Launching the Enterprise Edition of TIBCO Clarity

An enterprise edition is available for premium subscribers. After installing the enterprise edition of TIBCO Clarity, you can launch it at your local machine.


  1. Navigate to the TIBCO_HOME/clarity/version_number directory.
  2. Read the clarity.ini or clarity.tra file to launch the enterprise edition.
    • Run the clarity.bat file to read the clarity.ini file.
    • Run the clarity.exe file to read the clarity.tra file.
    • Run the TIBCO Clarity 2.3.0 windows service to read the clarity.tra file.
    The following table lists the properties that you can modify in the clarity.ini and clarity.tra files:
    Properties in clarity.ini Properties in clarity.tra Description
    CLARITY_MEMORY tibco.env.CLARITY_MEMORY The maximum heap size of JVM for TIBCO Clarity.

    The default value is 1024m.

    CLARITY_HOST tibco.env.CLARITY_HOST The host of TIBCO Clarity.

    The default host is

    CLARITY_PORT tibco.env.CLARITY_PORT The port of TIBCO Clarity.

    The default port is 3333.

    CLARITY_DATA_DIR tibco.env.CLARITY_DATA_DIR The directory where the user data are stored.

    The default directory is Clarity_Home/data.

    CLARITY_LOG tibco.env.CLARITY_LOG The directory where the TIBCO Clarity log are stored.

    The default directory is Clarity_Home/log.

    VENDER_VIEW tibco.env.VENDER_VIEW The switch of the view mode feature.

    If you set VENDER_VIEW to true, the view mode feature is enabled.

    If you set VENDER_VIEW to false, the view mode feature is disabled.

    The default value is false.

  3. Open a web browser and enter http://IP_Address:3333/clarity to launch the enterprise edition.
  4. If it is your first time signing in to TIBCO Clarity, you have to set a password on the login page, and then click Submit.
    • The password value is a string of 8 - 16 characters, but the space character is not permitted.
    • The user name is clarity by default.
    The password is set successfully, and you are signed into TIBCO Clarity automatically.
  5. If it is not your first time signing in to TIBCO Clarity, complete the following steps:
    1. Enter your password.
    2. If you forget your password, click Forget password?, and follow the procedure in the Forget Password dialog to reset your password.
    3. If you want to sign in automatically next time, keep the Stay signed in check box selected. Otherwise, clear this check box.
    4. Click Sign in.


The home page of TIBCO Clarity is displayed.