Error Codes

The following tables list error codes, detailed explanation of each error, and where applicable, ways to solve different errors.

SAP Connection Error Codes
Error Code and Error Message Role Category Description Solution

Starting Shared Resource {0}.

debug BW-Plug-in The SAP Connection shared resource {0} is being started. None.

Updating Shared Resource {0}.

debug BW-Plug-in The SAP Connection shared resource {0} is being updated. None.

Stopping Shared Resource {0}.

debug BW-Plug-in The SAP Connection shared resource {0} is being stopped. None.

Deleting Shared Resource {0}.

debug BW-Plug-in The SAP Connection shared resource {0} is being deleted. None.

Set the default value of thread number for SAP Shared Resource {0}, current value is {1}, default is 8.

debug BW-Plug-in The invalid value is specified for thread number, instead use the default value. None.

Created the thread pool for SAP Shared Resource {0}, thread number is {1}.

debug BW-Plug-in Indicates the information on the thread pool for a specific SAP Connection Shared Resource. None.


debug BW-Plug-in Debug information [{0}] is generated when a JCoException is received, a function is being removed from cache, or the server connection status is changed. None.

Reconnect attempt {0} for connection {1}

info BW-Plug-in This information is generated to notice that the SAP client or server connection {1} is trying to reconnect for the {0}th attempt. None.

Connection disconnected

info BW-Plug-in This information is generated when the SAP client connection starts to be reconnected. None.

Activated timer to check connectivity to R/3 for connection-pool {0}

info BW-Plug-in This information is generated when the SAP client connection starts to be reconnected. None.

Using SNC with Logon Groups connection

info BW-Plug-in Indicates the current connection type is SNC with Logon Groups connection. None.

Server connection {0} will not be initialized: {1}

warn BW-Plug-in The server connection {0} cannot be initialized when creating a server connection with the combination of the program ID, gateway host, and gateway service that have already been used by another server connection. None.

Creating Shared Resource {0} failed.

error BW-Plug-in Creating the SAP Connection shared resource {0} fails. Check the items in the error message.

Connection Error. Unable to create a connection with the target application {0} using connection parameters {1} and the target application error is {2}

error BW-Plug-in Creating a client connection to the application server {0} fails.

The SAP JCo error is {2}.

Check the client connection parameters.

Client connection {0} is invalid

error BW-Plug-in The client connection {0} is invalid. Check the client connection parameters and the network connectivity.

Connection Error. {0} stopping due to persistent connection errors to the SAP R/3 system(s)

error BW-Plug-in The client or server connection {0} is stopped because of the persistent connection errors. Check the client or server connection parameters and the network connectivity.

Server connection {0} is invalid: {1}

error BW-Plug-in The server connection {0} is invalid. Check the server connection parameters and the network connectivity.

Starting Shared Resource {0} failed.

error BW-Plug-in Starting the SAP Connection shared resource {0} fails. Check the items in the error message.

Server Error: {0}

error BW-Plug-in The server error {0} occurs. Check the server connection parameters, the network connectivity, and whether the SAP system is shut down.

Server Exception: {0}

error BW-Plug-in The server exception {0} occurs. Check the items in the error message.

Server connection pool: {0} suspended due to exceeded attempts to connect to SAP system

error BW-Plug-in The server connection pool is suspended when the server connection cannot be established after the maximum time interval between two successive attempts. Check the server connection parameters, the network connectivity, and whether the SAP system is shut down.
SAP TIDManager Error Codes
Error Code and Error Message Role Category Description Solution

Starting Shared Resource {0}.

debug BW-Plug-in The SAP TIDManager shared resource {0} is being started. None.

Updating Shared Resource {0}.

debug BW-Plug-in The SAP TIDManager shared resource {0} is being updated. None.

Stopping Shared Resource {0}.

debug BW-Plug-in The SAP TIDManager shared resource {0} is being stopped. None.

Deleting Shared Resource {0}.

debug BW-Plug-in The SAP TIDManager shared resource {0} is being deleted. None.

Creating Shared Resource {0} failed.

error BW-Plug-in Creating the SAP TIDManager shared resource {0} fails. None.

Starting TIDmanager Shared Resource {0}.

error BW-Plug-in Starting the TIDManager shared resource {0} fails. None.

Can't register JDBC driver {0}.

error BW-Plug-in The JDBC driver for the TID management cannot be registered. None.

Can't deregistered JDBC driver {0}.

error BW-Plug-in The JDBC driver for the TID management cannot be unregistered. None.

Sql Exception {0}.

error BW-Plug-in The SQL exception occurs in the database. None.

