and Count Distinct. If the field is a numeric format, the drop-down list contains Sum, Average, Count, Count Distinct, Minimum, Maximum.
Opens the Color dialog box, where you can set the color of calculation values.
Opens the Color dialog box, where you can set the background color of calculations.
Displays calculations at the top of the report.
Displays calculations at the bottom of the report.
You can change the visibility, collapsibility, and position of the legend. The Legend Options group is shown in the following image.
The commands are:
Sets the legend to always be visible.
Sets the legend to be collapsible.
Minimizes the legend and moves it to the bottom left.
Minimizes the legend and moves it to the bottom center.
Minimizes the legend and moves it to the bottom right.
You can display multiple reports differently. The Window Display group is shown in the following image.
The commands are:
View multiple reports with default windows.
View multiple reports with cascading windows.
View multiple reports in one window with a tab for each report.
You can freeze the selected column and all columns to the left of that column. The Freeze Columns group is shown in the following image.
The command is:
Freezes the report at a particular point so that columns to the left of the freeze point remain in view while you scroll through the other report columns. You can select any of the fields present on the Report canvas to freeze the report at that point, or you can select None to turn off the Freeze option.
If the report can be fully viewed in the browser window, then freeze is not applied.
The Freeze columns option is not available for expandable report (Accordion) views.
You can set the location and color of the status bar and page navigation bar. You can also specify whether or not to display these bars. The Pagination group is shown in the following image.
The commands are:
Sets the record status bar and page navigation bar to display on the top left.
Sets the record status bar and page navigation bar to display on the top center.
Sets the record status bar and page navigation bar to display on the top right.
Sets the record status bar and page navigation bar to display on the bottom left.
Sets the record status bar and page navigation bar to display on the bottom center.
Sets the record status bar and page navigation bar to display on the bottom right.
Sets the record status bar and page navigation bar to not display.
Sets the text color for the record status bar and page navigation bar. Opens the Color dialog box.
Sets the background color for the record status bar and page navigation bar. Opens the Color dialog box.
You can apply data visualization to numeric fields in an Analytic Document. You can designate the colors of the bars and set different colors for positive and negative values. The default color for positive and negative values is black. The Visualize group is shown in the following image.
The commands are:
Sets the color for positive numeric values. Opens the Color dialog box.
Sets the color for negative numeric values. Opens the Color dialog box.
Sets which icon set to use for your Analytic Document.
You can set the color of a row of data when you pause the mouse pointer on the row or when you select the row. The Row Selection group is shown in the following image.
The commands are:
Sets the color of a row of data when you pause the mouse pointer on the row. Opens the Color dialog box.
Sets the color of a row of data when you select that row. Opens the Color dialog box.
You can make specific options available in the Analytic Document and set the color of menu items. Click the Launch button on the bottom of the Menu Options group to display the Customize User Interactivity box.
The options are:
Adds pagination options when selected.
Adds filter options when selected.
Adds freeze options when selected.
Adds calculation options when selected.
Adds hide options when selected.
Adds chart options when selected.
Adds exportation options when selected.
Adds visualization options when selected.
Adds sorting options when selected.
Adds rollup options when selected.
Adds pivot options when selected.
Adds comment options when selected.
Adds window options when selected.
Adds restoration options when selected.
Adds email options when selected.
Adds save options when selected.
Adds print options when selected.
Adds accordion options when selected.
Adds tool options when selected.
Adds grid options when selected.
Sets the color of menu text. Opens the Color dialog box.
Sets the color of menu text when you pause the mouse pointer on menu text. Opens the Color dialog box.
Sets the background color of menu text. Opens the Color dialog box.
Sets the background color of menu items when you pause the mouse pointer on the menu items. Opens the Color dialog box.
Sets the color of the border for menu text. Opens the Color dialog box.
Sets predefined options for the following user levels:
Sets the width and height of FLEX or APDF formatted Analytic Documents. The Application Container group is shown in the following image.
Sets the width of the In-Document Analytic report container for FLEX or APDF formatted reports.
