All Classes and Interfaces

The AuthenticationContext contains information about the client and the network connection used by a client that needs to be authenticated.
The Authentication Filter API is deprecated and will be removed in a future release.
The AutoCallbackHandler is a utility class that can be used by all JAAS clients.
A marker interface for classes representing some form of authentication credentials, e.g., a username or a password.
Service-provider interface for (passive) custom authentication.
Exception thrown by implementations of CustomAuthenticator and CustomWebAuthenticator.
The initialization context for a CustomAuthenticator.
This class represents a principal that was authenticated by a CustomAuthenticator or a CustomWebAuthenticator.
Service-provider interface for web-based custom authentication flows (based on OAuth2 or similar).
Exception thrown by implementations of CustomWebAuthenticator.
The initialization context for a CustomWebAuthenticator.
A result object returned from a CustomWebAuthenticator after successful authentication.
Represents a group principal (a principal that may contain other principals).
This class represents an universally unique identifier (UUID), also known as globally unique identifier (GUID), as defined in RFC 4122.
This class represents an universally unique identifier (UUID), also known as globally unique identifier (GUID), see UUID.
Thrown when an invalid argument is given.
Thrown when an attempt is made to perform an invalid operation (for example adding principals to an immutable group or modifying a fixed principal).
Thrown when an invalid password is given.
This class can be used as a base class for Principal implementations representing groups.
This class can be used as a base class for Principal implementations representing users.
An abstract base class for LoginModule implementations designed for username-password authentication.
Thrown when a retry of the operation without any changes by the calling application would fail.
Thrown when an operation has been requested on a principal that does not exist in the user directory.
An interface for credential classes with password properties.
An interface defining the methods that must be implemented by a class to which post authentication filtering duties can be delegated.
A PostAuthenticationFilterException is an exception indicating that a configuration error prevents the PostAuthenticationFilter from working.
The initialization context for a PostAuthenticationFilter.
Thrown when an attempt has been made to name a principal with a name that already exists on another principal in the same domain in the user directory.
Represents searchable properties (fields) of user directory principals.
The SecurityContext class contains information about an authenticated user.
Represents a principal, such as a user or a group.
Thrown when a retry of the operation without any changes by the calling application might succeed (the typical scenario would be a connection timeout).
Provides functionality to create, read, update and delete users and groups.
Thrown when an error occurs when calling the user directory.
An interface for credential classes with username properties.
Represents a user principal.
The WebAuthenticationContext contains information besides the information provided by the AuthenticationContext that is only available to CustomWebAuthenticator implementations.
Describes a web authentication provider so that it may be displayed on the login page.