Table TIDManager does not exist in database, the URL is \u201C{0}\u201D, Please create table first!

error BW-Plug-in The database table for the TID management does not exist. None.
SAP Palette Error Codes
Error Code and Error Message Role Category Description Solution

Using JMS as Messaging Source

debug BW-Plug-in Indicates the message source that has been used. None

Using Kafka as Messaging Source

debug BW-Plug-in Indicates the message sourc that has been used. None

Received invocation request for {0} with invocation protocol {1}.

trace BW-Plug-in Indicates the information on request. None.

Completed invocation request for {0} with TID {1}.

trace BW-Plug-in Indicates the completion of request. None.

Received IDoc(s). RFC Function=[{0}], IDOC Name=[{1}], Number=[{2}], Receiving Partner=[{3}], Count=[{4}].

debug BW-Plug-in The information about the request from the SAP system is displayed. None.

Start marshaling the IDoc, Transaction ID is [{0}].

debug BW-Plug-in The IDoc marshal is started. None.

Finish marshalling the IDoc, the elapsed time is [{0} ms], Transaction ID is [{1}].

debug BW-Plug-in The IDoc marshal is finished, and the elapsed time is [{0} ms]. None.

Message has been sent to queue [{0}] successfully. The content of message is {1}

debug BW-Plug-in An IDoc message is sent to the queue [{0}] successfully, and the content of the message is {1}. None.

Error occurred when processing the IDoc. The error message is [{0}].

error BW-Plug-in The error [{0}] occurs when processing the IDoc. None.

Message has been sent to Topic [{0}] successfully. The content of message is {1}

debug BW-Plug-in An IDoc message is sent to the Topic[{0}] successfully, and the content of the message is {1}. None

Kafka Producer started.

debug BW-Plug-in Indicates that the Kafka Producer has been started. None

Shutting down Kafka Producer.

debug BW-Plug-in Indicates that Kafka Producer has been shutdown. None

Received the raw type of IDoc from the queue [{0}]. IDoc Name=[{1}], IDoc Number=[{2}].

debug BW-Plug-in The information about the IDoc in raw type received from the queue [{0}] is displayed. None.

Output has been generated. The content of the output is {0}

debug BW-Plug-in An IDoc message is converted into the XSD format. The converted content is {0}. None.

Connection Exception occurred. EventSource will deactivate.

error BW-Plug-in The EMS server is not accessible. Start the EMS server.

On exception in IDoc Parser from AbstractJmsReceive. Started value is [{0}].

debug BW-Plug-in An exception is returned from AbstractJmsReceive. None.

On stop in IDoc Parser from AbstractJmsReceive. Started value is [{0}].

debug BW-Plug-in The stop method is invoked by AbstractJmsReceive. None.

The IDocParser failed to a generate a new event due to schema mismatch. The IDoc set for IDocParser[{0}], the IDoc received [{1}].

error BW-Plug-in The IDoc Parser activity fails to generate a new event due to the schema mismatch. None.

Failed to create connection to the JMS server. {0}

error BW-Plug-in Creating connections to the EMS server fails. Check the JMS Connection shared resource and whether the EMS server is running.

Unable to find destination [{0}] on JMS server

error BW-Plug-in The JMS destination [{0}] cannot be found on the EMS server. Check whether the specified destination exists on the EMS server.

Error occurred when attempting to create MessageConsumer

error BW-Plug-in An error occurs when creating a message consumer. Check the JMS Connection shared resource and whether the EMS server is running.

Error occurred when attempting to receive a JMS message

error BW-Plug-in An error occurs when receiving a JMS message. Check the activity configuration, the JMS Connection shared resource, and whether the EMS server is running.

Error occurred when attempting to send a JMS message

error BW-Plug-in An error occurs when sending a JMS message. Check the activity configuration, input data, JMS Connection shared resource, and whether the EMS server is running.

Error occurred when attempting to resolve destination

error BW-Plug-in An error occurs when resolving the destination. Check the JMS Connection shared resource and whether the EMS server is running.

Invalid configuration data. JMS connection reference is not specified.

error BW-Plug-in The JMS connection reference is not specified. Check the activity configuration for the JMS Connection reference.

Posting the Acknowledgment IDoc to the client. TID=[{0}].

debug BW-Plug-in The plug-in is posting an acknowledgment IDoc to the client. None.

For IDoc=[{0}] posted the Acknowledgment IDoc to the client. TID=[{1}].

debug BW-Plug-in The acknowledgment IDoc with TID=[{1}] for IDoc=[{0}] is posted the to the client. None.

