Installation Overview
Installation Requirements
Installation Account and Permission Requirements
System Requirements
Installing by using TIBCO Universal Installer
Installer Overview
Installation Environment
Installation Components
Installation Modes and Procedures
Installing in GUI Mode
Installing in Console Mode
Installing in Silent Mode
Installing by using an Update Site
Installing the Plug-in by using the Public Update Site
Installing the Plug-in by using the Local Update Site or Directory
Installing the Plug-in by using the BusinessWorks Plug-in Manager
Adding the SWIFT Plug-in to TIBCO BusinessWorks Container Edition
Uninstalling by Using the TIBCO Universal Installer
Uninstalling in GUI Mode
Uninstalling in Console Mode
Uninstalling in Silent Mode
Uninstalling by Using an Update Site
Uninstalling the Plug-in by using the Public Update Site
Uninstalling the Plug-in using BusinessWorks Plug-in Manager
Troubleshooting Installation
User's Guide
Product Overview
SWIFT Overview
SWIFT Messages
MT Message
MX Message
Basic Message Flow
Communication with the SWIFT Network
Terminologies and Acronyms
Getting Started
Creating a Project
Creating a Load SWIFT MT Schema Shared Resource
Configuring a Process
Testing a Process
Deploying an Application
TIBCO Business Studio Overview
Creating a Load SWIFT MX Schema Shared Resource
Load SWIFT MT Schema Shared Resource
Load SWIFT MX Schema Shared Resource
SWIFT MT Palette
Parse SWIFT MT Activity
Render SWIFT MT Activity
Route SWIFT MT Activity
Generate SWIFT BICPlusIBAN Activity
Validate SWIFT BICPlusIBAN Activity
Guidelines for Validating the Message Structure
Limitations and Suggestions
SWIFT MX Palette
Parse SWIFT MX Activity
Render SWIFT MX Activity
Configuring Advanced Options
Parsing and Validating SWIFT MT Messages Using SwiftCheck
SwiftCheck Options
Parsing and Validating SWIFT MX Messages Using SwiftMXCheck
SwiftMXCheck Options
Using Validation Filters
Filter Groups
Configuring Customized MX Java Rules
MX Java Rule Code Example
MX Message Rule Example
Processing Acknowledgment Messages
Reconciling Acknowledgment Messages
Migrating Projects to the Current SWIFT Standards
Migrating Projects with SWIFT MT Activities
Migrating Projects with SWIFT MX Activities
Migrating TIBCO ActiveMatrix BusinessWorks™ Plug-in for SWIFT 5.20.0 projects to TIBCO ActiveMatrix BusinessWorks™ Plug-in for SWIFT 6.7.0
Managing Logs
Log Levels
Setting Up Log Levels
Exporting Logs to a File
Error Codes
Examples Overview
Importing Sample Projects
Using Route SWIFT MT and Parse SWIFT MT Activities
Setting Up the Project
Running the Project
Using Render SWIFT MT Activity
Setting Up the Project
Running the Project
Using Generate SWIFT BICPlusIBAN and Validate SWIFT BICPlusIBAN Activities
Setting Up the Project
Running the Project
Using Parse SWIFT MX and Render SWIFT MX Activities
Setting Up the Project
Running the Project
Mapping SWIFT MT and SWIFT MX Messages
Setting Up the Project
Running the Project
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