Supported Regular Expression Characters

Advanced Search and data models in LogLogic LMI support the following regular expression meta characters, based on Java regular expressions:
Characters Description
\a Matches ASCII character code 0x07.
\d Matches character in the set "0123456789".
\D Matches any byte not in the set "0123456789".
\e The escape character. Matches ASCII character code 0x1b.
\f The form-feed character. Matches ASCII character code 0x0c.
\n The new line (line feed) character. Matches ASCII character code 0x0a.
\r The carriage return character. Matches ASCII character code 0x0d.
\s A white space. Matches white space - \t \n 0x0b \f or \r.
\S A non-white space. Matches any byte not in \s.
\t The tab character. Matches any byte not in 0x09.
\w A word character. Matches any ASCII character in the set underscore, digits, or upper or lower case letter.
\W A non-word character. Matches any bytes not in \w.
\xHH Matches a byte specified by the hex code HH. There must be exactly two characters after the \x.
\Q Starts a quoted region. All meta characters lose their meaning until \E. A \\ can be used to put a backlash into the region.
\anything else Matches the next character.
\k<name> Refers to previous named capture.
[] Specifies a character class - match anything inside the brackets. A leading ^ negates the sense of the class - match anything not inside the brackets. Negated character classes are computed from the set of code in the range 0-127 - in other words no bytes with the high bit set. Within a character class the following backslash characters mean the same thing as outside the character class: \a, \d, \D, \e, \f, \n, \r, \s, \S, \t, \w, \W, and \xHH.
{num} or {num:num} Specifies a repetition count for the previous regular expression. Num must be less than 16. {num} is equivalent to {0:num}.
. Matches any byte: 0x00 - 0xFF.
+ Specifies that the previous regular expression is repeated 1 or more times.
* Specifies that the previous regular expression is repeated zero or more times.
( ) (?:) Specifies capturing or non-capturing groups.
(?<name>) Specifies capturing named groups.
| Specifies alternation.
? Specifies that the previous regular expression is repeated zero or one time.
anything else Any other character matches itself.