Admin CLI for ActiveSpaces Administration

Administrative tasks for TIBCO ActiveSpaces are performed through a utility called as-admin, or the Administration Command Line Interface (Admin CLI). These tasks include connecting to a metaspace, creating a space, and displaying information about existing spaces and members.

To start the TIBCO ActiveSpaces Admin CLI, you must:

  • Set environment variables for TIBCO ActiveSpaces

    For information on setting the required environment variables, see the TIBCO ActiveSpaces Installation document.

  • Launch the Admin CLI, in a command prompt window
The executable for running the Admin CLI (as-admin) is located in the /bin directory of ActiveSpaces.
Note: The Java version of as-admin is deprecated.

Additional Characteristics of the Admin CLI

  • Arrow keys and the tab key function in the command window as in typical advanced shells.
  • You can invoke a shell command by using the escape character ’!’, for example, !dir or !ls to list the files in the current directory.
  • Field names and String literals must be enclosed in single or double quotes.
  • In most cases, you will start using the Admin CLI by first using the connect command to connect to a metaspace.
  • The default discovery mechanism is PGM. If RV discovery or TCP unicast discovery is needed, you must specify the appropriate discovery URL.

    For more information on discovery, see the TIBCO ActiveSpaces Developer’s Guide.

The Execute Method

Admin CLI administrative commands (for example defining a space) can be executed directly from within an application. This is done by using the Metaspace object's execute method and passing it a string representing the Admin CLI command. A string is returned containing the output resulting from executing the command.