Sets the height of the In-Document Analytic report container for FLEX or APDF formatted reports.
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You can create, calculate, and present financially oriented data such as balance sheets, consolidations, profit and loss statements, budgets, and certain government mandated reports. These reports are distinguished from other WebFOCUS reports because calculations are inter-row as well as inter-column. Each row or line represents a unique entry or series of entries that can be aggregated directly from the input data, or calculated as some function of the data. The Matrix tab is located at the top of the WebFOCUS App Studio interface and is only accessible when a FOR field is selected on the Report canvas and the Matrix tab is selected from the bottom of the Report canvas. The Matrix tab is shown in the following image.
You use the View group to change the type of a field. The View group is shown in the following image.
The commands are:
Toggles the report between Design mode and Preview mode. Design mode is used to assist you in the creation of your report, and Preview mode allows you to preview what a user will see at run time.
In Preview mode, the Report canvas displays the following:
Shows the properties of the selected row in a dialog box named after the row type. For example, if your row was the DATA type, the DATA dialog box opens. You can edit the properties for that row from this dialog box.
You can use the Insert group to insert or change a row in a report. The type depends on which button you click. You can choose between Tag, Recap, Text, Bar, Data, and Pickup. You can also change a row to a different type using the shortcut menu on the Report canvas. The Insert group is shown in the following image.
The commands are:
Inserts a tag row or changes a row to a tag row. Tags identify the data values of the FOR field in your report. A report row can be associated with a tag that represents:
You can also identify tag values that are organized in a parent/child hierarchy up to 99 levels deep and extending over many rows in the matrix.
The Tag command opens the TAG dialog box, from which you can define all of these variations. You can also access the TAG dialog box by right-clicking a TAG row and clicking Row Properties or by clicking Display Properties on the Matrix tab, in the View group.
The TAG dialog box includes the following options on the Options tab:
Successive levels of the hierarchy field are indented two spaces from the previous level. You can change the spacing of these indents by using the Indent settings in the TAG dialog box.
You can use the default value, turn indentation off, or specify the indent value.
The TAG dialog box includes the following options on the General tab:
If you do not want the caption to appear, clear the Display children's caption check box.
Opens the RECAP dialog box, where you can create an expression that derives the value of the RECAP row and assign row properties. Recaps enable you to perform calculations on data in the rows of a report to produce new rows.
To initiate a recap operation, you must supply the format of the value that will receive the result of the calculation, and an expression that defines the calculation you wish to perform. Initially, the default row label (R1, and so on) serves as the identifying label for the calculated value. However, it is good practice to provide a more descriptive label for reference in other calculations.
The RECAP dialog box includes the following options on the Options tab:
Note: Although not directly supported by options in the RECAP dialog box, there are a number of other ways in which you can identify the columns to which you want to apply the recap calculation: column address, column value, and cell notation. To use these features, you must type the required syntax directly into the expression box in the RECAP dialog box.
The RECAP dialog box includes the following options on the General tab:
Opens the TEXT dialog box, where you can enter a row of text, or a blank row. Type up to 256 characters in the text field or leave it blank to insert a blank row to the report.
The TEXT dialog box includes the Free Text option on the Options tab, which allows you to type text to display in the text row.
The options in the General tab are unavailable for a text row.
Opens the BAR dialog box, where you can add an underline character below columns of numbers. The options include a single (_) or double underscore (__) character.
The options in the General tab are unavailable for a bar row.
Opens the DATA dialog box, where you can assign properties, such as title and label, to a row whose data you supply directly in the request, rather than retrieving it from a data source.
The DATA dialog box includes the following options on the General tab:
Opens the PICKUP dialog box, where you can assign row properties, such as title and label, and indicate the name of a file from which to pick up a row of previously posted data.
The PICKUP dialog box includes the following options on the General tab:
You use the Row/Cell group to create and edit rows and cells. The Row/Cell group is shown in the following image.
The commands are:
Adds a blank row at the bottom of the matrix.
Inserts a blank row between two existing rows.
Deletes the selected row.
Creates a RECAP row based on the sum of other values in the matrix.
