Backup and Restore

This section defines how routine backups and restore are done to maintain the safety and integrity of the stored artifacts.


ModelOps stores all artifacts in an embedded database that is only accessible through the ModelOps UI. In general, this database does not require any user maintenance.

ModelOps Server Storage

The database is stored external to the ModelOps Server Pod on a Persistent Volume Claim (PVC) named modelops-server. This PVC uses a ReadWriteOnce access mode with a size set during installation based on the configured system sizing.

//	Display details on modelops-server PVC
kubectl get pvc --namespace modelops modelops-server
NAME              STATUS   VOLUME                                     CAPACITY   ACCESS MODES   STORAGECLASS   AGE
modelops-server   Bound    pvc-7abeecd8-fb0c-4d80-894f-3560770411f2   20Gi       RWO            default        6d5h

The PVC is mounted at /var/opt/tibco/models/data in the ModelOps Server Pod.

Because the database is stored on a PVC, the ModelOps Server Pod can be safely restarted or removed without any data loss.


A backup is performed on the internal database every time the ModelOps Server Pod is restarted, for example because of a ModelOps product upgrade, or manually to force a backup.

Backups are exported as JSON and are stored in /var/opt/tibco/models/data/backups with this naming convention:


The backup files are never automatically deleted. It is recommend that older backups be manually deleted, or moved to long-term archival storage if required for governance, to prevent exhausting the allocated PVC space. Standard Kubernetes tools can be used to access the running Pod to remove backup files, for example using kubectl:

//	Use the selector to display the ModelOps Server Pod
kubectl get pods --selector app=modelops-server --namespace modelops
NAME                               READY   STATUS    RESTARTS   AGE
modelops-server-6c744659d7-ll7st   1/1     Running   0          2m13s

//	Log in to ModelOps Server Pod
kubectl exec -it modelops-server-6c744659d7-ll7st --namespace modelops --  /bin/bash

//	Change to backups directory
bash-4.4$ cd $MODELOPS_RUNTIME_HOME/data/backups
bash-4.4$ ls
ModelOps-2022-03-22-15-25-51.json  ModelOps-2022-03-23-23-39-45.json  ModelOps-2022-03-24-11-40-55.json


As more artifacts are added to the system, the size of the embedded database will grow. In addition, every backup will consume additional storage on the PVC until removed. To ensure that the allocated PVC storage is never exhausted, the utilization of the ModelOps Server PVC should be monitored. PVC utilization can be monitored using standard Kubernetes monitoring tools, for example kubedf:

PVC                                                  1K-blocks    Used Available Use%
artifact-repository                                  20466256 2413160  18036712  12%
elasticsearch-data-elasticsearch-es-default-0        51290592  441744  50832464   1%
git-server                                           20466256    5616  20444256   0%
modelops-server                                      20466256   17236  20432636   0%

Or Lens:

ModelOps Server Storage


The embedded database can be restored from the backup files.

NOTE: Restoring the embedded database causes a service outage.

The steps to restore the database are:

  1. Log into the ModelOps Server Pod.
  2. Restore the database from a backup.

Once a restore has completed, the ModelOps server will automatically restart.

Accessing the ModelOps Pod

The ModelOps Pod name can be found with this command:

//	Use the selector to display the ModelOps Server Pod
kubectl get pods --selector app=modelops-server --namespace modelops
NAME                               READY   STATUS    RESTARTS   AGE
modelops-server-6c744659d7-ll7st   1/1     Running   0          2m13s

Use the Pod name with this command to access a shell in the Pod:

kubectl exec -it modelops-server-6c744659d7-ll7st  --namespace modelops -- /bin/bash
Defaulted container "modelops-server" out of: modelops-server, wait (init)

Restoring the Database

From the shell in the ModelOps Server Pod execute these commands to restore the database.
When the restore is complete the ModelOps Server Pod will be automatically restarted.

//	Change to the runtime directory

//	Choose the backup file to use for the restore
ls data/backups/
ModelOps-2022-03-26-00-20-59.json  ModelOps-2022-03-26-00-22-40.json  ModelOps-2022-03-26-14-24-45.json

//	Execute the restore
./restore data/backups/ModelOps-2022-03-26-14-24-45.json
Moving database to data/database-restored
Restoring database from data/backups/ModelOps-2022-03-26-14-24-45.json...


Restore complete from data/backups/ModelOps-2022-03-26-14-24-45.json
Will shutdown server in 10 seconds
Interrupt to avoid shutdown...
Shutting down ModelOps server
bash-4.4$ command terminated with exit code 137

After the restore completes, the ModelOps server will be restarted in a new Pod, using the data from the backup file.