Setting Up Log Levels
You can configure a different log level for the plug-in and plug-in activities to trace different messages.
If you do not configure any log levels, the plug-in uses the default log level of TIBCO ActiveMatrix BusinessWorks. The default log level is Error.
- Navigate to the TIBCO_HOME/bw/version_number/config/design/logback directory and open the logback.xml file.
Add the following node in the
BusinessWorks Palette and Activity loggers area to specify a log level for the plug-in:
<logger name=""> <level value="DEBUG"/> </logger>
The value of the level element can be Error, Info, or Debug.
Note: If you set the log level to Debug, the input and output for the plug-in activities are also displayed in the Console view. See Log Levels for more details regarding each log level. -
Optional. Add one of the following nodes in the
BusinessWorks Palette and Activity loggers area to control a log level for the activity.
- For example to control the log level for the IDoc Acknowledgment activity, set the following parameters:
<logger name=""> <level value="TRACE"/> </logger>
The value of the level element can be Trace, Warn, Error, Info, or Debug.
Note: The activities not configured with specific log levels use the log level configured for the plug-in.Logger names for each activities are as follows:- IDoc Acknowledgment
- IDoc Confirmation
- IDoc Listener
- IDoc Parser
- IDoc Reader
- Post IDoc to SAP
- IDoc Renderer
- Invoke RFC BAPI in SAP
- RFC BAPI Listener
- Reply from RFC BAPI in SAP
- Dynamic Connection
- Save the file.