The tibdg Commands That Support Interaction

Certain tibdg commands, such as tibdg rollback, tibdg gridset remove can result in the reset of a grid and an inadvertent deletion of all the data within the grid. Therefore, such commands now require interactive confirmation from the user before they are run. To run any of these commands in an unattended environment, use the [-f|--force] flag to run without confirmation.

If you do not specify the [-f|--force] flag, these commands prompt to confirm their execution. If you specify [-f|--force] flag, these commands are run by force. The following commands support interaction by using the [-f|--force] flag:
  1. tibdg rollback create
  2. tibdg gridset remove
  3. tibdg gridset setPrimary

tibdg rollback create

Creates a rollback record.

tibdg rollback create [-f|--force] <checkpoint id>
Example of not using the -f flag:
tibdg --grid myGrid -r http://user-mbp:1234 rollback create A38F799B-2FC3-A800-B31B-3EDB0247FE9C
Enter yes to confirm rollback create. yes (the "yes" must be typed in by the user)
Rollback record 2CA87BE5-246D-48A1-9A19-9672A0BDF26A created for checkpoint A38F799B-2FC3-A800-B31B-3EDB0247FE9C
Example of using the -f flag:
tibdg --grid grid1 -r http://user-mbp:1234 rollback create -f 145B29B0-73D9-A900-9BDB-177A18B91594
Rollback record F740B3B0-B316-4736-9130-1C7CB049F06B created for checkpoint 145B29B0-73D9-A900-9BDB-177A18B91594

tibdg gridset remove

Removes a member grid from a gridset.

tibdg gridset remove [-f|--force] [-p|--makePrimary] <gridset> <grid>
Example of not using the -f flag:
tibdg --grid grid1 -r http://user-mbp:1234 gridset remove -makePrimary gridset1 grid2
Enter yes to confirm gridset remove. yes (the "yes" must be typed in by the user)
Grid grid2 removed from gridset gridset1
Example of using the -f flag:
tibdg --grid grid1 -r http://user-mbp:1234 gridset remove -f -makePrimary gridset1 grid2
Grid grid2 removed from gridset gridset1
The gridset remove command has an important change in behavior. In ActiveSpaces 4.0, gridset remove removed a mirror grid from the gridset, without deleting any of its data. From ActiveSpaces 4.1.0, the mirror grid removed from the gridset is cleaned of all the data. Remember that a mirror grid removed from the gridset does not have any data in it after it is removed.

tibdg gridset setPrimary

Sets the primary grid in a gridset.

tibdg gridset setPrimary [-f|--force] <gridset> <grid>
Example of not using the -f flag:
tibdg --grid grid1 -r http://user-mbp:1234 gridset setPrimary gridset1 grid2
Enter yes to confirm gridset setPrimary. yes (the "yes" must be typed in by the user)
Grid grid2 is now primary for gridset gridset1
Example of using the -f flag:
tibdg --grid grid1 -r http://user-mbp:1234 gridset setPrimary -f gridset1 grid2
Grid grid2 is now primary for gridset gridset1