Cloud Software Group, Inc. EBX®
TIBCO EBX® Documentation


Release date: June 21, 2024.


Notable points done for workflows :

Workflow history

Fixed the service "clear from workflows selected" and "Clean from a date" available in Workflow history administration. Only records in workflow table were cleared since 6.0, some related data to it were ignored causing the history to grow bigger without the knowledge of the users. We still recommend to regularly launch a standard purge task as mentioned in workflow administration documentation.


A prefilter can now be defined for an AdaptationFilter or TableRefFilter to improve query performance or table reference validation.

See their Java documentation or the Improving the performance with prefilters section for more information.

Data validation

This service pack improves the performance of creating a child dataspace from a dataspace that contains many datasets with validation reports. As part of this improvement, the validation report metadata schema was changed. As a result, all validation reports will be reset when upgrading from EBX® 6.0, or 6.1 to 6.2 or later. The stale data in the reset validation reports will be removed during the next purge.

Application servers

This section describes application servers changes for architecture modernization.

Servlet and JSP container

EBX® now supports Jakarta EE 9 or above. This change will require an upgrade to several third party libraries, such as Servlet 5.0 or greater, JSP 3.0 or greater, JMS 3.0 or greater, and Mail 2.0 or greater. See the links below for more information on requirements for specific components.

Developers of EBX® 6.2.x onwards should be aware that, as a result of the move from Java EE to Jakarta EE, the primary package name for all implemented APIs has changed from javax.* to jakarta.*. This will almost certainly require code changes to enable modules or other libraries to migrate from EBX® 6.1 and earlier to EBX® 6.2 and later.

See Supported application servers, Java Message Service (JMS), JMS for distributed data delivery (D3) and Installation notes for more information.

Java Compile time Environment

EBX® sources are now compiled with JDK 17. JRE 11 is no longer compatible. We recommend upgrading your JRE to a recent LTS version to take advantage of its performance improvements.

See Supported application servers for more information.

Data services

The following sections describe new feature and improvement to data services.

Built-in RESTful services

The built-in RESTful services were improved in the following area:

Business Object

Improves select business object operation using data-bo and data-compact-bo and now returns content of one to many relation ship of business objects. As the response may be large, the maximum size can be overloaded on the EBX® server using the property. In fact, if the response approaches or exceeds the max size value a HTTP 206 Partial Content response is returned with a number of records lower than requested, including a consistent paging context, all are in a well-formed JSON response.

See, backward compatibility for built-in RESTful services, Performance and Select operation for more information.

Built-in LDAP directory

A built-in support for LDAP (Lightweight Directory Access Protocol) has been added and designed as a custom directory implementation. This feature enables integration of an existing LDAP directory with EBX®.

See Built-in LDAP directory and Built-in LDAP directory properties, for more information.

Improving the performance with prefilters

Programmatic filters can include a combination of simple checks and more complex Java code. Under certain conditions, the simple checks can be converted to a prefilter in the form of an XPath predicate. The prefilters can then be used by EBX® to optimize queries. The prefilter must satisfy a consistency condition and it should satisfy certain other conditions for performance reasons. See the Java documentation of the relevant functions.

The interface PrefilteredAdaptationFilter has been added for adding a prefilter to anAdaptationFilter.

A TableRefFilter can define an XPath prefilter during the setup of the table reference filter. See TableRefFilterContext.setPrefilter

EBX® Container Edition

The Container Edition was improved on the following topic:

Java SE Development Kit

The JDK has been upgraded to LTS version 21.

See Overview for more information.

EBX® Script IDE

This release introduces the Script IDE, a web-based development environment that allows you to create and manage scripts written in the EBX® Script Language (ESL). The web-based IDE simplifies scripting tasks such as writing functions and procedures applied to basic data manipulation, automated triggers, and even complex workflow tasks.

The Script IDE helps avoid the overhead associated with writing, compiling, and deploying custom modules. The combination of ESL and the new Script IDE make programmatic data management tasks more accessible to those without a Java programming background.

The Script IDE provides many of the features you would expect to find in an IDE, such as:

Home page

This release introduces the home page, a new customizable entry point to EBX®.

See also

Metadata management

This release introduces support for metadata management, offering a suite of new features:

Additionally, you can connect to and integrate with a variety of external data sources to extract, discover, and manage your metadata. These enhancements aim to improve your ability to manage data efficiently and make informed decisions based on reliable, well-governed data.

Business user and administrative features are accessible from two pre-defined perspectives: Metadata and Metadata administration. These built-in perspectives are available only if the metadata module is deployed.


As of this release, metadata management features are only available for the TIBCO EBX® Container Edition.

