Data Conversion Plug-in with IBM MQ

The plug-in, together with TIBCO ActiveMatrix BusinessWorks Plug-in for Data Conversion, provides ActiveMatrix BusinessWorks with the ability to encode XML-structured data into byte sequences to be sent to an IBM MQ-capable application.

The plug-in does not attempt to provide tools for the manipulation of the message body itself. This requirement is fulfilled by TIBCO ActiveMatrix BusinessWorks Plug-in for Data Conversion. Messages can be free form text (like XML documents) or they can have internal structure. In the case of most legacy applications, that structure is usually expressed in the form of a copybook document like this one:

         *  *===========================================================*
         *  * TIBCO Mainframe sample COBOL Copybook                 *
         *  *===========================================================*

         01  WS-IVP-FIELDS.
             05  IVP-ID                PIC  X(8)      USAGE DISPLAY.
             05  IVP-DESCR             PIC  X(56)     USAGE DISPLAY.
             05  IVP-RESULT            PIC  X(80)     USAGE DISPLAY.
             05  IVP-BES-NAME          PIC  X(8)      USAGE DISPLAY.
             05  IVP-BES-TRAN-ID       PIC  X(8)      USAGE DISPLAY.
             05  IVP-BES-PGM-NAME      PIC  X(8)      USAGE DISPLAY.
             05  IVP-USERID            PIC  X(8)      USAGE DISPLAY.
             05  IVP-START-TIME        PIC  X(8)      USAGE DISPLAY.
             05  IVP-REPLY-TIME        PIC  X(8)      USAGE DISPLAY.
             05  IVP-SUBJ-SFX          PIC  X(30)     USAGE DISPLAY.
             05  IVP-TYPE              PIC  X(1)      USAGE DISPLAY.
             05  IVP-BES               PIC  X(1)      USAGE DISPLAY.
             05  IVP-WRITES            PIC S9(8)      USAGE COMP.
             05  IVP-BES-TASKNO        PIC S9(8)      USAGE COMP.
             05  IVP-BES-DELAY         PIC S9(8)      USAGE COMP.
             05  IVP-BTCH-SEQ-NO       PIC S9(8)      USAGE COMP.
             05  IVP-START-DATE-CHAR   PIC  X(16)     USAGE DISPLAY.
             05  IVP-START-TIME-CHAR   PIC  X(16)     USAGE DISPLAY.
             05  IVP-REPLY-DATE-CHAR   PIC  X(16)     USAGE DISPLAY.
             05  IVP-REPLY-TIME-CHAR   PIC  X(16)     USAGE DISPLAY.

TIBCO ActiveMatrix BusinessWorks Plug-in for Data Conversion converts copybooks to XML schemas for use in other activities. The Data Conversion Plug-in render and parse activities convert canonical data to memory based formats and vice versa. If your IBM MQ project converses with an application that uses these formats, simply create Data Conversion Plug-in activities that represent the message structure for those applications and pipe the values in and out of message activities to communicate with them, the following figure shows how canonical data is converted using the Data Conversion Plug-in: