Unlocking a Locked Artifact

Release the locks on the artifact after completing work on the artifact, so that other users can also work on the artifact.

Alternatively, you can also select the Auto UnLock on Approve/Reject property check box to release the lock on the artifact as soon as the commit on the artifact is approved or rejected. The property can be set in the Preference portlet under the Settings tab in the WebStudio UI. See Preferences Settings for more details.

You can also set up a timeout for locks using the ws.scs.lock.timeout property in RMS.cdd, after which the locks are released. See Source Control System (SCS) Property Group for more details.


  • In the Group Contents section, right-click on the locked artifact you need to unlock, and select RMS > UnLock.
    The artifact is unlocked now and the lock disappears from the artifact icon.