Configuring the TIBCO ActiveMatrix BusinessWorks 6.x Project


  1. Using the abstract WSDL created in Editing the Saved WSDL, create a TIBCO ActiveMatrix BusinessWorks 6.x service. Implement the notifications operation for NotificationPort portType. Add the ExpressoNotify activity to the process.
  2. Configure the SOAP service binding for the service. Note the endpoint URL configured here. Also note the port that is configured for the HTTPConnectorResource. In this case, it is 8080.
  3. Configure the schema for the ExpressoNotify activity using the Input Editor tab as showin in the following figure. This is your event schema; map it according to the incoming SOAP message.

  4. Create an Expresso Provider shared resource and configure it as follows:

    Name: SalesForceEventProvider. This is displayed as the domain name of the provider.

    Expresso Server Cient Config: the server configuration details.

    Expresso Event Configuration > Event Name: this name is directly seen as the pod name.

    Expresso Event Configuration > Implementing Process: select the process containing the ExpressoNotify activity that was configured.

  5. Similarly, create a workflow rule in Salesforce to send an outbound message when changes are made to a campaign. The name of the campaign is Test Campaign. The criteria for the workflow rule is "Campaign: Campaign NameEQUALSTest Campaign".
    The fields to be included in the outbound message are: ActualCost, BudgetedCost, ExpectedResponse, Id, Name, NumberOfContacts, NumberOfLeads, NumberOfResponses, NumberSent, and Status.
    Note: Before implementing the service in TIBCO ActiveMatrix BusinessWorks 6.x, make sure you change the targetnamespace of the second WSDL, as it is the same as the first one and may create errors on startup.
  6. Implement the service and add the ExpressoNotify activity as shown for the first service. Configure it as a second event with the SalesforceProvider shared resource. Note the endpoint URI for the binding.
  7. Start the application. The SalesforceProvider is registered with the Expresso server with the two events and their schemas.
  8. Configure the outbound message in the SalesForce cloud instance with the URI where the SalesForce BusinessWorks application is hosted, appending the URI from the SOAP endpoint"/leadevent" . Refer to Creating a SalesForce Provider.
  9. Trigger the service by converting a lead or changing any field of the Test Campaign.