Checkpoint Properties

You cannot write data into a checkpoint after it has been created, but ActiveSpaces does provide the ability to query or retrieve data contained in a checkpoint.

ActiveSpaces supports the following properties for checkpoints:
The property is set so that a named checkpoint is used as the data source for the session's read operations (GET, Iterator, Queries, or Statements). Write operations (PUT, DELETE) do not support this property.
The property is set so that a named checkpoint is used when retrieving metadata for the data grid or tables.
Set this property to TIBDG_STATEMENT_CONSISTENCY_SNAPSHOT when using checkpoints for reading data. Since a checkpoint is already globally consistent, you must not use global consistency when reading or querying with checkpoints.
See the API documentation on the following methods:
  • tibdgConnection_CreateSession
  • tibdgConnection_GetGridMetadata
  • tibdgSession_CreateStatement
  • tibdgTable_CreateIterator
  • tibdgTable_Get
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