Creating a DataGrid Connection

In the Getting Started tutorial, the second task you must do using the plug-in is to create a DataGrid connection.

In the plug-in, a DataGrid shared resource represents a distributed database. The DataGrid shared resource is available at the Resources level. To use ActiveSpaces DataGrid activities, you must create a DataGrid connection and then add a table to the datagrid.


You must create a project as described in Creating a Project.


  1. Select the created project folder in the Project panel.
  2. Click the ActiveSpaces DataGrid palette icon in the Palettes panel, and drag the DataGrid icon to the Design panel. Or, right-click and select from the drop-down menu Add Resource > ActiveSpaces DataGrid > DataGrid.
    The DataGrid gets added in the Project panel.

  3. In the Configuration panel, specify the DataGrid parameters. See DataGrid Connection Parameters.
  4. Click Test Connection to validate the connection.

What to do next

After you have created a DataGrid, the next task is to add a table. See the Getting Started tutorial.