Managing Locks on Artifacts

Administrators sometimes need to release locks, eastablished by other users. For example, when other user is not available and the locked artifact is needed for some other updates.


The user who is managing the lock should have the ALLOW permission set for the manage_locks action for the project in the RMS project's access control file. See the TIBCO BusinessEvents® Administration guide for more details on how to configure the access control file.


  1. Open the Manage Locks window using any of the following methods:
    • Click WebStudio, with the down pointing triangle in front of it, and select RMS > Manage Locks.
    • In the Group Contents section, right-click any artifact and select RMS > Manage Locks.
    The Manage Locks window is displayed.
  2. Select the project from the Project List dropdown.
    The Manage Locks window displays all the locked artifacts by all users for the project.
  3. Select the check boxes for the artifact for which you must release the lock and click UnLock.
    All the selected artifacts are now unlocked and can be updated by all users.