Workflow Menu

The menu for the Workflow canvas contains the controls to run, stop, clear, save, and revert changes to the workflow, as well as other actions.

Menu option Description
Run Runs the entire workflow. As your workflow runs, progress messages are displayed in the Results pane. When the workflow is finished, click on any operator to see its output. For more information, see >>Running a Workflow<<.
Stop Stops a running workflow. Administrators can also stop running workflows from the Administrator Console. See the >>Administrator Console<< help for more information on this option.
Clear Clears any cached results about the workflow. Use this option first to remove all previously cached results if you have selected the Step Run option on this workflow previously, and you want to rerun everything from scratch. Clearing the results is also useful for troubleshooting: modified operators do not always match their step run results.
Save Displays a dialog box where you can provide a comment, and then click Save to save this version of your workflow. This version is displayed in your workflow history and can be restored. Saving the workflow also updates the preview image of the workflow.
Save As Displays a dialog box where you can save a version of the open workflow with a different name, and without overwriting the existing workflow.

The default value for Workflow Name is appended with _1. Provide a useful name, and optionally a description. The original workflow is reverted to its previous state and closed. The new workflow is always saved to the workspace with the original.

Revert Displays a dialog box in which you can revert any changes you have made since your last save. In the dialog box, click OK to reset the workflow to its last saved state.
Note: If you want to further revert your workflows, then from the Actions drop-down list, click Flow History.
Actions Displays a drop-down list of actions appropriate to the specific role for this workflow. That is, the available options can change depending on your application role. You can learn more about the workflow actions menu at >>Workflow Actions<<.