
On the Configuration tab you can specify information to connect to Snowflake data warehouse. The Configuration tab has the following sections: General, Connection, Connection Pool, and Advanced.


The General panel fields are described below.
Field Module Property Description
Package No The name of the package where the shared resource is added.
Name No The name to be displayed as the label for the shared resource in the process.
Description No A short description for the shared resource.


The Connection panel has the following fields:
Field Module Property Description
Authentication type No Select authentication mechanism, in this version basic username and password is supported.
Account Yes Snowflake account name to be used for connection. It must be specified in the format [ account.regionid.platform ]. You can skip the regionid and platform if your region is US West and platform is Amazon Web Services (AWS).
Username Yes The user name to connect to the Snowflake data warehouse.
Password Yes The password to connect to the Snowflake data warehouse.
Login timeout (secs) Yes The time (in seconds) to wait for a successful database connection. The default value is 60 seconds.
Warehouse Yes The warehouse to run queries which is selected from a list of warehouses.
Database Yes Default Database name to be used. Optional.
Schema Yes Default Schema name to be used. Optional.
Other Properties Yes Additional connection properties in the format [PropertyName=PropertyValue;]. Optional.

Connection Pool

Field Module Property Description
Minimum connections Yes The initial number of connections that are created when the pool is started. The default value is 2.
Maximum connections Yes The maximum number of connections that can be allocated from the connection pool at the same time. The default value is 8.
Maximum connection wait (secs) Yes The maximum number of seconds that the pool must wait for a connection to be returned before throwing an exception. The default value is 300 seconds.


In the Advanced panel of the Configuration tab, you can specify additional information about the number of threads needed for processing requests.
Field Module Property Description
Service No. of Threads Yes The number of concurrent threads for processing requests to the activity.

Default value: 8. (A value less than 1 is automatically changed to the default value).