Configure - Recipe Service Details

From the Configure - Services: Recipes page, click Add or double-click an existing recipe, and then the Recipe Service Details page is displayed.

Note: This page is only available when privileges are granted by the master user.

The following table describes the items that are available on the Recipe Service Details page:

Item Description
Name Type a recipe name.
Description Type a short description for this recipe.
Interface Name Type an interface name, or click the icon to select one.
Interface Name (alternate) Type an alternate interface name, or click the icon to select one.
Connection Type a connection, or click the icon to select one.
Disable on Error (#) Enter the number of errors used before the recipe is disabled.
Disable on Error (%) Enter the percentage of errors used before the recipe is disabled.
Trace Level Enter the trace debug level used for an individual recipe process. The trace level must be 0 or 1 unless TIBCO Support requires the output.
Note: A certain amount of overhead and many lines of output are produced when this value is greater than 1.
Input Conversion Type the name of the conversion rule used for input conversion, or click the icon to select one.
Output Conversion Type the name of the conversion rule used for output conversion, or click the icon to select one.
Resource Name Type the name of the resource.
SS-Id Filter This item applies to EMS TOPIC destination and RV subjects. If you select this check box, each input message on this recipe is checked for EMS property or RV field named tibss-ss-id.
Interface Extension Depending on the interface name that you specified, one of the following panels is available:
  • CICS Details

    For more information about the items in this panel, see CICS Details.

  • RED Details

    For more information about the items in this panel, see RED Details.

  • IMS Details

    For more information about the items in this panel, see IMS Details.

  • Administration Details

    For more information about the items in this panel, see Administration Details.

Connection Extension Depending on the connection you specified, one of the following panels is available:
  • EMS Details

    For more information about the items in this panel, see EMS Details.

  • RV Details

    For more information about the items in this panel, see RV Details.

CICS/RED Details

The following table describes the items that are available in the CICS Details panel or the RED Details panel:

Item Description
Method of Invocation Select the method used to initiate the transformation that is being configured.
Method of Reply Select whether data is expected to be output from the transaction processing the application.
Mirror Transaction ID Specify the CICS-specific field used to invoke different transactions for Substation ES to CICS communications during runtime.
CSMI User Transaction If this is a CSMI user transaction, select this check box.
In the Remote Region Execution area, the following items are available:
Transaction ID Type a four-character identifier that specifies the transaction responsible for running the program on the remote CICS system.
System Name Type a four-character system identifier that specifies the CICS region where the program is ultimately run. This is referred to as SYSID in CICS terms.
In the Container (CTN) Extended Options area, the following items are available:
Channel Name Type the name of the channel to be set up when container data input and output is used.
Container Name Type the name of the container to be set up when single container input and output is used. The default value is the resource name.
Container Invocation Select the method of container invocation. Program is for a program link, and Transaction is to start a transaction in CICS.
Container Creation Select the type of the container:
  • Single is for the single container.
  • Message is for multiple containers which are driven by message fields. The number of containers is determined by message fields.
Forward Destinations as Container If this check box is selected and the process has multiple containers without conversion rules, Substation creates two additional containers named "tibss-ListenTo" and "tibss-ReplyTo" and sends them to CICS. These containers contain the corresponding destination or subject names of this service.
In the Multi-Execution area, the following item is available:
Resource Enter the name of the resource. Up to five resources can be specified.

IMS Details

The following table describes the items that are available in the IMS Details panel:

Item Description
Method of Invocation Select the method used to initiate the transformation that is being configured.
Variable Length Transaction Indicates whether the IMS transaction ID provided in the Resource Name field is less than eight characters.
Transaction Length Enter the length of the Transaction Field that IMS is using.
Security Check Select the type of the SAF check performed by the OTMA interface.
Segment Break (8 hex) (No 0x00 or 0x40) Type the 8 hex characters that represent the segment separator in the message.
Segment Length Type the segment length used to segment request messages.

The value of 0 indicates that the length used is the value of BUFFLEN - SRB, which is defined in the IMS SIP member.

MFS Map Name Type the MFS Map name to use.
Natural Stack Command Type the Natural Stack Cmd to input a natural Command that must be passed from a recipe to the OTMS interface.

Administration Details

The following table describes the item that is available in the Administration Details panel:

Item Description
Method of Invocation Select the method that initiates the transformation that is being configured.

EMS Details

The following table describes the items that are available in the EMS Details panel:

Item Description
Listen-to Destination (Required) Type the destination for which Substation ES listens to invoke a given transformation.
Type Select a type for the listen-to destination, that is QUEUE or TOPIC.
Response Destination Type the outbound destination on which a message is published by a transaction process.
Type Select a type for the response destination, that is QUEUE or TOPIC.
Respond Always When this check box is selected, the response is sent as follows:
  • To a temporary ReplyTo destination and Response Destination, if ReplyTo Destination is not specified in the input message and Response Destination is specified.
  • To ReplyTo Destination, if ReplyTo Destination is specified in the input message and Response Destination is not specified.
  • To ReplyTo Destination and Response Destination, if ReplyTo Destination is specified in the input message and Response Destination is specified.
  • To a temporary ReplyTo Destination, if ReplyTo Destination is not specified in the input message and Response Destination is not specified.

