
This request determines whether or not a resource exists. If the resource exists, details of the resource can be returned.




  • requestId - (String) Uniquely identifies the request. For more information, see Submitting Server Requests.
  • txtResourceName - (String) The name of the resource (login name) being looked up.
  • chkReturnDetail - (boolean) Indicates whether or not to return detail information about the resource.


Returns an <ap:Lookup> element, which contains the following elements:

  • <ap:Guid> - The GUID for the resource.
  • <ap:Name> - The name of the resource.
  • <ap:Dn> - The distinguished name for the resource.
  • <ap:Count> - The number of matching records found, as follows:
    • 0 if the name was not found.
    • 1 if the name was found.
  • <ap:ResourceDetail> - This element, which contains sub-elements that provide details about the resource, is included in the response only if true is passed in chkReturnDetail in the request. For information about the contents of this element, see getResourceDetail.

For example:

   <ap:Lookup Id="ApiSample.lookupUser">
      <ap:Name>Clint Hill</ap:Name>
      <ap:Alias />
      <ap:Dn />