Table Connection Parameters

Given below are the parameters that you can specify for a table in a data grid after you click the Add Table button.


In the Configuration tab, you can specify the table name and define the fields.

To create a row, click .

The following table describes the fields in the Configuration tab of the Table shared resource:

Field Module Property? Description
Table Name No Specifies a name for the Table shared resource.

The name must start with a letter or a digit and can include alphanumeric characters, "-", or "_".

Column Name No Specifies a field name.
The column name must start with a letter, and can include any combination of letters, numbers, and underscores (_).
Note: The following key words cannot be defined as fields: "not", "between", "like", "or", "and", "in", "null", and "Is". These key words are case sensitive.
Column Type No Specifies a column type from the following options:
  • LONG
Key Field Names No Click to select the key fields.
Note: If the name of a field that is specified as a key is changed, you have to update the corresponding field name manually.


In the Index tab, you can select the defined fields as indexes to accelerate the filtering of data when processing queries. An index uses memory to locate matching records, which is faster than iterating through every record.

To create an index, click .

The following table describes the fields in the Index tab of the Table shared resource:

Field Description
Index Name Specifies the name of an index.

The index name is a string and must start with a letter or an underscore (_). The name can include any combination of letters and numbers.

Index Field Names Specifies the field names that are included in the index. You can create a composite index that includes more than one field.

Click to select the field names you want to be indexed.