Click this button to start tracking alerts.
Click this button to pause tracking alerts after tracking is started.
Click this button to stop tracking alerts after tracking is started.
Track ID
Displays a combination of the MVS system and subsystem identifiers of the Tracker server, which publishes the message.
Message ID
Displays the identifier of the message.
Displays the severity code of the message.
Displays the message type:
- Alert means that the message is an alert from a Tracker server subsystem.
- Notify means that the message is a notification from a Tracker server subsystem.
Displays the content of the message.
Displays the sequential number of the message.
Support Action
Displays the action-required items, if any.
Issue Source
Displays the related program or source of the issue in question.
Issue Source Sub
Displays the related subprogram or subsource of the issue in question.
Issue Correlation
Displays additional information, if any.
Host Name
Displays the name of the machine on which the job runs.
Host Platform
Displays the related platform, such as BATCH or CICS, of the issue in question.