
The Put activity adds a row to a data grid table. Before using the Put activity, you must first create a row object and set its values in the fields. The row object must contain a value in all fields of the primary key. The value of the key is unique. If the table already contains a row with that key value, then the Put activity replaces the existing row within the table. All other fields may contain or omit values.


The following table describes the fields in the Configuration tab of the Put activity:

Field Module Property? Description
Name No Specifies the name to be displayed as the label for the activity in the process.
Description No Optional: Specifies a short description of the Put activity.
Table Yes Click to select a table.

Rows are stored to the table with the defined fields of the selected table connection.


In the Input tab, you must provide the new rows that you want to put in the table.
Note: You must provide input in all the fields specified in the table. Non-key fields are optional.


In the Output tab, you can find the operation results when you test the process.

The following table describes the field in the Output tab of the Put activity:

Output Item Data Type Description
ResultList String Specifies the HasError boolean value and the result. The result contains the HasError boolean value and the ROWs. If HasError is true, the result contains the Error message as well.

The HasError value is true when one or more results have errors.

The HasError value is false when no error occurs.

Error Output

In the Error Output tab, you can find the error code and error message of the Put activity. See Error Codes for more detailed explanation of the errors.

The following table describes the errors in the Error Output tab of the Put activity:

Error Schema Element Data Type Description
msg String The plug-in error message.
msgCode String The plug-in error code.
MyMessage String The plug-in error message with specific details, where required.