Error occurred when posting an acknowledgment to IDoc [{0}] to SAP, error message=[{1}]

error BW-Plug-in The error [{1}] occurs when posting an acknowledgment to the IDoc [{0}] to the SAP system. None.

Both the successMessage and the errorMessage are missing in the input data, will have no acknowledgment sent back to SAP, the Acknowledgment to the IDoc [{0}] will be skipped.

debug BW-Plug-in Both the successMessage and the errorMessage items are missing in the input data, and no acknowledgment is sent back to the SAP system. The acknowledgment to IDoc [{0}] is to be skipped. None.

Received message from the queue [{0}]. TID = [{1}], The correlationID = [{2}].

debug BW-Plug-in The information about the IDoc confirmation message from the queue [{0}] is displayed. None.

Successfully invoked function [{0}]. TID = [{1}], IDoc Number = [{2}].

debug BW-Plug-in The IDoc number related to the TID = [{1}] is returned by invoking function [{0}] successfully. None.

Successfully invoked function [{0}]. IDoc Number = [{1}], IDoc status = [{2}].

debug BW-Plug-in The IDoc status for the IDoc with IDoc number being [{1}] is returned by invoking function [{0}] successfully. None.

Received message from the queue [{0}]. The correlationID is [{1}]. The error message is [{2}].

debug BW-Plug-in The IDoc Confirmation activity receives a confirmation message with the error message [{2}] from the queue [{0}] with JMS correlation ID being [{1}]. The error message includes information related to the reason the IDoc fails to be sent to the SAP server. Check the structure of the IDoc that fails to be sent to the SAP server.

On exception in IDoc Confirmation from AbstractJmsReceive. Started value is [{0}].

debug BW-Plug-in The status [{0}] of JMS is displayed when an exception is returned from JMS in the IDoc Confirmation activity. Check the JMS Connection shared resource and whether the EMS server is running.

Acknowledged the message with the ID [{0}] from the queue [{1}].

debug BW-Plug-in The confirmation message is confirmed from the queue [{1}] with JMS correlation ID being [{0}]. None.

Acknowledged the message with the ID [{0}] from the queue [{1}].

debug BW-Plug-in The information about the output of the IDoc Confirmation activity is displayed. None.

JMS Exception occurred, the error message is [{0}].

error BW-Plug-in The error [{0}] occurs when trying to confirm the message but the JMS is not in an appropriate state. Check the JMS Connection shared resource and whether the EMS server is running.

IDoc sent to SAP via qRFC. IDoc number is unavailable. The original TID is [{0}].

debug BW-Plug-in The original TID [{0}] is displayed in the IDoc Confirmation activity if the IDoc is sent to the SAP server through qRFC by the IDoc Reader activity. None.

RFC function execution failure : {0}; function name : [{1}].

error BW-Plug-in The error [{0}] occurs if an exception is returned from the SAP server when invoking the function [{1}]. Check whether the IDoc exists on the SAP server.


debug BW-Plug-in The input of the Job Data view is displayed. None.


debug BW-Plug-in The output of the Job Data view is displayed. None.


debug BW-Plug-in The data in the console is displayed. None.

JCo Attributes {0}

trace BW-Plug-in JCo attributes are displayed. None.

Dynamic connection {0} is closed.

trace BW-Plug-in The dynamic connection is closed. None.

Context timeout for transaction is {0} ms

trace BW-Plug-in The context of the transaction times out. None.

Context Timeout for transaction context in dynamic connection activity either contains no or invalid value, value defaulted to 30000ms{0}

trace BW-Plug-in The context of the transaction times out. No value or an invalid value is specified for the contextTimeout input item of the Dynamic Connection activity. The default value of 30000 milliseconds is used. None.

Reply to RFC/BAPI Listener Activity: {0}, Job ID: {1}, CPIC Conversation ID: {2}

debug BW-Plug-in Displays the Job ID and CPIC Conversation ID of the RFC/BAPI Listener activity. None.

Received a message in the RAW format. IDoc Number = [{0}].

debug BW-Plug-in An IDoc message in raw format is received. None.

Received a message in the XML format. IDoc Number = [{0}].

debug BW-Plug-in An IDoc message in XML format is received. None.

Posting the IDoc to the client. TID=[{0}], IDoc Input Mode=[{1}].

debug BW-Plug-in An IDoc is being posted to the client. None.

Posted the IDoc to the client. TID=[{0}].

debug BW-Plug-in An IDoc is posted to the client. None.

