Migrating projects from SAP ECC to SAP S/4HANA

You can migrate the Invoke RFC BAPI in SAP activity of TIBCO ActiveMatrix BusinessWorks™ Plug-in for SAP Solutions to the Consume OData Service activity of TIBCO ActiveMatrix BusinessWorks™ Plug-in for SAP S/4HANA projects.


Before migration, install the TIBCO ActiveMatrix BusinessWorks™ Plug-in for OData Services for SAP S/4HANA 6.2.0 in <TIBCO_HOME>.
Note: Before migration, backup the original TIBCO ActiveMatrix BusinessWorks™ Plug-in for SAP Solutions project.


  1. Start TIBCO Business Studio.
  2. Right-click on a new project or an imported project and select Refactor > Migrate Plugin Activities
  3. In the Migrate Plugin Activites wizard, in the Select the BusinessWorks Projects: section select the check box for the project to migrate and for the Options select the Migrate Invoke RFC BAPI in SAP Activity to Consume OData Service Activity check box. By default these are already selected.
  4. Click the Preview button to preview the processes to migrate. You can manually select the processes that you want to migrate and click OK.
    An additional mapper activity is created after the Consume OData Service activity. This mapper activity acts as a wrapper between the SAP Schema and the S/4HANA schema. All the migrated projects are displayed in the Project Explorer view at the parent level.

    The input fields of the Invoke RFC/BAPI in SAP activity are mapped to the input fields of the Consume OData Service activity defined in the sapecc2saps4hana.json file. A new SAP S/4HANA Connection Resource is created when a project is migrated for the first time based on the values provided in the sapecc2saps4hana.json file.

    Note: Before migrating the project, add the JSON template file manually in the project. For more information, see Working with Preference File (JSON) for SAP ECC to SAP S/4HANA migration.