History view of a record on the sidebar

Users can now view record transaction history on the sidebar. This view shows a list of transactions, modified field values, the record modifier, and timestamp. Transactions are sortable by date and time.

Product migration

This release contains an updated Migration Guide that provides instructions for migrating from EBX® version 5.9.x to 6.x.

Limitations for this release

Hierarchy limitations

On allowed dimension for new dependencies:

Query limitations

The performance of these features is not yet optimized:

The following cases do not rely on Lucene indices. This has two consequences: first, performance is not optimized; second, Quick search behaves like a 'contains', rather than a full-text search:

More specific cases not benefiting from index optimization are described in the following section.

Value-labeling limitations

Search and sort using the value-labeling feature have a few limitations described in section Value-labeling.

Data validation limitations

Version upgrade

In addition to the information provided in this release note, the chapter 6.2 Java API changes provides an exhaustive list of the new Java APIs published since the release of the 6.1 version.

New Web Application Resource (WAR) files


This is the WAR for the new Integrated Development Environment.


This is the WAR for the new Hub web application.

See also

Changes on supported environments

The chapter Supported environments has been updated to reflect the necessary upgrades detailed below.

Hana DB support

Support for SAP HANA as a back-end database engine for EBX® is discontinued as of this release.

WebLogic AS support

Currently, no version of WebLogic AS supports JDK 17, or 21 LTS and Jakarta EE 9. Please be aware that, according to Oracle's Statement of Direction, future versions of supported software might not be compatible with EBX®.

Upgrading from an existing EBX® 6 environment

The internal versioning mechanism of indices has been improved and the Lucene library version has been bumped to 9.9.1, causing modifications to the index format. As a consequence, the directory holding the indices is going to be automatically deleted during the product upgrade. Thus, a delay at the first access to each table can be expected to rebuild the indices. Some minor changes in search behavior can also be observed.

The upgrade process crawls all the records in the G_BLK database table to ensure their size is optimal by removing potential wasted space and splitting entries that became bigger than necessary. This one-shot process may significantly delay the first startup on large repositories.

Backward compatibility

Nested procedure use of its parent's ProcedureContext

A nested procedure now cannot use the ProcedureContext of its parent procedure to alter the parent's dataspace. Modifications made by the nested procedure are confined to its own dataspace. This restriction is in place due to concerns about data consistency, as changes made in the nested procedure might rely on unfinalized or cancelled changes in the parent procedure.

Attempts to operate on the ProcedureContext of the parent procedure will now result in an IllegalStateException.

Data validation

The validation reports created by EBX® versions prior to 6.2 are not compatible and will be reset. The stale data for the reset validation reports will be removed during the next purge.

Optimization of matches predicate

As a consequence of the bug fix CP-26571 related to the processing of matches and matches-case-insensitive predicates, certain operations with these predicates are no longer optimized using Lucene. The reason for this is that Lucene's regular expression engine does not support certain Java regex constructs, such as ^ (beginning of line) or $ (end of line). Predicates using these operators were incorrectly optimized and returned incorrect results in previous versions. Therefore if the matches pattern contains such unsupported features, or if it cannot be determined (e.g. the pattern is a dynamic parameter whose actual value is unknown at the optimization phase), then the operation cannot be optimized using Lucene and the performance can be impacted.

Association with inconsistent definition

If an association is not consistent in the context of a specific dataset then it is now considered as read-only from a permissions standpoint, instead of being hidden as in previous versions. The association is read-only in the user interface and it is not possible to create, delete, attach, detach or move an associated record. It is possible to modify an existing associated record.

As a consequence of this change an exception is no longer raised in the existing API that compute the result of the association.

See AssociationLink.getAssociationResult and AssociationLink.getTargetTable

For more information, see Association.

Built-in RESTful services

In business objects selection, the one to many relationship is no longer navigable through HATEOAS links, but is directly included in the JSON response.

Redirection to HTTPS is based on a new option

Since EBX® 6.1.3 HF-1, when users accessed the login screen using HTTP and the property ebx.servlet.http.useHttpsSettings was set to true, they could be redirected to the HTTPS page. This behavior is now disabled by default because it could cause issues if EBX® is behind a reverse proxy. To re-enable this behavior, you need to set the new property ebx.servlet.http.authentication.redirectToHttps to true.

See TIBCO EBX® main configuration file for more information.

Logs to the console are more verbose

All logs, that are not for monitoring or auditing, sent to files are now also sent to the console.

6.2.0 Known issues

Data Services

User Interface

6.2.0 Closed issues

Container Edition

Core Engine

Data Modeling

Data Services

Data Validation

Data Workflows




Team Up

User Interface

Users & Permissions