Running the installer

This procedure walks you through running the Spotfire Statistics Services installer as you add the first node in a new cluster.


  1. License Agreement: Read the license agreement and if you agree to the terms, select I accept the terms of the License Agreement.
  2. Installation type: Select Cluster: Manager Node.
  3. Installation Path: Either accept the default, type a path, or choose a path.
  4. Cluster Share: Type or choose a path that is available to all computers in the cluster. It can be a local or a network path.
  5. Service Name: Accept the default name (SplusServer) or type a different service_name.
    Note: You can install multiple instances of Spotfire Statistics Services on a single computer with the following conditions:
    • The service name for each service must be unique.
    • They cannot share the same home directory or cluster share directory.

    The service_name is used in several places. It is used as the name of a new directory under the path that you typed in the Installation Path panel. For example, if you accept the default service name, in 64-bit Windows, the path is C:\Program Files\TIBCO\statsvcs1010\<service_name>.

    • On Windows computers, the name of the Windows service is TSSS1010<service_name>. The <service_name> is also appended to the service display name; for example, http://servername:port/(SplusServer).
    • On UNIX/Linux computers, this string is used when you register the init script.
  6. Ports (Panel 1): For the Main Service Port, either accept the default or type a port number for the service. For the JMX Monitoring Port, either accept the default or type a port number.
    Note: The port numbers must be unique for each Spotfire Statistics Services instance on the computer.
  7. Ports (Panel 2): If you plan to use a front-end proxy or load balancer, select AJP; otherwise, select HTTP.
  8. Ports (Panel 3): Select the communication method to use.
    • Multicast protocol communicates by sending short packets (datagrams), which can be received by all the nodes listening on a specific Multicast address and port. This protocol uses Java built-in support for object serialization to serialize and deserialize the messages sent using this protocol. This protocol provides a simple messaging bus that allows all nodes to stay in sync and distribute the workload with a very low overhead. However, the Multicast protocol uses UDP to transmit messages, and UDP packets can be dropped by switches and firewalls. To minimize packet loss, we recommend you use Multicast only if all the nodes of the cluster are physically located on the same subnet. Multicast protocol cannot be used for cloud computing.
    • Messaging (JMS) is a very reliable messaging protocol, but it requires more resources from both manager and worker nodes to provide support for cluster messaging. You must specify JMS Messaging if your server is running on a cloud. Otherwise, you should choose this protocol only if Multicast is unavailable or unreliable in a given networking context.

      Spotfire Statistics Services has its own built-in JMS support and does not require a separate JMS server product. Note that you cannot alter or substitute embedded JMS service that is based on Apache Active MQ.

  9. Ports (Panel 4):
    • If you chose Multicast, for Cluster Multicast Discovery Port, either accept the default or type a port number. For Cluster Multicast Group Address, either accept the default or type an Multicast IP address.
      Note: The combination of the Multicast IP address and port must be unique for each Spotfire Statistics Services cluster in your organization.
    • If you chose Messaging (JMS), for Cluster Messaging Port, either accept the default or type a port number.
  10. Service URL: Provide the URL for your load balancer. If you are not using a load balancer, accept the default.
  11. Management User: (Manager nodes only.) Provide the user name and password for authentication when using a JMX tool such as TIBCO Hawk or jconsole (for example). The default user name is admin. These credentials are written to a server configuration file to provide secure job monitoring. The credentials provided for this management node are used cluster-wide.
    These credentials are specific to this Spotfire Statistics Services cluster installation, and because they are stored in a server configuration file, we highly recommend not using your login credentials.
  12. Service User:
    • On Windows computers, to configure Spotfire Statistics Services, type the credentials for the service account.
    • On UNIX/Linux, the service runs in the context of the user that you are using to run this installer.
    For both Windows and UNIX/Linux, the specified account must have read/write access to SPSERVER_SHARE, as well as permission to access any other Spotfire Statistics Services resources.
  13. Pre-Installation Summary: Review your selected options, and then click Install or press ENTER.
    The Installing TIBCO Spotfire Statistics Services<service_name> panel appears while the server is installed and configured.
  14. Install Complete: Click Done or press ENTER.
    Note: If you encounter issues with the installation, you should review the installation log file at SPSERVER_HOME/Install_SplusServer.log.