Adding Decision Table Condition and Action Columns

You can add any properties that are used as arguments as conditions or actions.

However you cannot use attributes. Event and concept attributes (such as extId) are not visible. You cannot use event payloads, which are attributes. You can also create custom columns that, for example, perform comparisons between values.


  1. Drag a property from the Argument list below a decision table to the decision table editor.

    The first argument drag to the decision table editor is always added as Condition.

  2. After adding the first condition, do one of the following:
    • Drag the argument to the existing condition column to add another condition.
    • Drag the argument outside the condition column (empty space in the decision table editor) to add action column.
    • You can add new custom conditions and actions using the Custom button in the Decision Table editor.
    Note: When you add columns in a decision table, in the tree, the properties are populated just below the table you create. Expand the table name, and drag and drop properties to the condition or action column.