Exporting Logs to a File

Modify the logback.xml file to export plug-in logs to a file.


  1. Navigate to the TIBCO_HOME\bw\<version_number>\config\design\logback directory and open the logback.xml file.
    Note: When deploying an application in TIBCO Enterprise Administrator, you must navigate to the TIBCO_HOME/bw/<version_number>/domains/domain_name/appnodes/space_name/node_name directory to find the logback.xml file.
  2. Add the following node to specify the file location.
    <appender name="FILE" class="ch.qos.logback.core.FileAppender">
            <pattern>%d{HH:mm:ss.SSS} [%thread] %-5level %logger{36}-%msg%n</pattern>
    The file tag defines the location to which the log is exported and its value is the absolute path to the file.
    Note: The file path must include the file name.
  3. Add the following node to the root node at the bottom of the logback.xml file to enable exporting the logs to a file.
    	<appender-ref ref="FILE" />
    <root level="DEBUG">
       <appender-ref ref="STDOUT" />
       <appender-ref ref="FILE" />
  4. Save the file.