Optional Form-Data

Optional form-data fields must be specified only when you want to change the default behavior. By default, all archives in the archive file are deployed and started unless an archive of the same name is already deployed and started, in which case that archive runs without interruption or replacement.

(Optional) Specifies the settings that your application uses when deployed.

All deployment configuration cURL expressions takes the following form:

 -F "AppSettings.element1.element2=SomeValue"

Some examples:

 -F "AppSettings.localRepoInstance.encoding=UTF-8"
 -F "AppSettings.description=This%20application%20deployment%20is%20for%20validation%20testing."

Where the element is one of the following (plus any subordinate element2 where applicable):

  • description: a string describing the application
  • contact: a string to name the person responsible for the deployment
  • maxDeploymentRevision: specifies the default number of application revisions to keep in the revision history for each deployed application. Leave the value at -1 to keep all revisions by default.
  • localRepoInstance: for enabler installed components and application archives installed with continuous deployment, a local file (or directory of files) is used as the deployment repository instance.
    Note: When deploying applications, your domain is automatically configured to establish a local application repository managed by TIBCO Runtime Agent. This helps to ensure proper functionality of deployed applications when using Fast TLM restart and HTTP discovery.
  • encoding: specifies encoding for the repository instance. If this element is not specified, the encoding for the admin server is used. If the admin server is not available, the default for this element is ISO8859-1.
    Warning: All TIBCO components working in the same domain must always use the same encoding for intercommunication.
(Optional) Form-data parameter that specifies a comma delimited list of archives within the compressed files that are to be deployed. If an archives list is omitted then all archives in the application archive package is deployed. Example:
 -F "Archives=Archive_A,Archive_B,Archive_X"
(Optional) Form-data parameter specifies settings for the archive.
  • enabled: true or false. Only enabled services are deployed. Disabling a service, effectively undeploys just that service, while letting all other services in the application run as normal. This can be useful when you want to deploy an application that includes a service for which you do not have the required software. A deployment configuration cURL expressions takes the form:
     -F "ArchiveSettings.enabled=true"
  • av : Specify values for archive runtime variables with a comma-separated string with each key value pair joined by an equal (=) sign. For example:
    -F "ArchiveSettings.av=Deployment=T2.HTTP_GET-Tomcat,Domain=Mine"
(Optional) Some syntax examples:
-F "InstanceSettings.initHeapSize=64"
-F "InstanceSettings.maxHeapSize=512"
-F "InstanceSettings.threadStackSize=512"
  • description: specify any pertinent information about the binding.
  • contact: name of the person responsible for this application instance.
  • startOnBoot: when the value is true the service instance starts when the computer is restarted. The default value is false.
  • enableVerbose: when the value is set as true, the enabler for verbose tracking for service instances is activated. the default value is false.
  • maxLogFileSize: sets the maximum size (in kilobytes) that a log file can reach before the engine switches to the next log file.
  • maxLogFileCount: specifies the maximum number of log files to use. When the maximum number of log files have been written, the engine begins writing to the first log file again.
  • prepandClassPath: values supplied here are prepended to your CLASSPATH environment variable.
  • appendClassPath: items you supply here are appended to your CLASSPATH environment variable.
  • initHeapSize: specifies the initial size (in MB) for the JVM used for the process engine. The default is 32 MB.
  • maxHeapSize: specifies the maximum size (in MB) for the JVM used for the process engine. The default is 256 MB.
  • threadStackSize: specifies the size of the thread stack. The default is 256 KB.
  • iv : This element uses a comma-separated string with name-value pairs with each key value pair joined by an equal (=) sign. For example:
(Optional) Form-data parameter used to include an XML configuration file created to modify archive properties if needed. Example syntax:
 -F "configurationFile=YourConfigurationfile.xml"

Where your XML configuration file should use the same format as an enabler or component level configure.xml file with the outermost XML element as follows:

 <archiveConfig name="YourArchiveName">

For more information on writing an archive configuration file, see the "Using the Silver Fabric SDK" chapter of the Silver Fabric Enabler for TIBCO BusinessEvents Developer’s Guide.

(Optional) By default all criteria specified in the deployment properties file must be satisfied for deployment to an application endpoint, but that can be toggled to mean any (meaning logical OR) of the deployment properties criteria by setting:  -F "LogicalAnd=false"
(Optional) Specifies the directory location where the application archive(s) is deployed and what the application is named.

