Creating and Configuring an SAP TIDManager Shared Resource

To manage the check of duplicate IDoc messages published from the SAP system, create an SAP TIDManager shared resource.

The SAP TIDManager shared resource is only used in the IDoc Listener activity.


The SAP TIDManager shared resource is available at the Resources level. Ensure that you have created a project. See Creating a Project for details.


  1. Expand the created project in the Project Explorer view.
  2. Right-click the Resources folder and click New > SAP TIDManager to open the SAP TIDManager wizard.
  3. In the SAP TIDManager dialog, the resource folder, package name, and resource name of the SAP TIDManager shared resource are provided by default. If you do not want to use the default configurations, change them accordingly. Click Finish to open the SAP TIDManager editor.
    Note: In a project, all the SAP TIDManager shared resources cannot use the same name, even if the shared resources belong to different packages.

  4. From the TID Management resource list, select a mode:
    • None: the check of duplicate IDoc messages is disabled. The database table is not required.

      If the system or application that receives the IDocs can handle the duplicate IDoc messages, select None from the TID Management resource list.

    • Active: the check of duplicate IDoc messages is enabled. The database table is required to store the TID information.

      For the supported databases, see the readme file.

  5. If you select Active from the TID Management resource list, configure the SAP TIDManager shared resource to do the check of duplicate IDoc messages:
    1. From the Database Driver list, select a JDBC driver according to the type of the database to be connected.
    2. Specify values for the following fields:
      • Database URL: the URL of the database to be connected.
      • Username: the valid user name used to connect to the database.
      • Password: the valid password corresponding to the user name.
    3. Click Test Connection to validate the connection.
  6. Click Save.