Track - Connection Details

From the Track - Connectivity page, click Add or double-click an existing connection, and then the Connection Details page is displayed.

The following table describes the items that are available on the Track - Connection Details page:

Item Description
Connectivity Name Type a name for the connection.
Endpoint Name (Optional) Type an RV endpoint name, or click the icon to select one.
Note: When you select an RV endpoint name from the Endpoint Name list, the Daemon (URL) field is filled in accordingly. It is editable after signing in with a user privileges to access Define.
Daemon (URL)

Type a URL, and the syntax of it is:

host: port


  • host is the URL or IP address of the machine on which the Rendezvous daemon runs.
  • port is the TCP port number.

These values match the ones which the Mainframe Service Tracker is connected to.

By default, this field is set to RV.daemon.url:7500.

CHECK Click this icon to check whether the RV Daemon URL is valid.

If the URL is valid, the Checked successfully message is displayed; otherwise, an error message is displayed.

Network Type the IP address of the network, if applicable.
Service Type the UDP service port for the Rendezvous daemon.

The default, this field is set to 7555.

In the Rendezvous Subject Names area, the following items are available:
Jobstep Type the Rendezvous subject name with which the Tracker Server publishes the message on the related job.

By default, this field is set to tibtrk.jobstep.

Resend Type the Rendezvous subject name to which the Tracker Server listens for RESEND requests.

By default, this field is set to tibtrk.resend.request.

Alert Type the Rendezvous subject name to which the Tracker Server sends all alert messages.

By default, this field is set to tibtrk.usermsg.

SYSLOG Type the Rendezvous subject name to which the Tracker Server publishes all SYSLOG messages of interest.

By default, this field is set to tibtrk.logmsg.