Creates a RECAP cell based on the sum of other values in the matrix.
You use the Report Properties group to control report properties. The Report Properties group is shown in the following image.
The commands are:
Allows you to add the same data value to multiple rows.
When enabled, adds the .FST to all summed numeric columns, ensuring that the shared value is only counted once.
You use the Row Properties group to control row properties. The Row Properties group is shown in the following image.
The commands are:
When enabled, hides the selected row.
When enabled, you can hide a row, if no data exists in that row.
You can enter the name of a file you want to add to a row of output.
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You can use the Modeling tab to access WebFOCUS RStat, a statistical modeling workbench that is embedded in WebFOCUS App Studio. You can perform common statistical and data mining tasks, and develop models that can be deployed as scoring applications on every platform. RStat enables data miners and Business Intelligence developers to collaborate with the same tools used to access, manipulate, or transform data, develop predictive models, and create and deploy scoring applications along with associated reports to any worker within their organization.
You can pass any data generated from the Report canvas directly into RStat. After you pass the data to RStat, you can develop your data, join various data sources, build virtual fields, and create data sets to pass to RStat for modeling. The Launch button extracts the data defined within your report and loads it directly into RStat. Within each report, you can customize the name of the hold file that you create, and the location at which it is stored. If you do not customize the name and location of the hold file, a default name and location are assigned.
Note: The Modeling tab is only accessible when RStat is installed.
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You can run RStat and edit the RStat configuration model options. You can also conduct sampling activities. The commands are:
Extracts the data defined in your report and loads it directly into RStat. RStat opens in a new window.
Note: The file name that loads in RStat is that which you define on the RStat Model Configuration dialog box. The default file name is HOLD (HOLD.CSV).
When you click the Parameters button, the RStat Model Configuration dialog box displays. In this dialog box, you can name the hold file that will be used to pass the model data from the Report canvas into RStat (the default file name is HOLD). You can also define the directory in which the hold file should be placed. You can customize the default hold path for your procedures (.fex files). Your model configuration parameters are saved when you exit the RStat Model Configuration dialog box.
Opens the Sampling dialog box. You can generate statistically representative data extracts for data examination and modeling purposes. You can select Random, Numeric Stratified, or Categorical Stratified sampling.
You can also disable sampling. Each option contains a set of criteria that you can edit for the sampling.
Note: In order for sampling to work, you must select a data field prior to clicking Sampling. If you do not select a data field, the message No field is available for sampling will be the only item that appears in the dialog box.
RStat launches in a separate window.
Note: The fields that you define on your Report canvas are imported into RStat in the order specified in your report.
For more information on using RStat, see the Using WebFOCUS RStat for Predictive Analytics manual.
You use the Parameters option to specify a name for the data file, as well as an output directory.
The RStat Model Configuration dialog box displays.
Note: The default Hold file name is HOLD and displays in the file name field on the Data tab in RStat. If you change the name of the file on the RStat Model Configuration dialog box, this revised file name is reflected in RStat.
Note: You can restore the original drive and directory by clicking Default.
When you launch RStat, this file name is the default Hold file used upon entry into the application.
The sampling functionality is accessible through the Modeling tab in WebFOCUS App Studio. Sampling offers three sampling techniques: Random, Numeric Stratified, and Categorical Stratified.
When you sample a population, stratified sampling allows us to ensure that the proportion of each stratum in the sample is the same as in the population. Numeric stratified sampling is used when the field identifying the strata is a number and can be defined in terms of a range. Categorical stratified sampling is used for all other data.
Accessing sampling criteria within the Modeling tab requires that at least one field is defined within the report extract. If no fields have been defined, you will receive a warning message informing you that no fields are available for sampling and the Sampling tab will be present, but no actions will be available. For Random Sampling, which is not tied to a specific field value, any field will open the option. For Stratified sampling, the stratum field (the field on which the strata will be defined) must be included in the report.
To produce a valid output sample, each sampling definition requires information about the file to be sampled. In each sampling routine, you can use the sample calculator to calculate the values for each of the following or enter your own values: