Message Format: TIBCO eFTL and TIBCO FTL
Although TIBCO eFTL and TIBCO FTL message formats are similar, these products encode messages for transmission using different wire formats. When forwarding a message in either direction between these frameworks, the TIBCO eFTL server converts each message appropriately.
For each FTL channel, administrators can configure an optional FTL exchange format, which governs conversion when accepting a message from the eFTL side:
- When an exchange format is present, an FTL channel converts eFTL messages to the exchange format.
Furthermore, it forwards an eFTL message only if the message matches the exchange format: that is, the data fields of the message are a subset of the fields defined in the exchange format.
If a message does not match the exchange format, the channel discards the message. The message does not travel through the channel at all: neither to the FTL side, nor back to the eFTL side.
However, exchange format does not affect forwarding into the eFTL side. That is, the TIBCO eFTL server forwards all messages from FTL publishers to eFTL subscribers.
- When an exchange format is
not present, an FTL channel converts eFTL messages to self-describing, that is, dynamic format, FTL messages.
Furthermore, it forwards all messages from eFTL publishers to FTL subscribers.