When this check box is not selected, the response is sent as follows:

  • To Response Destination, if ReplyTo Destination is not specified in the input message and Response Destination is specified.
  • To ReplyTo Destination, if ReplyTo Destination is specified in input message and Response Destination is not specified.
  • To ReplyTo Destination, if ReplyTo Destination is specified in the input message and Response Destination is specified.
  • To a temporary ReplyTo Destination, if ReplyTo Destination is not specified in the input message and Response Destination is not specified.
Dynamic Destination Length Enter the number of bytes to be used for the dynamic destination name.
Start Enter the starting offset in the buffer to be used for the dynamic destination name.
Usage Limit Enter the maximum number of concurrent messages to be processed by an ESB endpoint for this recipe.

This parameter is only valid with EMS transports.

Error Message Destination Type the destination that an error message is published on if Transformer conversion or BES encounters errors.
Type Select the error destination type, that is TOPIC or QUEUE.
SMSL Mode Select the SMSL mode.
Delivery Mode Select the delivery mode.
Durable Subscriber Select this check box to start the Listen-to Destination as a durable subscriber.
Durable Client ID Type the client identifier in a durable connection.
In the Output Message Properties area, the following items are available:

In the Value field, enter the priority value for the EMS message.

Valid values are in the range 0 - 9, and the default value is 4.

Expiration In the Value field, enter the expiration value for the EMS message, and then from the Unit list, select the unit for the EMS message expiration value.
Compression If you want to compress the EMS message for storage on the server, select this check box.
Preserve If a message is removed from its queue by the EMS server for reasons other than being consumed, the server checks the property of this message. If you select this check box, this message is placed in the undelivered message queue of the server.
Body Trace

If you select this check box, tracing for this destination generates trace messages that include the message body.

Message Type Select the type of the EMS output message, that is Bytes, Map, Stream, or Text.
Copy JMSCorrelation Copies the JMSCorrelationID value from an inbound message and puts it in the output message.

Options in this list include Yes, No, Envelope, Message Id, and Correlation Id or Message Id.

In the EMS Properties area, the following items are available:
Add Click this button to add a new EMS property.
Delete Click this button to delete a selected EMS property.
Replicate Click this button to replicate an EMS property.
Type Select the type of the EMS property, that is Value, Buffer, Message, or System.
Purpose Select the purpose of the EMS property.
Property Name Type the name of the EMS property.
  • For Value type property, type a value.
  • For Buffer type property, the value is selected from the buffer fields list of output conversion.
  • For System type property. the value is not editable.
EMS Selector This is a free-form field for specifying a selector statement. A message selector is a string that contains an expression. The syntax of the expression is based on a subset of the SQL92 conditional expression syntax.

RV Details

The following table describes the items that are available in the RV Details panel:

Item Description
Listen-to Subject (Required) Type the subject for which Substation ES listens to invoke a given transformation.
Reply-to Subject The reply subject name for the recipe service.
Reply-to Always When this check box is selected, the response is sent as follows:
  • To a temporary Reply-id Subject and Reply-to Subject, if Reply-id Subject is not specified in the input message and Reply-to Subject is specified.
  • To Reply-id Subject, if Reply-id Subject is specified in the input message and Reply-to Subject is not specified.
  • To Reply-id Subject and Reply-to Subject, if Reply-id Subject is specified in the input message and Reply-to Subject is specified.
  • To a temporary Reply-id Subject, if Reply-id Subject is not specified in the input message and Reply-to Subject is not specified.

When this check box is not selected, the response is sent as follows:

  • To Reply-to Subject, if Reply-id Subject is not specified in the input message and Reply-to Subject is specified.
  • To Reply-id Subject, if Reply-id Subject is specified in the input message and Reply-to Subject is not specified.
  • To Reply-id Subject, if Reply-id Subject is specified in the input message and Reply-to Subject is specified.
  • To a temporary Reply-id Subject, if Reply-id Subject is not specified in the input message and Reply-to Subject is not specified.
Dynamic Subject Length Enter the number of bytes to be used for the dynamic subject name.
Start Enter the starting offset in the buffer to be used for the dynamic subject name.
Usage Limit Enter the maximum number of concurrent messages to be processed by an ESB endpoint for this recipe.

This parameter is only valid with EMS transports.

Error Message Subject Type the subject that an error message is published on if Transformer conversion or BES encounters errors.