The transaction is confirmed. The TID is [{0}].

debug BW-Plug-in The transaction of posting an IDoc to the SAP system is confirmed. None.

Confirmation report has been published on the queue [{0}].

debug BW-Plug-in A confirmation report is published in the confirmation queue [{0}]. None.

Received the message of IDoc from the queue [{0}]. IDoc Name=[{1}], IDoc Number=[{2}]

debug BW-Plug-in An IDoc message is received from the queue [{0}]. None.

Acknowledged the message with the ID [{0}] from the queue [{1}].

debug BW-Plug-in The received message with the ID [{0}] is acknowledged. None.

Posting the IDoc to the client. TID=[{0}], IDoc Input Mode=[{1}].

debug BW-Plug-in An IDoc is being posted to the client. None.

Posted the IDoc to the client. TID=[{0}].

debug BW-Plug-in An IDoc is posted to the client. None.

The transaction is confirmed. The TID is [{0}].

debug BW-Plug-in The transaction of posting an IDoc to the SAP system is confirmed. None.

On exception in IDoc Reader from AbstractJmsReceive. Started value is [{0}].

debug BW-Plug-in An exception is returned from AbstractJmsReceive. None.

On stop in IDoc Reader from AbstractJmsReceive. Started value is [{0}].

debug BW-Plug-in The stop method is invoked by AbstractJmsReceive. None.

Confirmation report has been published on the queue [{0}].

debug BW-Plug-in A confirmation report is published in the confirmation queue [{0}]. None.

Received a message in the RAW format. IDoc Number = [{0}].

debug BW-Plug-in An IDoc message in raw format is received. None.

Received a message in the XML format. IDoc Number = [{0}].

debug BW-Plug-in An IDoc message in XML format is received. None.

The connection to EMS server has been established.

debug BW-Plug-in The connection to the EMS server has been established. None.

The segment instance {0} does not contain attribute {1}

debug BW-Plug-in The attribute is absent in the segment instance, see log for details. None.

The default values will be used

debug BW-Plug-in Show default value is used as attribute is absent in the segment instance. None.

Segment name: {0} added

debug BW-Plug-in Show the segment name added for EDI_DD40, see log for details. None.

Received message IDoc Number = [{0}].

debug BW-Plug-in Received message IDoc Number = [{0}]. None.

Received message IDoc Name = [{0}].

debug BW-Plug-in Received message IDoc Name = [{0}]. None.

Doc XML parsing with Input mode = [{0}].

debug BW-Plug-in IDoc XML parsing with Input mode = [{0}]. None.

Input IDoc XML parsed successfully.

debug BW-Plug-in Input IDoc XML parsed successfully. None.

Unable to convert string "{0}" to {1} for {2} in {3}, data suppressed.

warn BW-Plug-in The string {0} in the {2} field cannot be converted to the data type {1} in the {3} tab. Check the field configuration.

Invalid SAP Connection reference. SAP Connection is not specified.

error BW-Plug-in The SAP connection is not specified for the activity. Specify the SAP connection for the activity.

Invalid Server Connection reference or Server Connection is disabled. Please pick a enabled sever connection.

error BW-Plug-in The server connection reference is invalid, or the server connection is disabled. Select an enabled server connection.

Cannot get server connection {0}

error BW-Plug-in Using the server connection {0} fails. Check the server connection parameter.


error BW-Plug-in Initializing the RFC BAPI Listener activity fails. Check the program ID, gateway service, or gateway host in the SAP connection.


error BW-Plug-in Failed to dump IDoc to file. Check the specific error message.

Invalid Client Connection reference. Please check your connection configuration.

error BW-Plug-in Invalid Client Connection reference. Check your connection configuration.

Context timeout is Zero, cannot continue RFC invoke in context

error BW-Plug-in The timeout value of the context is zero. Reset the timeout value for the context.

Invalid Connection for pool {0}

error BW-Plug-in The connection to the connection pool {0} is invalid. Check the connection parameters.

Cannot find transaction with SessionID: {0} to Continue.

error BW-Plug-in Finding the transaction with the session ID {0} fails. Check the session ID.

Request Response error. ErrorMessage : {0}

error BW-Plug-in The error {0} occurs when the RFC/BAPI request fails. Check the configuration parameters.

The transaction committed failure for RFC function : {0} errorMessage: {1}

error BW-Plug-in The error {1} occurs when the transaction of the function {0} fails to be committed. Check the configuration parameters.

RFCBAPI Listener error. Timeout waiting for reply, Function: {0}.

error BW-Plug-in The response of the function {0} times out. Check the configuration parameters.

