This document lists the Java API changes made in this release. The comparison is performed between the current version and 6.1 [v1214-sp002].
Class AbstractPrefilteredAdaptationFilter
Defines a base class for implementing a {PrefilteredAdaptationFilter}.
Method Adaptation.getLabel(Session)
Returns the label of the dataset or record corresponding to the locale in the specified session.
Method Adaptation.getLabelOrName(Session)
Returns the label of the dataset or record corresponding to the locale in the specified session.
Method Adaptation.getLastTransactionId()
Returns the identifier of the last transaction in which this dataset or record has been modified.
Method AdaptationHome.getValidationReport(Severity)
Returns all validation reports for datasets in this AdaptationHome that have at least one validation item of the specified severity or higher.
Method AdaptationHome.getValidationReport(ValidationSpec)
Returns the validation report for this dataspace according to the specified properties.
Method AdaptationHome.isUsedByValidation()
Checks whether the current instance of AdaptationHome is a dedicated validation dataspace.
Interface PrefilteredAdaptationFilter
Defines an {AdaptationFilter} that can be optimized using a prefilter predicate.
Interface DataspaceValidationReport
Defines the validation report of a dataspace.
Method UserMessageRef.hashCode()
Constant CategoryVersion.DATA_BO_COMPACT_V1
Data-compact business object category version 1.
Constant CategoryVersion.DATA_BO_V1
Data Business Object category version 1.
Constant Constants.Data.KEY_ACTIVATED
Constant Constants.Data.KEY_CHILDREN_DETAILS
Constant Constants.Data.KEY_DATA_MODEL
Constant Constants.Data.KEY_DESCRIPTION
Constant Constants.Data.KEY_DOCUMENTATION
Constant Constants.Data.KEY_HAS_CHILDREN
Constant Constants.Data.KEY_INFORMATION
Constant Constants.Data.KEY_IS_SELECT_ALLOWED
Constant Constants.Data.KEY_LOCALE
Constant Constants.Data.KEY_MODULE
Constant Constants.Data.KEY_OWNER
Constant Constants.Data.KEY_PARENT
Constant Constants.Data.KEY_PATH_IN_MODULE
Constant Constants.Data.KEY_PUBLICATION
Constant Constants.Data.KEY_VERSION_NAME
Constant Constants.Data.URL_ACTION_CHILDREN
Constant Constants.Pagination.KEY_CURSOR
Pagination cursor position.
Constant Constants.Pagination.KEY_MAX
Maximum page cursor position.
Constant CategoryURIBuilder.DATA_BO_V1
Mapping for REST category {data-bo} and version {v1}.
Constant CategoryURIBuilder.DATA_COMPACT_BO_V1
Mapping for REST category {data-compact-bo} and version {v1}.
Method URIBuilderForBuiltin.queryParams(MultivaluedMap)
Appends the provided query parameters to the existing set of query parameters.
Method DependenciesDefinitionContext.addDependencyToInsertAndDelete(Path)
Specifies that the validation result of the current constraint depends on the insertions and deletions of the table node with the specified path.
Method DependenciesDefinitionContext.addDependencyToInsertDeleteAndModify(Path)
Specifies that the validation result of the current constraint depends on insertions, modifications and deletions on the node targeted by the specified path.
Specifies that the validation result of the current constraint depends on the insertions, modifications and deletions on the specified node in a given dataset.
Specifies that the validation result of the current constraint depends on the insertions, modifications and deletions on the specified node in a given dataset in a specific dataspace.
Method DependenciesDefinitionContext.addDependencyToModify(Path)
Specifies that the validation result of the current constraint depends on the value of the source node with the specified path in the same record.
Method SchemaExtensionsContext.setAccessRuleForCreateOnNode(Path, AccessRuleForCreate, UserMessage)
Declares that the access to a record node may be restricted by the specified rule while in a record creation context.
Declares that the access to an element's subtree may be restricted in a record creation context by the specified {AccessRuleForCreate}.
Method SchemaExtensionsContext.setAccessRuleOnInstance(AccessRule, UserMessage)
Declares that global access to a dataset may be restricted by the specified rule.
Method SchemaExtensionsContext.setAccessRuleOnNode(Path, AccessRule, UserMessage)
Declares that the access to an element may be restricted by the specified rule.
Method SchemaExtensionsContext.setAccessRuleOnNodeAndAllDescendants(Path, boolean, AccessRule, UserMessage)
Declares that the access to an element's subtree may be restricted by the specified rule.
Method SchemaExtensionsContext.setAccessRuleOnOccurrence(Path, AccessRule, UserMessage)
Declares that global access to a table record in the data model may be restricted by the specified rule.
Declares that the display and execution of the specified service is conditioned by the specified rule, when invoked on the element referred by the specified path.
