Viewing History of an Artifact

You could view the update performed in earlier revisions of the artifact, and also view the update performed to other artifacts in the those revisions.


  1. In the Group Contents section, right-click the artifact, of which you want to view revision history, and select RMS > Show History.
  2. The History window displays all the previous revisions of the artifact. Use the following search options and click Go to filter the results:
    Option Description
    From Select the from date using the date picker. Only revisions which are committed on or after this date are displayed.
    To Select the to date using the date picker. Only revisions which are committed on or before this date are displayed.
    Search Type the keyword to perform search in the user-name and comments fields.
  3. In the Revisions panel, select the revision of which you want to view the details. See Revisions Panel Reference for more details on the Revisions panel columns.

    A detailed list of all updated artifacts for the selected revision is displayed in the Details panel with the artifact of interest in bold. See Details Panel Reference for more details on the Details panel columns.

  4. In the Details panel, right-click the artifact and select Diff with Previous Version to view the update made to the artifact in the selected revision from the previous approved revision.

    The updates on the updated artifact are displayed highlighted in different colors for addition, deletion, and modification. Refer to the legend displayed on the editor for the significance of each highlighted color. Hover the mouse pointer over the highlighted (modified) part to see the previous value.

    The History window is minimized while the version difference for the artifact is displayed. Click the Restore Window icon of the minimized History window to restore it.

  5. Finally, click Close to close the History window.