Request Response error. errorMessage : {0}

error BW-Plug-in The error {0} occurs when failing to find the function in the SAP system. Check the function configuration.

RFC error encountered and AutoCommit would be skipped for RFC function : {0} error: {1}

error BW-Plug-in The error {1} occurs, and the function module {0} can skip the automatic commit. Check whether the return TYPE is "S" or " " or "I" in the case of the associated TYPE starting with "BAPIRET" from EXPORT parameters and TABLE parameters on the SAP server.

Transaction with SessionID: {0} timed out.

error BW-Plug-in The transaction with the session ID {0} times out. Check the earlier error messages in the log file.


error BW-Plug-in Reconnecting to the SAP system fails. Check connection parameters and the network connectivity.

There is an empty string or invalid character at the attribute of connection type. {0}

error BW-Plug-in An empty string or invalid character exists in the value of the connectionType input element. Check the value of the connectionType input element.

Created Dynamic connection failed. -{0}

error BW-Plug-in Creating a dynamic connection fails. None.

SessionID Invalid, please check whether mapping it.

error BW-Plug-in The session ID of the Dynamic Connection activity is invalid. Check the value of the seeionID input element.

Unexpected scene. {0}

error BW-Plug-in An unexpected scene happens. None.

Error in posting IDOC. ErrorMessage : {0}

error BW-Plug-in The error {0} occurs in Post IDoc to SAP activity while posting the IDoc. None.

Error occurred when trying to send the confirmation message. The error message is [{0}].

error BW-Plug-in The error {0} occurs when trying to send the confirmation message. None.

Error occurred when initialization. The error message is [{0}].

error BW-Plug-in The error [{0}] occurs when initializing the Post IDoc to SAP activity. None.

Error occurred when initialize the confirmation IDoc destination [{0}]. The error message is [{1}].

error BW-Plug-in The error {1} occurs when initializing the confirmation IDoc destination [{0}]. Please check that the EMS server is up and running and destinations are allowed to be created on it

Could not find the mandatory property EDI_DC40 in the message.

error BW-Plug-in The mandatory property EDI_DC40 cannot be found in the message. Provide input to mandatory input field in the EDI_DC40 section of input

Sent the message to the error destination [{0}], due to the error [{1}].

error BW-Plug-in An IDoc is sent to the error destination [{0}] because of the error [{1}]. None.

Error occurred when initialization. The error message is [{0}].

error BW-Plug-in The error [{0}] occurs when initializing the IDoc Reader activity. None.

Could not find the mandatory property EDI_DC40 in the message.

error BW-Plug-in The mandatory property EDI_DC40 cannot be found in the message. Provide input to mandatory input field in the EDI_DC40 section of input

Error occurred when getting JCo attributes. The error message is [{0}].

error BW-Plug-in The error {0} occurs when getting JCo attributes. None.

Error occurred when initialize the error IDoc destination [{0}]. The error message is [{1}].

error BW-Plug-in The error {1} occurs when initializing the error IDoc destination [{0}]. Please check that the ems server is up and running and destinations are allowed to be created on it

Error occurred when initialize the confirmation IDoc destination [{0}]. The error message is [{1}].

error BW-Plug-in The error {1} occurs when initializing the confirmation IDoc destination [{0}]. Please check that the ems server is up and running and destinations are allowed to be created on it

Error occurred when trying to send the confirmation message. The error message is [{0}].

error BW-Plug-in The error {0} occurs when trying to send the confirmation message. None.

Application will try to establish the connection in 3 seconds.

error BW-Plug-in The plug-in tries to establish the connection in 3 seconds. None.

Error occurred during the inbound process, the error = [{0}]

error BW-Plug-in IDoc Reader generic Error. None.

Sent message to the error destination {0}. {1}.

error BW-Plug-in Indicates the mismatch error occurs. None.

Error in preparing raw IDOC. ErrorMessage : {0}.

error BW-Plug-in Unexpected errors while parsing XML IDoc. Please check the XML data.

Error occurred when initialization. The error message is [{0}].

error BW-Plug-in Error while initializing the IDoc Renderer. Please check the connection parameters, initialization parameters.

Failed to create connection to the KAFKA server. Check SAP Connection shared resource's 'Message Source Configuration' tab and if the KAFKA server is running.

error BW-Plug-in Indicates that Kafka server is not running. None

Error occurred while sending IDoc to Kafka Server. The error message is [{0}].

error BW-Plug-in Indicates there was some problem in sending IDoc to Kafka server and detailed error message is: {0}. None