Declares that the display and execution of the specified service is conditioned by the specified rule, for all elements matching the rule's type of EntitySelection under the specified data model element.
Method TableRefFilterContext.setPrefilter(String)
Specifies an XPath filter that will be applied before evaluating {TableRefFilter#accept(Adaptation, ValueContext)}.
Interface BusinessObjectModel
Represents the definition of a business object in the context of a data model.
Interface BusinessObjectModelRelationship
Represent a relationship in the context of a business object model.
Interface ChildEntity
Provides a read-only access facade to a record related to the main record of a business object.
Interface DataModelBusinessObjectModels
Holds the {BusinessObjectModel business object models} defined in a data model.
Interface Entity
Provides a read-only access facade to a record of a business object.
Interface MainEntity
Provides a facade to the main record of a business object.
Method BeanElement.addFacetEnumeration(List)
Sets a list of possible values for this element.
Method SchemaNodeDefaultView.isHiddenInQuickSearch()
Returns true if the associated node is hidden in the quick search tool.
Method UniquenessConstraint.getCaseSensitivity()
Returns the case sensitivity used to check string fields defined in the uniqueness constraint.
Constant SchemaMetadataConstants.DEFINITION_MODE_PATH
Path to the node that specifies the definition mode of a record.
Constant SearchStrategyKey.ASSOCIATION
Only used for association nodes @see SchemaNodeSearchStrategy_Association @since 6.1.1
Method StopWordsKey.getModel()
Returns the name of the data model to which the stop words list belongs, or null if the list does not belong to a specific model.
Method StopWordsKey.getName()
Method SynonymsKey.getModel()
Returns the name of the data model to which the synonyms list belongs, or null if the list does not belong to a specific model.
Method SynonymsKey.getName()
Constant ServiceKey.HIERARCHY_ATTACH
Built-in service to attach nodes in a hierarchical view.
Constant ServiceKey.HIERARCHY_DETACH
Built-in service to detach nodes in a hierarchical view.
Method SessionPermissions.getGlobalPermissionToIde()
Returns whether the user has permission to access the IDE user interface.
Method DifferenceHelper.compareDatasetByDate(Adaptation, Date, Date)
Performs a comparison between two transaction dates for a dataset and returns the result.
Method DifferenceHelper.compareDatasetByTransactionID(Adaptation, long, long)
Performs a comparison between two transaction for a dataset and returns the result.
Method DifferenceHelper.compareDataspaceByDate(AdaptationHome, Date, Date)
Performs a comparison between two transaction dates for a dataspace and returns the result.
Method DifferenceHelper.compareDataspaceByTransactionID(AdaptationHome, long, long)
Performs a comparison between two transactions for a dataspace or a snapshot and returns the result.
Method DifferenceHelper.compareRecordByDate(Adaptation, Date, Date)
Performs a comparison between two dates for a record and returns the result.
Method DifferenceHelper.compareRecordByTransactionID(Adaptation, long, long)
Performs a comparison between two transaction times for a record and returns the result.
Method DifferenceHelper.compareTableByDate(AdaptationTable, Date, Date)
Performs a comparison between two dates for a table and returns the result.
Method DifferenceHelper.compareTableByTxId(AdaptationTable, long, long)
Performs a comparison between two transaction times for a table and returns the result.
Class LdapDirectoryFactory
Built-in LDAP directory factory for EBX®.
Method UserServicePropertiesDefinitionContext.setDescriptionForConfiguration(String)
Defines the service description to be displayed in a configuration context.
Method UserServicePropertiesDefinitionContext.setDescriptionForConfiguration(UserMessage)
Defines the service description to be displayed in a configuration context.
Method UserServicePropertiesDefinitionContext.setLabelForConfiguration(String)
Defines the service label to be displayed in a configuration context.
Method UserServicePropertiesDefinitionContext.setLabelForConfiguration(UserMessage)
Defines the service label to be displayed in a configuration context.
Class PublicationSpec
Specifications for publishing a single workflow.
Enum PublicationSpec.PublicationMode
Retrieves the mode of the publication.
Method WorkflowEngine.getWorkflowPublisher()
Retrieves an instance of the WorkflowPublisher class.
Method WorkflowEngine.unPublish(PublishedProcessKey, boolean, UserReference)
Unpublishes a workflow process publication.
Class WorkflowLauncherInfo
Represents information about a workflow launcher activation, including details about the launcher, associated documentation, and context variables.
Class WorkflowLauncherInfoHelper
This class provides utility methods for retrieving and processing information about available workflow launcher activations.
Interface WorkflowPublisher
Publishes one or more workflow.
Method Directory.getUserAuthenticationURI(Session)
This method allows defining a specific URL to replace the default login page.
Constant Constants.Selector.PARAM_FIRST_ELEMENT_INDEX
Method URIBuilderForBuiltin.queryParams(MultivaluedMap): URIBuilderForBuiltin