Installing in GUI Mode

When you run the installer in the GUI mode, the installer prompts you for information about the installation environment, and you can do other customizations.


  1. Run TIBCOUniversalInstaller.exe on Windows and TIBCOUniversalInstaller.bin on UNIX.
  2. On the Welcome screen, click Next.
  3. Read through the license agreement, select I accept the terms of the license agreement, and click Next.
  4. Select a new installation environment (TIBCO_HOME) or an existing installation environment and click Next.
    Option Procedure
    Create a new TIBCO_HOME Specify properties:
    • Directory The directory into which the product is installed. The directory cannot be the same as the directory of an existing installation environment.

      The directory path cannot contain special characters such as "*", "#", "?", ">", "<", "%", "&", "$", "`" or "|".

    • Name Identifies the installation environment. The name cannot contain special characters such as "*", "?", ">", "<", ":", "|", "/", "\", or quotes (").
    Use an existing TIBCO_HOME Select an installation environment from the drop-down list.
  5. On the Installation Profile Selection screen, select one or more of the preconfigured profiles, or click Customize Installation and explicitly select the components you want to install. Click Next.
  6. On the Pre-Install summary screen, verify the list of products selected for installation, and click Install.
  7. Verify the Post-Install Summary and click Finish to complete the installation process and close the installer window.