Customizing Compliance Suite Reports

The LogLogic® Compliance Suite - Sarbanes-Oxley Edition reports are designed to run out-of-the-box to meet specific compliance requirements. However, you might want to modify the reports to include additional information or devices depending on your business needs.


  1. Make sure that you are on the Reports page and click the Edit button of a report you want to modify.
  2. Modify the report details (that is name, description, and so on.), filters, and parameters.

    LogLogic enables you to customize everything pertaining to the summarization and presentation of the reports. You can modify one of the devices on which the report runs, schedule when the report runs, and set specific report search filters.

    The following figure shows the report filters available under Columns and Filters.

    Advanced Options and Update Saved Custom Report Views
    Note: It is a good practice to test your modifications to ensure that the report meets your business needs.
  3. To test the report, click Run.

    The report runs and returns data based on the set parameters. Verify that the returned data is what you want. Continue modifying and testing the report as needed.

  4. Save the report by completing the following steps:
    1. Click Save As.

      Make any necessary modifications to the report details (that is Report Name, Report Description, and so on.).

    2. Click Save & Close.

      A report saved message appears. Your report is now modified. Consider testing the output of the report again to ensure you are returning all of the data you need from this report.