Creating a New Workflow

From the Work Files tab, users can create a new workflow within their workspace.



  1. From the Work Files tab, click Create New Workflow.

  2. Specify a name for the workflow. Names can contain letters, numbers, spaces, and any of the characters ( ) . - _. Workflows with other characters in the name cannot be created.
  3. Specify the data source to use within the workflow. Use the drop-down menu to view available data sources. If you are choosing a database data source, also select the database to use. Additional data sources can be added to the workflow later if necessary.
  4. Click Add Workflow.
    The workflow canvas appears and you can edit it. The Operator Explorer and the Data Explorer are on the left side. Drag operators or data sources onto the canvas to begin building a workflow.

    After the new workflow is saved, it is displayed in the Work Files tab listing for the workspace.

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