Where your archive application deploys and what it is called depends on what you specify with AppName. For example when you use TIBCO Designer to create an .ear file with a name like MyAppArchive, varying the AppName specification gives following behavior:

  • If the AppName form-data field is not specified, then MyAppArchive is deployed at the top level of t he Administrator directory.
  • If -F "AppName=A" is submitted in the curl request, then MyAppArchive is renamed to A and deployed at the top level.
  • If -F "AppName=A/" is sent, then the directory folder A is used or it is created and MyAppArchive is deployed within that sub-directory.
  • If -F "AppName=A/B" is sent, then the sub-directory A is used or created, and MyAppArchive is deployed there and renamed to B.
  • If -F "AppName=A/B/" is sent, then the folder A with a sub-folder B is used or created and MyAppArchive is published within sub-folder B.
    The full application name is derived from the AppName directory location and the application archive name as it is deployed.
(Optional) Redeploy, forces a stop and overwrite of a preexisting archive or set of archives with the same name. By default, ForceDeploy is set to false and so a second deployment does not overwrite a preexisting deployment of the same name. If there is a change of the archive file, ForceDeploy should be set to true so that the new application archive is redeployed. If ForceDeploy is used with -F Archives specifying a comma delimited list, only those archives are stopped, undeployed, and redeployed.
 -F "ForceDeploy=true"
(Optional) Sets global variables for use on the targeted application endpoint by the archive. You can define a comma delimited list of declarative name equals value statements using the GV form-data field.
 -F "GV=globalVariableA=123,globalVarB=SomeString"

For example, to change the JMS SSL and Rv Service ports:

 -F "GV=JmsSslProviderUrl=ssl://localhost:7555,RvService=7222"

If global variables are not defined with explicit values in the cURL statement, those values you might have set in the deployment configurationFile.xml apply.

If global variables with the same name are set by both REST statement and a specified variable provider, the value set by REST statement overwrites and takes precedence over the value set in the variable provider.

(Optional) Sets the -n parameter in the component wizard when uploading the EAR file. When deploying with REST, use the property -F "NAME=<name>"
Note: When running multiple instances of a component, the -n parameter value is changed to <name>_ComponentInstanceID to maintain the -n parameter as a unique value.
(Optional) Sets -propvar jmx_port in the component wizard when uploading the EAR file. When deploying with REST, use the property -F "JMX_PORT=<port_number>"
(Optional) Sets -p parameter in the component wizard when uploading the EAR file. When deploying with REST, use the property -F "GLOBAL_FILE=<FileName>"

For file configuration uploaded in the component : specify the GLOBAL_FILE value to ${ENGINE_WORK_DIR}/fabric/<path>/<filename>.cfg

Upload the file <filename>.cfg in the component wizard "upload a content file"with the appropriate <path>.

For deployment using REST call or file not uploaded in the component specify the full path name of the configuration file in the GLOBAL_FILE value.

The configuration file must accessible from the machine where the component run.

(Required if you are using Streambase Channel) A Uniform Resource Identifier containing information necessary to connect to a StreamBase server. Example: sb://
When deploying with REST, use the property -F "StreamBase.ServerURI=<StreamBase_Server_URI>".
(Required if you are using Streambase Channel) Name of the user if created, to connect to the Streambase server. But it can be left blank if no user is created. When deploying with REST, use the property -F "StreamBase.UserName=<User_Name>".
(Required if you are using Streambase Channel) Password to connect to the Streambase server user if created. It can be left blank if no user is created. When deploying with REST, use the property -F "StreamBase.Password=<Password>".
(Optional) Specifies one or more variable providers to set global variables for applications deployed with REST. The variable provider is a Java Class extension compiled into a JAR. It is loaded into a Silver Fabric directory with an appropriate XML so that it might be called by REST during application deployment.

Multiple comma-separated variable providers can be specified. If the same variable is in multiple providers, the value from the last provider in the list is used. For example, when specifying -F “VariableProvider=VP_A,VP_B,VP_C", if the same variable is set in VP_A and VP_B, the value in VP_B is used.

In the case there is an error in the name of the variable provider or if it does not exist, a log server error is logged and the deployment does not occur.

 -F "VariableProvider=Provider_A,Provider_B,Provider_X"