Real Time: IMS

You can use the Real Time: IMS page to monitor the IMS interfaces.

Note: This page is only accessible after you establish a connection to Substation ES.

The following table describes the items that are available on the Real Time: IMS page:

Item Description
Output - Connection Name Displays the current active connection. You can also select a connection from this list.
Search Type an IMS interface name as the keyword in the search box to retrieve IMS interfaces.
Interface Displays the name of the IMS interface.
Status Displays the status of the interface, that is Connected or Disconnected.
Endpoint Displays the endpoint name of the IMS interface.
Connection Status Bar Displays the number of each status of interface.

If you click a status bar, the interfaces that are in this status are filtered and displayed accordingly.

Double-click an interface, and then the IMS Interface Details page is displayed. For more information, see IMS Interface Details.