Server Request Reference

This topic describes all of the server requests available in Workspace.

The requests are organized in the same categories as they are in the left pane of the wccApiSample application (see wccApiSample Application).

Note: Note that the server requests (including input parameters and the contents of the server response) are subject to change in future releases.

Also note that some of the items in the lists below are actually base Application-class methods. They are shown in the wccApiSample application’s Application.js only to illustrate how you can use the output of some of the server requests as input to base Application-class methods. For information about the base Application-class methods, see Application Class Methods .

The following is a summary of the available requests. Click the request name to view details about the request.

  • Organization Browsing / Resource Requests
    • listModelVersions - Returns a list of the organization model versions currently deployed.
    • listOrgModelOverview - Returns a set of organizational entities, nested as they exist in the organizational model.
    • listMappedEntities - Returns a list of resources that are explicitly assigned to the specified group or position.
    • getResourceDetail - Returns detailed information about a resource.
    • lookupUser - Determines whether or not a resource exists. If the resource exists, details of the resource can be returned.
    • listQueryResources - Returns a list of resources matching a Resource Query Language (RQL) statement.
  • Miscellaneous Requests
  • Work Item Requests
    • listWorkItems - Returns a list of the work items for the logged-in user.
    • listSupervisedWorkItems - Returns a list of work items for another resource or for an organizational entity (group, position, organizational unit, or organization).
    • cancelWorkItems - Returns currently opened work items to an unopened state. (This is actually an Application-class method — see the note above.)
    • skipWorkItems - Marks the specified work item as complete, removes it from the work item list, and causes the process to advance. It has the same affect as opening the work item and submitting it. (This is actually an Application-class method — see the note above.)
    • reofferWorkItems - Re-offers the specified work item. (This is actually an Application-class method — see the note above.)
    • getOfferSet - Returns a list of resources offered a set of work items.
    • allocateWorkItems - Allocates the specified work items to the specified resource.
    • reallocateWorkItems - Takes allocated work items and changes the allocation to another resource, optionally cancelling changes made by the original resource.
    • pendWorkItems - Hides allocated work items until a specified date / time is reached or until a specified period of time has elapsed. (This is actually an Application-class method — see the note above.)
  • Process Template and Instance Requests
    • listStartTemplates - Returns a list of process templates that require no input parameters, so they can be started directly without having to invoke a business service that might include forms.
    • startProcessInstance - Starts an instance of a process template that requires no input parameters. (This is actually an Application-class method — see the note above.)
    • queryProcessTemplateCount - Returns the number of process templates that exist.
    • listProcessTemplateAttributes - Returns a list of attributes that can be used for filtering or sorting process templates.
    • queryProcessTemplates - Returns a list of process templates.
    • listProcessInstanceAttributes - Returns the attributes associated with instances of a particular process template.
    • queryProcessInstanceCount - Returns the number of instances that exist for the specified process template(s).
    • queryProcessInstances - Returns the instances for the specified process templates.
    • queryProcessInstancesNextPage - Returns the next page of process instances — used after calling the queryProcessInstances request with the page size set to a value other than 0.
    • queryProcessInstancesPreviousPage - Returns the previous page of process instances — used after calling the queryProcessInstances request with the page size set to a value other than 0, then calling the queryProcessInstancesNext request to get the next page of process instances.
    • queryProcessInstancesFirstPage - Returns the first page of process instances — used after calling the queryProcessInstances request with the page size set to a value other than 0.
    • queryProcessInstancesLastPage - Returns the last page of process instances — used after calling the queryProcessInstances request with the page size set to a value other than 0, then calling the queryProcessInstancesNext request to get the next page of process instances.
    • queryDone - Notifies the server that no more next/previous page requests will be made for a paged list of process instances. This frees up server-side resources for managing the list.
    • suspendProcessInstance - Suspends the specified process instance. (This is actually an Application-class method — see the note above.)
    • resumeProcessInstance - Resumes (unsuspends) the specified suspended process instance. (This is actually an Application-class method — see the note above.)
    • cancelProcessInstance - Cancels the specified process instance. (This is actually an Application-class method — see the note above.)
    • resumeHaltedProcessInstance - Resumes a halted process instance so that the instance itself goes into a failed state because of the failed task. (This is actually an Application-class method — see the note above.)
    • retryProcessInstance - Causes the previously failed task to be retried so that the halted process instance can progress normally. (This is actually an Application-class method — see the note above.)
    • ignoreProcessInstance - Causes the failed task to be skipped in the halted process instance. The process instance continues processing from the point in the process after the failed task. (This is actually an Application-class method — see the note above.)
  • Business Service Requests
  • Event Collector Requests